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Frontières et défis de l'optique non-linéaire nouveaux guides d’ondes, nouvelles non linéarités, nouvelles directions … John Dudley CNRS Institut FEMTO-ST.

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Presentation on theme: "Frontières et défis de l'optique non-linéaire nouveaux guides d’ondes, nouvelles non linéarités, nouvelles directions … John Dudley CNRS Institut FEMTO-ST."— Presentation transcript:

1 Frontières et défis de l'optique non-linéaire nouveaux guides d’ondes, nouvelles non linéarités, nouvelles directions … John Dudley CNRS Institut FEMTO-ST Université de Franche-Comté Besançon, France Mardi 2 décembre 2014Workshop INSIS - Optique électromagnétique

2 The high power and spatial coherence of laser light enabled the study of the nonlinear response of light to optical fields (the first evidence of the second harmonic was removed as a speck of dirt) Nonlinear optics and lasers are natural partners 1960 1961

3 The high power and spatial coherence of laser light enabled the study of the nonlinear response of light to optical fields (the first evidence of the second harmonic was removed as a speck of dirt) Nonlinear optics and lasers are natural partners 1960 1961

4 The uses of nonlinear optics Does this mean that nonlinear optics has only very few applications? E. Garmire, Nonlinear Optics in Daily Life, Optics Express 21 30532 (2013)

5 Nonlinearity is often embedded within optical systems and applications Nonlinear Optics Fundamental Science Source Development Applications in Materials Information Technology etc New Wavelengths Ultrafast lasers Frequency Combs Machining Spectroscopy Analytical Tools Amplifiers Soliton-like pulses Sensors The uses of nonlinear optics … … … … E. Garmire, Nonlinear Optics in Daily Life, Optics Express 21 30532 (2013)

6 A selection of topics Where is nonlinear optics useful today? Supercontinuum and applications Telecommunications Source development Other areas of physics Towards true nanoscale nonlinear optics Nanoscale material processing Proof of principle results Challenges

7 Where is nonlinear optics useful today?

8 Reliable techniques for fabricating small-core waveguides allows tailored linear guidance (dispersion) and controlled nonlinear interactions 1960’s saw low-loss optical waveguide development

9 Submarine cables

10 The need for disruptive photonic technologies Bandwidth Catastrophe

11 New optical waveguides Solution: all-optical integration and functionality Basic communication system Propagation control SOURCE MODULATOR DETECTOR Nonlinear functionalities

12 A Hype Cycle of Nonlinear Optics TIME Trigger Peak of Hype Depths of Despair Hard Work, Realism Low loss waveguides, new materials Nonlinear Solutions to every problem Limited real world use Nonlinearity RESEARCH Practical sources Alternative solutions …

13 A Hype Cycle of Nonlinear Optics TIME Trigger Peak of Hype Depths of Despair Hard Work, Realism Low loss waveguides, new materials Nonlinear Solutions to every problem Limited real world use Nonlinearity RESEARCH Practical sources Alternative solutions New Trigger

14 New waveguides enable other possibilities Nonlinear effects now observed using a wider range of sources Match wavelengths of source & waveguide zero dispersion The mid 1990’s saw the development of micro (then nano) structured waveguides with the ability to engineer nonlinearity and dispersion

15 The effects observed were unexpected …


17 (Note on history) Russell’s initial idea was to create a photonic bandgap guidance mechanism in contrast to the refractive index guidance mechanism The first fibers they tried to make failed to show a photonic bandgap, but they tested them anyway, and discovered the fact that the microstructure provided new possibilities to engineer refractive index guidance 1991

18 Nonlinear pulse propagation Polarization contains linear and nonlinear components In fibres we are concerned with nonlinear polarization from   Neglecting third harmonic generation yields : intensity-dependent refractive index n(I) = n 0 + n 2 I

19 Modelling the supercontinuum is more complex Linear dispersion SPM, FWM, Raman Self-steepening Three main processes Soliton ejection Raman – shift to long Radiation – shift to short  Physics: NLSE + perturbations We use a generalized nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLSE)

20 Modelling agrees with experiment !! Linear dispersion SPM, FWM, Raman Self-steepening Three main processes Soliton ejection Raman – shift to long Radiation – shift to short  Physics: NLSE + perturbations We use a generalized nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLSE) Experiment Simulation Wavelength (nm) Spectrum (20 dB/div) Output Spectra

