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The Research Process Fleet RISD. Why think about the Research Process? Research is integral to the creative process Visual and written research.

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Presentation on theme: "The Research Process Fleet RISD. Why think about the Research Process? Research is integral to the creative process Visual and written research."— Presentation transcript:

1 the Research Process Fleet Library @ RISD

2 Why think about the Research Process? Research is integral to the creative process Visual and written research include these stages: brainstorming & mapping, searching & discovering, evaluating, developing, seeking feedback, reviewing & critiquing, refining & reflecting The research process can provide structure, inspiration, and depth to your studio and written work Whether for a visual or written assigment, research develops one’s critical thinking

3 choose topic brain storm formulate thesis gather sources evaluate sources review & revise final revision cite sources Day 1 Day 5Day 12Day 8 Recording the Research Process Research can be recorded as a timeline,

4 Recording the Research Process as a list of numbered steps, source:

5 Recording the Research Process or as a visual diagram

6 Envision research beginning like a stone being dropped into still water

7 IDEA the research process begins with your initial thought or idea develop your idea by brainstorming words, names, imagery sketch or visually map the various aspects of your idea formulate questions create lists of synonyms and related topics add broader or narrower terms

8 Reference sources Investigate your topic by using Reference sources use print & online encyclopedias, dictionaries, indexes, & thesauri use RISD Online Reference sources go to RISD Library’s website: > Resources > Reference find an overview of your topic which places it in its larger cultural context write down terminology, dates and place names related to your topic identify the people associated with your topic view the concept mapping tutorial - make a concept map of your topic > Resources > Tutorials contact a RISD Art Librarian to help you locate reliable Reference sources on your topic and to get help with the research process Contact librarians at: > Departments > Reference

9 Write a thesis statement review your notes create a statement that clearly defines and describes your topic check in with your instructor about your thesis statement Thesis statement

10 Search the RISD/Athenaeum catalog go to the RISD Library website: use the catalog search box at the top of the screen or go to RISD/ATH Catalog on the QUICK LINKS

11 Search the RISD/Athenaeum catalog search by keyword, title, author, subject Truncate words with an asterisk * to search variant forms of the term and to get more search results example: paint*= searches for paint, paints, painted, painter, painting once an initial search has been done in the RISD/ATH catalog, use the SEARCH BROWN button to repeat the search in Brown’s catalog. RISD / ATH catalog

12 Search for Articles go to RISD Library’s website: > Resources > Articles read the database descriptions - select databases related to your topic ask your instructor or a librarian to recommend databases to search limit search results by a date range or to scholarly journals search multiple databases - not just one make a list of the keywords, synonyms, and subject headings that describe your topic use the article’s subject heading hypertext links to find related articles search E-Journals for full text journals by title: Resources > E-Journals Article databases

13 Search for Articles - 24/7 Off Campus Access start at > Resources > Articles select databases related to your topic a login window will open type in your first or last name as it appears on the FRONT of your RISD ID type in the 14-digit Barcode number on the BACK of your RISD ID It starts with 3444400… if your login doesn’t work, contact the Library for help, 709-5901

14 Images & multimedia RISD Online Image Resources > Resources > Images visit the Picture Collection & Materials Library, RISD Library, 2nd floor search for dvds in the catalog by adding the keyword dvd or modify a keyword search to the Location RISD MEDIA Search for Images & Multimedia

15 Search Area Libraries for Resources Brown Univ. Libraries Providence Public Libraries HELIN Libraries Athenaeum Library

16 the RISD Library Community Athenaeum Library RISD Library & the Athenaeum share an online library catalog. The Athenauem is located across the intersection from the College Building on Benefit Street. RISD students can check out 5 books for 4 weeks. Renew online at My Record Brown University Libraries CHiL (College Hill Library Consortium) Search Brown’s catalog from the RISD/ATH catalog by using the SEARCH BROWN button. Borrowing privileges and on-site database access for all RISD students. Register first at RISD then at Brown’s Rockefeller Library. Check out 5 books for 4 weeks. Renew online at My Josiah HELIN Libraries Consortium of 11 academic and 14 health sciences libraries which share an online catalog. On site access to the libraries but no borrowing privileges. Providence Public Libraries Providence Community Libraries Access and borrowing privileges upon registration.

17 Search other online catalogs & websites google books google scholar google patents museum websites digital collections government websites

18 Request items through Interlibrary Loan (ILL) ILL - Interlibrary loan ILL requests take 1-2 weeks to arrive - plan ahead online forms: > Services > Interlibrary Loan RISD Library can request books & articles that are not available locally from reciprocal lending libraries via the ILL Service

19 Review and evaluate all your sources Evaluate sources Evaluate the sources you have gathered using the following criteria: Currency, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy, Purpose

20 Evaluating Print & Online Resources Currency: the timeliness of the information Relevance: the importance of the information for your needs Authority: the source and authorship of the information Accuracy: the reliability and correctness of the information Purpose: the reason the information exists source:

21 Cite sources Citing Sources Used select a citation style and use it consistently Not sure what needs citing? View the plagiarism tutorial: > Resources > Tutorials

22 Review & repeat the research process review the process; if needed, repeat steps in the process allow time to reflect upon & refine your work Review & revise

23 Working with a Librarian - a snapshot listen - as you discuss your class assignments and studio projects translate - your art & design ideas or questions into effective ways to think about, search for, and locate information bridge - any gaps between your subject domain and using library resources - the librarian's domain of expertise filter - offer ways to think critically about the information you encounter RISD Library Reference Desk - Library 1st floor, 709-5902, > Departments > Reference WORK SMART - Ask a Librarian for help

24 finis

25 ellen petraits

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