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When He Cometh When He cometh, when He cometh To make up His jewels All His jewels precious jewels, His loved and His own.

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Presentation on theme: "When He Cometh When He cometh, when He cometh To make up His jewels All His jewels precious jewels, His loved and His own."— Presentation transcript:

1 When He Cometh When He cometh, when He cometh To make up His jewels All His jewels precious jewels, His loved and His own.

2 Like the stars of the morning,.His bright crown adorning, They shall shine in their beauty, Bright gems for His crown.

3 He will gather, He will gather The gems for His kingdom, All the pure ones, All the bright ones His love and His own.

4 Little children, Little children Who love their Redeemer, Are the jewels, precious jewels, His love and His own.

5 Beautiful Valley Of Eden Beautiful valley of Eden, Sweet is thy noontide calm; Over the hearts of the weary, Breathing thy waves of balm.

6 Cho. Beautiful valley of Eden, Home of the pure and blest, How often amid the wild billows I dream of thy rest sweet, sweet rest!

7 Over the heart of the mourner Shineth the golden day, Wafting the songs of the angels Down in from the far away.

8 There is the home of my savior There with the blood- washed throng, Over the high-lands of glory Rolleth the great new song.

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