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The artistic Work The artistic Work Peter Janssen 1906 - 1979.

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1 The artistic Work The artistic Work Peter Janssen 1906 - 1979

2 Peter Janssen, a German painter, who was very active and productive during his lifetime, has left a big legacy. Unfortunately after his death in 1979 his great work was allowed to sleep - until now. As his grandchildren, we are determined to make his work accessible again to all who gain pleasure from and appreciate good art.

3 Peter Janssen comes from a family with a long artistic tradition The great grandfather Tamme Weyert Theodor Janssen, 1816 -1894 painter and lithographer and co-founder of the Duesseldorf artist association „Malkasten“ The grandfather Peter Janssen, 1844 -1908 painter and director of the Duesseldorf Academy of Arts and well-known painter of historical scenes. The sculptor Karl Janssen born in 1855 was the brother of the Academy Director Peter Janssen. His work is closely connected with the historical development of art at the Duesseldorf Academy of Arts.

4 In 1923, at the age of 17, he began his studies at the Duesseldorf Academy of Arts and was a student of Karl Ederer, Johan Thorn-Prikker and Heinrich Nauen. In the winter of 1925/26 he joint the artists´ association „Junges Rheinland„focussed around Johanna „Mutter“ Ey. There, he was in close contact with artists such as Max Ernst, Jankel Adler, Kurt Georg Becker, Jean Paul Schmitz, Bruno Goller and Matthias Barz. Important Stages Ischia 1929 / Oil on canvas, 60 x 80 cm

5 1926 –1928 Studies at the Academie de la Grande Chaumiere, Paris 1930 Peter Janssen married his first wife Inga Ida Marie, nee Rödmann. Around this time his name and his work were both very well acknowledged in the Duesseldorf art scene, which is reflected in the possitive critics of the media during this period.. Inga Janssen 1936 /Oil on canvas 80 x 60 cm Childrens Carnival 1938 / Oil on canvas, 80 x 98 cm

6 In 1935 the Nazis forbade him to paint. The period from 1933 to 1945 Peter Janssen was descibed in his biography as „absent“. He travelled a lot in these years to avoid his arrest and spent time in America, England and Spain. In 1944 he was arrested and deported to a concentration camp from which he managed to escape. Good friends gave him shelter in Duesseldorf and helped him to hide until the end of the war. Document with the prohibition to work as a painter

7 In 1949 he joined the newly founded artist association „Neue Rheinische Sezession“. With the painters Bruno Goller, Karl Barth, Otto Coester, Oswald Petersen, Robert Pudlich, Max Peiffer- Watenphul and Wilhelm Teuwen he formed the group of artists, who subscribed to the modest direction, i.e. objective painting. In contrast to the more progressive painters such as Joseph Fassbender, Ewald Matare, Georg Meistermann, Otto Ritschl and Hann Trier, who were following the abstract direction. Landscape Schnellenburg 1947 / Oil on canvas, 65 x 80 cm Still Life with Parrot 1949 / Oil on canvas, 81 x 65 cm

8 In 1952 Peter Janssen was awarded the“Cornelius-Preis“by the City of Duesseldorf. „To activelly sponsor art is one of the most distinguished committments of our city", was the comment in the press release of the "Düsseldorfer Nachrichten" in 1952. For the competition „The Image of the German City“ held by the city of Duesseldorf in 1955, Peter Janssen won first price with his painting "Die Düsseldorfer Königsallee".

9 When Peter Janssen left his hometown Duesseldorf in 1957, he accepted the offer of professorship for the Academy of Fine Arts in Berlin. He first led the introductory course and later took over the painting class. Sella (II) 1957/ Oil on canvas, 120 x 110 cm View of Vevey 1958 / Oil on canvas, 80 x 60 cm

10 Now his interest focussed on objects of daily life such as hats, fruit, glasses, bottles, flowers and ribbons, which he arranged as still life. The orderly design of his paintings is significant for the paintings of his Berlin period. Three-Storey-Tree 1964 / Oi on canvas, 135 x 125 Inkpot 1966 / Oi on canvas, 70x 50 cm Table with Melon and Pear 1967 / Oil on canvas, 80 x 100 cm Peter Janssen, who performed his teaching assignment with success and enthusiasm retired in 1971. Still very active he died in 1979 at the age of 72 in Berlin. Back to the Homepage

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