21 Basic description of ultrashort pulses Ultrafast nonlinear fiber optics An octave-spanning spectrum allows comb position to be readily stabilized We can bridge the gap between a known optical frequency locked to definition of the second and any optical frequency

22 Frequency combs find very wide use

23 Who would have predicted this ? Example: planetary discovery Periodic Doppler shift of stellar spectral lines is perturbed by planetary motion Astrocombs measure radial velocity changes of ~ 10 cm/s

24 Example: broadband light source Molecular fingerprinting S. Diddams et al. Nature 445, 627 (2007) Human breath analysis M. J. Thorpe et al. Opt. Express 16, 2387 (2008)

25 Supercontinuum applied in Terabit/s telecommunications D. Hillerkuss et al. Here, the nonlinear optics is enabling but the real breakthrough is the system Supercontinuum is used for broad spectrum for spectral slicing and OFDM

26 Materials

27 New materials enable progress to-mid infrared Organic fingerprint region – gas sensing, medicine, food analysis etc

28 The ability to pressure-tune dispersion in hollow core fibres enables gas-phase nonlinear optics Nonlinear optics in gas-filled fibres enables UV Hollow-core photonic crystal fibres for gas-based nonlinear optics, Nat Photon 8, 278–286 (2014)

29 Exploiting and managing nonlinearity is critical in the design of a wide range of femtosecond sources in many different application regimes Nonlinear optics is central to fs source development W Sibbett et al. The development and application of femtosecond laser systems Optics Express Focus Issue on Modular Ultrafast Lasers 20 6989-7001 (2012)

30 Nonlinear saturable absorption is a key component of pulsed lasers Nonlinear optics is central to fs source development

31 Optical “toy models” for other physical systems Nonlinear wave evolution in fiber and on deep water are described by the same nonlinear propagation model

32 Rogue Waves are extreme events appearing seemingly from nowhere Ocean Waves 1974 1995 Kherif et al. Rogue Waves in the Ocean, Springer (2009) Rogue waves – rare and extreme surface waves Optics Dudley et al. Nature Photonics 8, 755-764 (2014)

33 Rogue Waves in a Water Tank Chabchoub et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 106 204502 (2011) Now influencing research in fluid mechanics

34 Towards truly nanoscale nonlinear optics

35 Gatass, R. and Mazur, E. Nature Photonics 2,219 (2008) Nonlinear optics of permanent material modification

36 Tradeoff between interaction length and intensity Gaussian beams cannot penetrate deeply in materials Gaussian beams have an unavoidable tradeoff between interaction length and focal spotsize and power density White,Y. et al, Opt. Express 16,14411 (2008) Femtosecond ablation for machining extended channels is a difficult technology

37 Enhanced interaction lengths also possible in free space The spatial phase of femtosecond Gaussian beams can be tailored to yield important classes of non-diffracting and accelerating beams Non-diffracting Bessel Beams Accelerating Airy Beams M. V. Berry and N. L. Balazs Am. J. Phys. 47 264 (1979) G. A. Siviloglou et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 99 213901 (2007) J. Durnin et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 58 1499 (1987)

38 New possibilities for micro and nano structuring High aspect ratio channels using Bessel beams Advanced surface machining using accelerating and vortex beams Expt 10  m High aspect ratio nanochannels M. Bhuyan et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 97 081102 (2010) Sending fs pulses in circles F. Courvoiser et al. Opt. Lett. (April 2012) Machining diamond and siliconA. Mathis et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 071110 (2012) Vortex Bessel beams in grapheneB. Wetzel et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 241111 (2013) Graphene

39 New materials enable progress to nanoscale

40 Theoretical challenges 1.Input pulse is a high-order soliton 2.Perturbation due to proximity to ZDW 3. Break up into fundamental solitons 4. Soliton dynamics - Raman self-frequency shift (RED) 5. Soliton dynamics - Dispersive wave generation (BLUE) Linear dispersion SPM, FWM, Raman Major Minor

41 Characterisation challenge Time resolved near-field microscopy needs to become an easy technology!

42 Metamaterials, plasmonics Enhanced SHG Nonlinear phase modulation Fano resonances Bistability Metamaterial NLSE Allan Boardman Opt. Commun. 283 1585 (2010) Solitons Parametric amplification Raman scattering Phase conjugation Wavelength conversion

43 Where are we today with nonlinear nanophotonics? TIME Trigger Peak of Hype Depths of Despair Hard Work, Realism Low loss waveguides, new materials Nonlinear Solutions to every problem Limited real world use Nonlinearity RESEARCH Practical sources Alternative solutions …

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