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Staring out at the rising sun, Sophie and Ailish contemplated over what had happened in the last two days. It had all started on the bank of a bubbling.

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Presentation on theme: "Staring out at the rising sun, Sophie and Ailish contemplated over what had happened in the last two days. It had all started on the bank of a bubbling."— Presentation transcript:

1 Staring out at the rising sun, Sophie and Ailish contemplated over what had happened in the last two days. It had all started on the bank of a bubbling stream one crisp and bright December morning. Looking around, Sophie and Ailish’s gaze had fallen on the bubbling stream. Staring deep into its waters their reflections had glared back at Sophie’s hazel hair and emerald eyes, equally, it seemed, angry at Ailish’s golden locks and sapphire eyes. They had been chatting in the warm sun, birds tweeting in the tall, graceful trees all around them. Noticing a dark shape on the opposite bank, the girls, wondering what it was, had decided to cross over. It was nearing midday, and quickening their pace, they had made a choice. A choice that had forced them on this whole adventure. A choice that had changed their life. They crossed.


3 A few moments later, they had been across the bridge. Slowly, they had walked towards the nearing shape. Seeing a small movement in the mound beside the slow moving stream, the girls came to a stop just before the shape, standing in the cool shade of the elegant trees. It was a baby deer! Scooping it up in her arms, Ailish had carried it back towards the bridge. ‘’Ow!’’ a sound came from the baby deer. ‘’What Sophie, I didn’t touch you!’’ Ailish sighed. ‘’I didn’t speak!’’ Sophie exclaimed. ‘’No, I did!’’ There was no doubt about it, that had definitely come from the deer. Gasping in surprise, Ailish hurriedly put down the deer. ‘’The deer talked!’’ Sophie cried. ‘’ Hey I do have a name you know, its Chestnut. And of course I talked, I come from the magical mountains.’’ At that, Chestnut burst into tears much to the surprise of the girls. Quickly though, their surprise turned into sympathy. ‘’ Are you ok?’’ asked Sophie.

4 ‘’ Yeess’’ stammered Chestnut, ‘’ it’s just that I got separated from my mum and brothers and sisters when we were trying to get home to the mountains after visiting my Grandma and Grandpa,’’ Chestnut continued. ‘’Don’t worry,’’ Ailish said. ‘’We’ll help you get home!’’ ‘’Thank you!’’ said chestnut, her face lighting up with delight. They slowly walked towards Ailish’s home, chatting like old friends.

5 Later that night, they had packed their bags, ready to go on an adventure. Early in the morning, they set off, and by noon they were at the edge of an impenetrable forest. Chestnut was shaking with fear and excitement as they set off deep into the undergrowth. Stopping for lunch in a bright green clearing bathed in light, the girls chatted and munched on sandwiches, whilst chestnut grazed on the grass beside them. Suddenly, a tripwire chestnut had snagged her foot on tipped the screaming girls and chestnut into a net which promptly raised itself into a nearby tree. From the ground it must have looked a four legged monster with hooves and floppy ears. When they untangled themselves they looked around them. Finding that they were 50 feet or more in the air, they had decided it didn’t look good. What was that! A shining red orb blinded them with reflected light.

6 Working out that if they all swung at the same time they could grab it, the three swung. And swung. And swung. Making a jump for freedom, chestnut leaped. Then grabbed. Then toppled... Into the net! An hour later and the girls and chestnut were pondering over the shining red jewel. Breathing on the orb of light then polishing it with her sleeve, Ailish was surprised when a beam of light like a deadly laser shot out searing through the ropes of the net. The girls toppled to the side arms and legs flailing everywhere. Regaining her calm, confident air as quickly as a cheetah can run, chestnut hurriedly asked Ailish to rub it again, but this time pointing at the ground. Doing so, Ailish watched in wonder as another bolt of red hot lightning shot out, burning up the ground like a forest fire on a hot summers day.


8 Grabbing the ruby from Ailish, chestnut directed the molten hot light at the strings holding the net together. Grappling at the air everybody fell to the ground scrambling to get up, the girls first reaction was shock, quickly turning to enthusiasm to get on the their way. Sophie opened her mouth to speak but chestnut was keen to get on ‘’We’ll talk on the way” he instructed. Stumbling slightly, the girls sighed and fell down exhausted before the mountains. ‘’We’re here at last!’’ panted Sophie. ‘’Mother!’’ shouted Chestnut running towards a dark shape on the top of a small hill. Following closely behind, the girls saw that the shape was a deer. Ten minutes later the girls had realised that the red jewel they had found was actually Chestnut’s mothers, who was of course, the deer Chestnut had run towards. As a thank you gift, for getting Chestnut home safely Daisy, Chestnuts mum gave Sophie and Ailish the red jewel.

9 And to this day, if you ask Sophie or Ailish, they may let you see the jewel.

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