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Java Power Tools: A Foundation for Interactive GUI Exploration Viera K. Proulx, Richard Rasala, Jeff Raab HCI 2001 Conference New Orleans, LA August 10,

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Presentation on theme: "Java Power Tools: A Foundation for Interactive GUI Exploration Viera K. Proulx, Richard Rasala, Jeff Raab HCI 2001 Conference New Orleans, LA August 10,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Java Power Tools: A Foundation for Interactive GUI Exploration Viera K. Proulx, Richard Rasala, Jeff Raab HCI 2001 Conference New Orleans, LA August 10, 2001 NSF DUE CCLI-EMD 995-0829

2 GUI Design Requirements l Easy installation of GUI components l Recursive behavior (enable, save contents…) l Robust input processing l Easy creation of action control gadgets l Simple yet robust graphics support l Easy extraction of information from views l Easy setting of the view contents from the program

3 Benefits of easy-to-build GUIs l Programming courses –Focus stays on algorithmics and OO design l GUI design process –Focus is on user’s needs and expectations l Learning and exploration –Easy to provide multiple views of data –Easy to provide persistent display of current state –Easy to install controls for exploration

4 Building GUI with JPT Toolkit GUI building (single statement each): l Create GUI object l Install GUI object in the display l Extract information l Display information

5 JPT (Java Power Tools) l String as communication medium l Model encodes/decodes String l View extracts/displays String l Action button linked to action

6 The Stringable Interface l This interface applies to data models l Data is Stringable if one can encapsulate its state in a String l All data built in layers from the basic types is Stringable l The data in image or sound files is Stringable since one need only capture the file name not the detailed data l Stringable is naturally recursive

7 The Displayable Interface l This interface applies to views l A view is Displayable if its user input can be encapsulated into a String l All views that use widgets whose user data can be expressed as String’s can recursively be interpreted as Displayable l Note that Displayable captures only the user input state not the full state of the view

8 Example 1: Simple Adder l 5 TextFieldViews l 2 Actions –Add –Clear l Model –4 int inputs: x, y, z, w –1 int output: sum

9 Example 1: Simple Adder l TextFieldView –Construct xTFV –Install in GUI with annotation “X:” –int x = xTFV.demandInt(); –xTFV.setViewState(x + “”);

10 Example 1: Simple Adder l action –Construct add action object –Define function add(); –Install add action as a button in GUI ActionsPanel (with given label) –Link from button to action is automatic

11 Key Issues: l Recursion is the king –Combine simple Displayable GUI components into larger Displayable GUI components … –Combine simpler Stringable models into a larger Stringable model… l requestObject() … setViewState(…)

12 Example 2: Polygon Painter

13 BufferedPanel Point2DView ArrayPanel of Point2DViews and more ActionsPanel

14 Example 2: Polygon Painter private void paintPoly(){ // get the graphics context to draw the polygon Graphics2D G = window.getBufferGraphics(); Polygon mypoly = (Polygon)polygonView.demandObject(); // set paint color to user color choice G.setPaint(color.getColor()); mypoly.paintPolygon(G); repaint(); }

15 PushDown Automata Explorer Language: { a i b j c k where i = j or i = k for i > 0 }

16 PushDown Automata Explorer

17 Turtle Class Explorer myTurtle.setPaint(0, 0, 255); myTurtle.step(50.0); myTurtle.turn(60.0); myTurtle.setPaint(255, 0, 255); myTurtle.step(50.0); myTurtle.turn(60.0); myTurtle.setPaint(255, 0, 0); myTurtle.step(50.0); myTurtle.turn(60.0);

18 Race: Process Priorities


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