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GBEC April 2011  Welcome, introductions – individual outcome requirements for the session.

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Presentation on theme: "GBEC April 2011  Welcome, introductions – individual outcome requirements for the session."— Presentation transcript:

1 GBEC April 2011  Welcome, introductions – individual outcome requirements for the session

2 About us Funded by employers to assist them to build their ‘disability confidence’ 110 members, public and private sector Provide services that support our members goals Make it easy for members to achieve

3 Business case Organisation needs to know how change would be of benefit Who will be rewarded? It must be easier to bring about change than stay as things are

4 BASK in the light of success
Behaviours Attitudes Systems Knowledge

5 Employment Charter Equal Opportunities Policy and Procedures
Staff Training and Disability Awareness The Working Environment Recruitment commitment Career Development

6 Employment Charter cont’d
Retention, Retraining and Redeployment Training and Work Experience People with disability in the wider community Involvement of People with disability Monitoring Performance

7 2 approaches Barrier free front door
Project lead strategies that minimise disadvantage

8 Barrier free front door
The recruitment system, recruitment team and line managers know how to determine how an individual with disability can meet (or not) the requirements of a job) There is nothing in the work environment that prevents people with disability from achieving full productivity Reasonable Adjustments/accommodations are made

9 Key approaches Job matching – enabling self selection
Seamless Reasonable Adjustments Barrier free induction processes Development of clear work-plans and regular feedback Flexible Work practices Management confidence and commitment

10 Management Capability
Successful managers of people with disability: Focus on the skills and attributes of the person Listen without judgement Facilitate open discussion Are flexible thinkers Approachable Responsive ‘only the best will do’

11 Flexible Work Practices
Developing flexible workplaces is one example of reasonable adjustment that can benefit all employees: Flexible start and finish times Flexible rostering Flexible leave arrangements Part-time work Rostered days off or time off in lieu Regular or occasional working from home Job-sharing Nine day fortnights/ compressed working weeks

12 Work-plans and Feedback
After making adjustments – set work plans and review times. Provide positive feedback early and often Focus on quality prior to work-rate Use gap analysis to identify areas of additional training and/or support.

13 Problem solving Communicate Understand Explore Solve
Instead of USSR – use Upfront – to get their attention Specific And then an I statement And what you would prefer

14 Being a manager ... Your role as a manager requires you to manage resources and complex issues Being a great manager means also being able to manage human complexity

15 Australian Network on Disability
More information Australian Network on Disability

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