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Everything you need to know about Holland By Years 5 & 6 Charlton-on-Otmoor Primary SChool.

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2 Everything you need to know about Holland By Years 5 & 6 Charlton-on-Otmoor Primary SChool

3 Geography of Holland The country can be split into two areas: the low lands in the west and north, and the higher lands with hills in the east and south. The low lands make up about half of its surface area and are less than 1 metre above sea level, most of it actually below sea level. A range of sand dunes and seawalls protect the Netherlands from the sea, and also more protection along the rivers protects against river flooding. The Netherlands is mostly flat; only in the extreme south of the country does the land rise to any extent, in the foothills of the Ardennes mountains. Holland is usually taken to be a country, but is in fact a county in the country of the Netherlands. In fact, Holland only takes up 13% of the entire country.

4 Architectural Design in Holland Housing and housing facilities in Holland and the Netherlands are very much the same as the rest of the world, with simple accessories such as dishwashers, washing machines, flushing toilets, beds, armchairs, sofas, televisions and much more besides. Buildings in big towns and cities are usually designed in a very grand manor, with simple facilities such as supermarkets being designed in the fashion of a museum, or any other grand building. Windmills are quite common buildings in Holland, so much so that the county has become famous for them.

5 Traditions Holland is famous for traditions including tulips, windmills, bicycles, canals, clogs and the colour orange.

6 Did you know.........? The surface of the Netherlands is 41,528 square kilometres. The population is 16.5 million. The average temperature in January is 2.8 degrees Celsius! On average Dutch people are the tallest in the world. All people have a bike and there are 2x more bikes than cars.

7 Religions 45% have no religion 17% Protestant 27% Roman catholic. Since 1600, in Southeast, North and West is Calvinist.

8 Food & Drink They eat more liquorish than any other country, over 2 million kilograms. They are very famous for their fries. They drink milk for breakfast and lunch. They eat bread, fruit and dairy products. They like vittervallen. They eat a lot of garlic.

9 Canal boats and houses The tilted houses are called Dancing Houses. There are 2500 houseboats in Amsterdam. There is more than 4,000 km of navigable canals, lakes, and rivers in Netherlands.

10 Holland has 32,000km of cycle paths and 2 times more bikes than cars. Some people ride bikes to work every day and then come back on there bikes. Some people travel by Ferry to go on their holidays. Some Dutch people normally fly by plane to other countries as well or private jets

11 Sport Netherlands football Football is the most popular sport in the Netherlands and they also play tennis, golf, handball, volleyball, ice skating, hockey and cycling. Ajax, Feyenwood and PSV are some Netherland teams and two famous footballers Robin Van Persie and Robben Dirt Kuyt. And in the Netherlands had won 24 medals in the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics.

12 School System You start Primary school at 3 or 4 then leave at 12. Normally you don`t have uniform in primary school or secondary school.

13 Windmills in Holland In Holland, windmills are very famous. They make water and flour. Windmills are very old fashioned. They are normally made out of wood.

14 Here is a picture of a Dutch windmill.

15 Groningen Groningen has a population of 193,250. Every fifth person in Groningen is a student, which gives Groningen the highest student population in the Netherlands.

16 Here is a picture of Groningen.

17 CLOTHESCLOTHES In everyday life, the Dutch wear typical, modern Western-style clothing. Traditional folk costumes vary from region to region. Wooden shoes or clogs are also distinctive aspects of Dutch folk costumes.

18 LANGUAGELANGUAGE The people in the Netherlands speak Dutch These are some words in Dutch : Hello- hallo Goodbye- afscheid My name is- mijn naam is I would like- heb ik ook Food and drink- eten en drinken Please- alstublieft

19 ` The Top 3 Most Famous Dutch Artist Rembrandt van Rijn He was a painter and an etcher who lived 15 th July 1606- 4 th October 1669 Vincent van Gogh March 30 th 1853 – July 29 th 1890 Post-impressionist painter. M.C. Escher 17 th June 1898 – 27 th March 1972 M. C. Escher was a graphic artist. He is known for his often mathematically inspired woodcuts, lithographs, and mezzotints.

20 Flowers in Holland In Holland there is a river of flowers.

21 Holland History Holland used to be a wet land with lots of river and lakes everywhere.

22 Anglo-Dutch Wars This picture shows an attack on the Medway during the Anglo- Dutch Wars which happened in the 17 th and 18 th Centuries. These were over fighting for control of the sea trade routes.

23 World War 2 In 1939 when the War broke out, Holland wanted to be neutral. In 1940, however, the Germans invaded and occupied Holland and took control. The Dutch police helped the Germans to send a lot of Jewish people to concentration camps. Some Dutch people tried to resist the Germans and help The Allies. Holland was liberated by 1945 when the war ended.

24 This part of the slide show is about Music!!!! Tiesto – a Dutch trance music DJ. He ranked at #1 on DJ magazines annual top 100 DJ’s poll consecutively for three years from 2002 to 2004. He performed in the opening ceremony at the 2004 summer Olympics in Athens. In April 2007 Tiesto launched his radio show Tiesto’s club live on radio 538.

25 Famous landmarks One of the most famous art landmarks in Holland is the Van Gogh museum he was the best artist out of Holland. He has so many paintings he has two buildings for one museum.

26 Famous Landmarks One of the other famous land marks is called Keukenhof which is the biggest flower field in the world it fills 79 acres and it has7 million flower bulbs.

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