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Dissection Bird Groups General Characteristics.

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3 Dissection

4 Bird Groups

5 General Characteristics

6 Feathers

7 Adaptations

8 Miscellaneous

9 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500

10 The name of the organ that mechanically digests food

11 Gizzard

12 The name of the organ that stores food

13 Crop

14 x

15 Pancreas

16 X

17 Lung

18 Name three non- feathered structures from the bird dissection that aid in flight

19 Coracoid process, the keel, and the pectoral muscle, hollow bones, air sacs.

20 Hawks, Falcons, and Owls

21 Birds of Prey

22 Macaws, Cockatoos and Love Birds

23 Parrots


25 There are two large category of birds: birds that fly and don’t. Give the name of these two categories.

26 Ratites (don’t fly) and Carinates (fly) Bonus Question (300): What do carinates possess that ratites don’t have?

27 What group does this bird belong in?

28 Cavity-nesting bird (woodpecker)

29 Give one unique characteristic of this bird’s group.

30 Flightless Must move by running or swimming

31 Unlike reptiles, birds regulate their body temperature using this method

32 Endothermic regulation

33 The name and number of the chambers of the heart

34 Atria and ventricle; 4 chambers

35 Specialized scales are also called

36 Feathers

37 First bird-like fossil

38 Archaeopteryx

39 List three things about birds that are not found on other previously studied organisms

40 1 ovary, keel, feathers, hollow bones

41 Which feathers are used for flight?

42 Tail and flight feathers (the first two)

43 What are the three types of feathers?

44 Down, contour, and powder down

45 What is the name of the structure indicated by the 1?

46 The vane of the feather

47 What is the name of the structure indicated by the 3?

48 Barb (hooks to keep feathers together)

49 What would be the predominant feather found on this bird?

50 Down feather

51 Beaks that are long and thin; hummingbirds possess them

52 Nectar-feeding

53 The number of teeth inside a bird’s mouth

54 None

55 Give two advantages of flight

56 Escape from predator, hunting and scavenging, ability to migrate farther

57 This sense is sharpened in birds, while this sense has dulled from

58 Sight; taste and smell


60 Give three examples of how the bodies of birds have been modified for flight.

61 Hollow bones, 1 ovary, beaks (no teeth), keel, uric acid, feathers, high metabolism, air sacs

62 Type of beak (diet) that is strong, sharp and hooked.

63 Carnivorous beaks

64 Waste is excreted through a structure called

65 Cloaca

66 Name one way the respiration of birds is different from mammals.

67 Birds do not have a diaphragm, one- way flow, air sacs

68 Most male birds lack this organ for reproduction

69 Penis

70 What group does this bird belong in?

71 Pelicans and relatives

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