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1886 “Ajax and Cassandra” [by Solomon J. Solomon]; Same scene from Pompeii fresco Homerus (UVM)UVM.

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Presentation on theme: "1886 “Ajax and Cassandra” [by Solomon J. Solomon]; Same scene from Pompeii fresco Homerus (UVM)UVM."— Presentation transcript:

1 1886 “Ajax and Cassandra” [by Solomon J. Solomon]; Same scene from Pompeii fresco Homerus (UVM)UVM

2 Athena, Cassandra and Ajax Corinthia (Perseus)Perseus [Paseas Painter, 520 BCE]Paseas Painter, 520 BCE

3 Aeneas, Ascanius and Anchises fleeing Troy (F. Barocci, 1596) Isis (Univ. Texas, with three other images of Aeneas fleeing Troy)Univ. Texas

4 Diomedes and Aeneas at Troy Tyszkiewicz painter 490-480 BCE Sequana (Perseus)Perseus [Diomedes wounds Aeneas with a boulder in Homer’s Iliad 5, 300]

5 Perseus (sic – Aeneas) carrying Anchises from Troy Class of Toronto 315 Painter, Archaic period Leucothea (Perseus)Perseus [Aphrodite on left, Creusa on right?]

6 J. Brueghel, “The Burning of Troy”, ca. 1671-2 Lupus, Cephisia (Stanford indep. study on the mortal women of the Trojan war)Stanford indep. study

7 Ajax, Cassandra and statue of Athena Athenian RF hydria 480-475 BCE Oleosa (Beazley Archive)Beazley Archive

8 Scenes of Troy Malus (Classical Mythology, Princeton University)Classical Mythology, Princeton University

9 Achilles and Ajax, BF amphora by Exekias, 540-530 BCE Artemidorus (Beloit, “Trojan War Art Museum”)Beloit, “Trojan War Art Museum”

10 “Andromache Mourning Hector,” Jacques-Louis David, 1783 Scintilla (Boston College Honors Seminar; webpage on Andromache)Andromache

11 Dionysos and four satyrs Five warriors in combat Menatius Minor (Perseus)Perseus [Lysippides painter ca. 530 BCE]

12 Homerus’ playful side: USCUSC; Prof. James Murray, U. Wash. website: wife at Troywife at Troy

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