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Equipping the saints to serve.
Awana Leader Training Equipping the saints to serve.
Schedule For Today An Overview of Awana (25 minutes) – 1:00 pm
Break (5 minutes) Leadership, Discipline (25 minutes) – 1:30 pm Meeting Segments (25 minutes) – 2:00 pm Break (15 minutes) Cubbies (25 minutes) – 2:40 pm Sparks (25 minutes) – 3:10 pm Truth and Training (25 minutes) – 3:40 pm Tests and Scoring (25 minutes) – 4:10 pm The Gift (30 minutes) – 4:35 pm The Gift Test (15 minutes) – 5:05 pm Awards (5 minutes) – 5:20 pm Out by 5:30 pm
Overview of Awana The purpose of the Awana Ministry is to:
Reach boys and girls with the gospel of Christ and train them to serve Him Reach parents and family members with the gospel Train adults to minister to children Your service as an Awana leader helps fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20)
What does AWANA Stand for?
X S Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed Sometimes Comes from 2Tim 2:15 – Study to show thyself Approved unto God, a Workman that needeth Not to be Ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth. xxxxxxxxx
Why Awana? Children must enjoy God’s Word
Christian friendships are a powerful tool against Satan’s grip on children Our children need godly heroes – YOU!
Awana Emphasizes: The Gospel Message Scripture Memory
What’s the Big Attraction?
Games! Ask most kids why they come to Awana, and they will tell you it’s all about the fun games we play! Awards! Every kid (adults too!) needs an ‘Atta-boy’ from time to time, for the hard work they do.
Children Must Know Why they need to be saved What salvation brings
That they must trust what Christ did on the cross
The Club Meeting Opening Ceremony (10 minutes) Game Time (30 minutes)
Handbook Time (30 minutes) Council Time (30 minutes) Closing Time (10 minutes) Add 5 minutes for movement, section to section
Awana Clubs Cubbies – Ages 3-4 Sparks – K5 – 2nd Grade
Truth and Training – 3rd – 6th Grade Truth – We want clubbers to know the Truth of God’s Word Train – We want to train them to serve Him in their everyday lives. Junior Varsity – 7th-8th grade Varsity (Journey 24/7) – 9th-12th grade
BREAKTIME! Be back in 5 minutes…
Leadership Structure Church Pastor Commander Director Leader Secretary
Responsible for all aspects of club Commander Oversees 2 or more clubs Director Hands-on management of Club Leader A committed volunteer who gives time to work with Clubbers Secretary Records advancement, issues uniforms and books and gathers awards for Awards Ceremony. Records points towards Awana Store LIT – Leader In Training Needs to be Certified also. Works with kids at least 2 grades younger. Game Director Organizes Awana Games on the game circle, prepares games ahead of time, ensures fair play and FUN!
Leader Qualifications
Genuinely saved and above reproach Consistent walk with the Lord Burdened to reach kids for Christ Enthusiastic Patient and gentle Trained (what you are getting now!)
Leaders Wear Uniforms to:
Encourage discipline Promote club unity Provides a place to display awards Allows clubbers to identify leaders
Action Steps for Awana Leaders:
Study Leader Basics and complete the Training Test Attend Monthly Prayer and Planning Sessions Commit to a year of service Annually Attend the Leadership Training Conference
Leadership Training Conference
September 10th, Germantown Baptist Church, 8-4 Mark Your Calendars! Once A Year Commitment Recharges your batteries. Encouraging. Informative. Valuable Class Instruction on every aspect of club Leaders train other leaders Instead of everyone going to the same class, split up and cover more subjects. Get handouts and make photocopies for all leaders. I will be teaching 4 classes. The least you can do is come see if I flubb up!
Leadership Awards Basic Training Other Awards BT Bar for any uniform
BT Patch for casual shirt Other Awards Years of service, Sharing Awana, Leadership Conference Attendance, Awana Games Attendance, Awana Games Service, Bible Quiz Service, Trainer Pin, Book Awards (YES, you can earn them too!) Worn on BT Bar, collar or award strips. Patches worn on sleeves.
Discipline What Discipline IS: What Discipline is NOT:
To Disciple, to Teach, To Mold What Discipline is NOT: Punishing, revenge, physical abuse, verbal abuse. Positive Discipline: Verbal praise Positive points Special Recognition
Tools of Discipline Preparation Whistle – to start games 5 – count
Keep the meeting moving along, clubbers do not have TIME to get bored and unruly. Whistle – to start games 5 – count Leader begins counting SLOWLY to five, raised hand, raised voice (no yelling) All clubbers should be quiet and still BEFORE the leader reaches 5. They should ALL be looking at the leader counting. Maintains discipline, gets clubbers’ attention for announcements and information. Positive points – to enforce the 5-count. Awarded to first team to be quiet Don’t take points away, look for ways to reward positive behavior. 3 – count Individual rebellion. At ONE, clubber is warned by Leader, explaining what happens at 2 & 3 At TWO, clubber is taken to Director, who warns clubber. Clubber may be kept from activities at Director’s discretion. At THREE, Clubber is taken to Commander, who will call parents to come get clubber. Parents are required to talk with Commander before clubber can come back to club.
