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Lesson 1 Toolbar Review Office 2003 Creating a Document.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 1 Toolbar Review Office 2003 Creating a Document."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 1 Toolbar Review Office 2003 Creating a Document

2 What toolbar is this?

3 Formatting toolbar

4 What toolbar is this?

5 Standard toolbar

6 What toolbar is this?

7 Menu toolbar

8 What bar is this?

9 Status bar

10 What is this?

11 Task pane

12 What button is this? What toolbar is this button on?

13 Open document Standard toolbar

14 What buttons? What toolbar are these buttons located?

15 Undo/Redo Standard toolbar

16 What bar is this?

17 Task bar

18 What button is this? What toolbar?

19 Format painter Standard toolbar

20 What button? What toolbar?

21 Line spacing Formatting toolbar

22 What toolbar? Format

23 Menu toolbar

24 What button is this? What bar? OVR

25 Overtype Status bar

26 What bar? CRL2 Quiz

27 Title bar

28 What button is this? What toolbar?

29 Preview Standard toolbar

30 What button is this? What toolbar?

31 Outside border Formatting toolbar

32 What are these? What bar?

33 Opened documents Task bar

34 Now you are able to identify buttons and parts of the Word window

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