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Back to School Welcome to 4th Grade Mrs. Scott-Ellis.

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Presentation on theme: "Back to School Welcome to 4th Grade Mrs. Scott-Ellis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Back to School Welcome to 4th Grade Mrs. Scott-Ellis

2 Treasures T is for Team “Together Everyone Achieves More” Let us work together in the best interest of your child! Communicate with me via e-mail, telephone, or planner pages. Stay informed by reading weekly newsletters, visiting our classroom website and school website. Volunteer to help in the classroom. Support the policies and procedures of the school and classroom. Monitor the progress of your student by reviewing the Friday Packets, homework, and planner pages. School Phone: 402-2275 E-mail:

3 R is for Rewards Auctions, Gold Coin Parties, Free Time and other fun activities will be planned as a result of maintaining a positive learning environment and following the rules.

4 Rules Follow directions quickly Raise your hand to speak Use quiet movement Make smart choices Follow the 4R’s (Respect, Refrain, Responsibility, Right to Learn)

5 Respect (self, others, property) *keep valued items at home Refrain (hurtful words, hands, and actions) Responsibility (be prepared with the tools to learn (Backpack, pencil, homework folder and independent reading book)*extra pencils should be kept in backpack labeled with name) Right to Learn (be an active participant in the learning process) The 4 R’s

6 E is for Earning Classroom Money Students will earn classroom money for meeting expectations and completing various responsibilities. Students will then be able to spend this money on special treats, in auctions and/or purchase tickets to various fun activities. Students can also earn group vip’s, gold coins, free time, and Braggin’ Dragons

7 A is for Attendance Each day is filled with many learning opportunities. Make-up assignments can be completed, but there are experiences and instruction that cannot be duplicated in a worksheet. Every minute of the day is utilized so please avoid students being absent, tardy and checked out early when possible. Homework can be accessed via classroom website.

8 S is for student Like a jewel, each child is unique and brings a new perspective to the classroom. Curriculum, lesson plans, and classroom management will reflect this philosophy. Pressure will be applied when needed, yet that delicate hand will be ready to make that jewel shine like no other.

9 U is for Unique Unique individuals may require some unique accommodations ( accelerated learning, lesson modifications etc.)Accommodations will be discussed and agreed upon as a team.

10 R is for Routines Routines promote independent work. Planner pages are a key element to the daily routine. Planner Pages are used periodically as part of student assessment. These pages require both parent and teacher signatures Monday through Friday. Please help your student practice daily spelling and writing skills using these pages.

11 Why Planner Pages? Provides time for small group instruction Saves paper (multiple activities on one sheet, daily 20 minute home reading recorded on planner pages. Allows parents to view what is happening during the day. Provides a format to discuss daily lessons and review concepts

12 E is for Expectations Each child is expected to perform to the best of their personal ability!

13 S is for Student of the Week Opportunity for students to share information. Students will create a power point in class to share their favorites Work will be posted on board and then placed in student portfolio

14 Fourth Grade Gems Daily Homework (worksheet page, spelling practice, multiplication practice, keyboarding, and 20 minute reading) Rock collection County Research and Fair Native American Tribes Research Study Buddies Read-It Island Butterflies Auctions Gold coin parties Portfolios Back Pack Ice cream …and much more

15 Daily 20 minute Reading Establish a routine Read together as a family Partner read with sibling and/or parent Select “good fit books” Make reading a priority Mark and sign planner page after reading

16 Spelling Spelling word cards will be given on Fridays and will remain in student desks to be worked on during the week. Students can access the list via classroom website, so they may study these words during the weekend. Posttests are given Friday mornings

17 Thank you for your attendance!

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