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Announcements Final Exam: Monday, May 9 (10:10-12:10) Open lab next week: Tues. & Thurs. 11-1, HS 204.

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Presentation on theme: "Announcements Final Exam: Monday, May 9 (10:10-12:10) Open lab next week: Tues. & Thurs. 11-1, HS 204."— Presentation transcript:

1 Announcements Final Exam: Monday, May 9 (10:10-12:10) Open lab next week: Tues. & Thurs. 11-1, HS 204

2 Announcements Final Exam: Monday, May 9 (10:10-12:10) Open lab next week: T/Th 11-1 Robert Wiltzen

3 Graminoid (grass-like) monocots Poaceae (Grass family)Cyperaceae (Sedge family) Juncaceae (Rush family) 


5  Fruit type caryopsis (grain) similar to achene but ovary wall is fused to seed Poaceae -- Grass Family

6  In Montana 2 nd largest family: 64 genera, 243 species

7  Agropyron spicatum -- Bluebunch Wheatgrass also called Elymus spicatum and Pseudoroegneria spicata

8  Agropyron/Elymus -- Wheatgrass - spikelets held close to stem - spikelets spaced out along spike - ligule and auricles obvious - stems clearly jointed

9  Festuca -- Fescue

10  - thread-like (rolled) leaves - loose panicle of spikelets - no auricles - stem joints not apparent

11 Commelinoid (Graminoid) monocot families Poaceae (Grass family)Cyperaceae (Sedge family) Juncaceae (Rush family) 

12 Worldwide Widespread, mostly temperate and/or montane ~100 genera, 4500 species Cyperaceae - Sedge family  Cyperus papyrus

13 In Montana 3rd largest family 9 genera, 175 species (>140 in 1 genus - Carex!) Cyperaceae - Sedge family  Carex utriculata

14 Habitat dominant in wetlands, moist alpine areas, and tundra also in drier areas, both woods and grasslands Cyperaceae - Sedge family 

15 Habit perennial herbs w/ corms or other underground storage Cyperaceae - Sedge family  Eleocharis - Water Chestnut

16 Leaves/stems stems triangular => “sedges have edges” Cyperaceae - Sedge family 

17 Leaves Cyperaceae - Sedge family  leaves 3-ranked leaf sheath closed sedge grass

18 Inflorescences Cyperaceae - Sedge family  various arrangements of spikelets/spikes

19 Spikelets/spikes Cyperaceae - Sedge family  no glumes, often subtended by 1 large (leafy) bract

20 Flowers Cyperaceae - Sedge family  may be perfect (bisexual) or imperfect (unisexual) M & F F M Carex

21 Flower => each flower subtended by a bract Perianth lacking or reduced to bristly scales Stamens 3 Gynoecium 1 superior ovary Cyperaceae - Sedge family 

22 Fruit achene Cyperaceae - Sedge family 

23 Sedges in Montana Cyperus -- Galingale

24 Sedges in Montana Eleocharis -- Spikerush

25 Sedges in Montana Scirpus -- Bulrush

26 Carex - Sedges  - 140 species in Montana!! - vegetative characters typical - diverse inflorescences - flowers unisexual (male OR female)

27 Carex - Sedges  ovary surrounded by a special bract => perigynium

28 Worldwide Widespread, mostly temperate and/or montane ~100 genera, 400 species Juncaceae - Rush family 

29 In Montana 2 genera, ~35 species Habitat Wetlands, often in standing water (Juncus) Moist or dry alpine areas (Luzula and Juncus) Juncaceae - Rush family 

30 Stems round and solid (never hollow and jointed like grasses) Leaves round OR grasslike Juncaceae - Rush family  Luzula

31 Flowers perfect (bisexual), radially symmetric Tepals 6, somewhat showy Stamens 6 Gynoecium 3 fused carpels superior ovary Juncaceae - Rush family 

32 Fruit capsule Juncaceae - Rush family 


34  Graminoid monocot families Cyperaceae - sedges triangular solid stems (usually) spikelets florets with 1 bract Juncaceae - rushes round, solid stems flowers with 6 tepals and 6 stamens Poaceae - grasses round, jointed hollow stems spikelets with glumes florets with 2 bracts - lemma & palea (no tepals) 3 stamens, 2 carpels

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