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2 nd TEE/EPAS Thivas - St Lazarous Technical school of Larnaka Mythology, Art in Thiva.

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1 2 nd TEE/EPAS Thivas - St Lazarous Technical school of Larnaka Mythology, Art in Thiva


3 Thiva, the birthplace of the legendary hero Herakles and men of importance like Pindar and Epameinondas, played a major role in the affairs of Greece, from its early history as the many legends of the city testify. Though not a great power, for a short time, thanks to the genius of Epameinondas and its superb trained army, led by the Sacred Band, took the hegemony of Greece by defeating the invincible Sparta. Though not a great power, for a short time, thanks to the genius of Epameinondas and its superb trained army, led by the Sacred Band, took the hegemony of Greece by defeating the invincible Sparta. Oedipus and Sphinx Thiva Mythology

4 Art - The palace of Kadmos Frescos from the walls of the Mycenaean palace of Kadmos, in Thiva, dated from 14th to 13th century BC. Jewels found in the room of treasures in the palace chambers.

5 Art Ivory pyxis (jewel box) from a tomb at Thiva Mycenaean period, 13th century BC. A vase from Thiva, Mycenaean period, 13th century BC

6 Early Helladic, jugs from Boeotia, around 3000 - 2000 BC Art Middle Helladic jug from Boeotia, 2000 - 1680 century BC

7 Art Sikyonian perfume vase from Thiva, middle of the 7th century BC. Drinking bowl from Boeotia, of the middle 6th century BC

8 Art The birth of Athena from the head of Zeus, A jewel case from Thiva Beotia, 570 - 565 The top of rim above

9 Boys dancing to the music of a double flute playing by another man. Fragment from a Boeotian jar, 4th century BC Art

10 Jars Art

11 Fragments of black figured vases found in Kabeiroi, near Thiva. 5th century BC.

12 Art Fragments of black figured cup found in the sanctuary of Kabeiroi, near Thiva, 5th century BC. It shows Odysseus with his sword threatening Cirke, while she prepares the magic portion to turn him into an animal, as she did his friends.

13 Art Terracotta from Boeotia, showing a barber, late 6th century BC Clay statuette from Boeotia, of a man seated on a stool and playing lyre. 525 - 500 BC.

14 Art Oedipus and Sphinx Sphinx

15 Coinage Thebes was one of the earliest cities in Greece to issue coins Silver stater of the Boeotian League, minted at Thiva, 6th century BC. On the observe the League's shield and on the reverse the archaic letter theta in the center of a mill-sail incuse. Silver stater with Boeotian shield on the observe and amphora with roses on the reverse, 426 - 395 BC. Silver hemidrachm with Boeotian shield on the observe, cantharos and a club on each side on the reverse, 379 - 371 BC.

16 Silver stater with Boeotian shield on the observe and amphora with a wreath above, in the name of ΚΛ..ΕΕ, 379 - 338 BC. Silver stater with Boeotian shield on the observe and amphora with club above, in the name of ΤΑ..ΙΝ, 379 - 338 BC. Coinage

17 Coins from 370 -146 BC

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