Points!! The MOST important things receive the MOST points
The team that wins should win because of sections and behavior. TEAM points go towards a team prize at end-of-night. Individual points go towards Awana Bucks to be used in the Awana Store.
The Path to Good Discipline
The Director is the primary disciplinarian Stay on schedule! Plan thoroughly and prepare well Keep the meeting moving Meet clubbers’ needs (Sometimes you may THINK what a clubber NEEDS is a swift kick, but what they usually need is some loving correction and gentle firmness.)
Establishing Good Discipline
Establish Club Rules Be Sure each rule is necessary Enforce the rules fairly and consistently Encourage good conduct by personal example Make discipline a matter of prayer Recognize that various degrees of noise and quiet are acceptable Establish standards for discipline when clubbers move from one segment of club to another
Importance of the Uniform
It enhances discipline It develops a feeling of unity It provides a place to display awards It bonds Leaders and Clubbers
BREAKTIME!! Stretch your legs! Grab a drink Be back in 5!
Opening A proper Opening sets the stage for Discipline for the rest of the night. Begin Opening with Five Count Clubbers should assemble on game square lines Leaders and clubbers should be silent. Doors are closed to meeting room for opening. No latecomers should be allowed to straggle in. One leader should be posted outside door to enforce this Two clubbers in uniform, selected before the meeting, or the previous week, get the flags
Opening – A Great Start Flag Ceremony Awana Song
Attention! Present Colors! (clubbers get flags, carry to the LONG hash mark on Adjacent color diagonals Right Hand Salute!(right hand over heart) Pledge (American Flag, Awana Flag) Post Colors! (clubbers carry flags back to posts) Order Arms! Awana Song Here, if you wish can go the Sparks Key Verse, Sparky song, T&T song, Awana Cheer, Sparks Cheer Prayer General Announcements (Handouts at END of night!)
The Meeting Night Divided into 3 segments:
Handbook Time (Sparkle Time) Game Time Council Time (Green Meadow)
General Info – Handbook Time
Gives an opportunity to work individually with clubbers to lead them to accept Christ as Savior and grow spiritually. All clubbers must start in their club’s entrance booklet when they enter that club. All clubbers must then start in the first book of their club. Clubbers who start a year or two late in their club can go on to do multiple books in one year. NO clubber should ever advance beyond his/her grade level.
Handbook Time-Sections
What is a SECTION? The amount of work a clubber MUST do at one setting to earn a leader’s signature. Sections may contain: Bible memory Questions to be answered Things to do Bible reading and written questions to answer.
Handbook Time- Section Passing Standards
Sections MUST be passed in one setting. Clubbers may receive no more than TWO helps per section A HELP consists of 1-3 words or a verse reference Clubbers must recite Address and Verse Clubbers must complete ALL section activities. Sections must be completed in order. (Exceptions to this will be discussed later) Sections must be completed in Handbook Time or at Awana-accepted functions (Super Section Saturdays and scheduled available times) Parents cannot pass their own children on sections unless they are that clubber’s leader.
Handbook Time – The Leader’s Role
Open with prayer Get each child working Listen to sections Each child should be limited to 1-2 sections until ALL have had a chance to recite. Then work back through for those wanting to complete more. Help clubbers understand. Review the words after they complete the section. Get to know your clubbers Keep Records. Sign clubber’s book. Fill out clubber’s attendance points and permanent record Fill out nightly advancement sheet for Secretary to pull awards
General Info - Gametime
The BIG Draw of Awana Provides fun. KISMIF Develops good sportsmanship Gives Clubbers exercise Encourages Clubbers to excel. Provides practice for Awana Games and SAR.
What does a Game Director Do?
Plans and directs game time. Plan games 2 weeks in advance Plan to have 5-6 games per night Plan games that apply to Theme nights, plan special, odd, or NEW games the kids have never tried (KISMIF). Controls the gametime Maintains the pace and discipline of Game Time Give children who don’t WANT to play a JOB – scorekeeper, team lap counter, beanbag monitor for tug-of-war, cheerleader.
Line Leader Duties Is Enthusiastic Be a proper example
Be THERE! Your team needs you. Is an Encourager Is an assistant. Helps team line up for each game Helps maintain discipline
Awana Game Circle Teams are divided up by the 4 game Circle colors: Red, Yellow, Blue, Green Teams line up outside the square Line Leader stands by the Team color diagonal Here is the starting line. Most games end in the center in a race for the center pin Players run in a counterclockwise direction X xxxxxxxxxx
Council Time Kids and leaders are together in a large group setting
Focuses on the bible Provides another opportunity to present the gospel. Use worship music to help clubbers prepare for the message Message should be one minute per year of age plus 3. Leave Time for counseling Use an invitation that encourages a genuine response Use biblically accurate phrases for explaining the gospel that are also age appropriate.
Council Time-Schedule
Prayer Worship - 5 minutes Testimony time – 5 minutes Message – 10 minutes Invitation If God is talking to you, if you feel like you would like to pray with a leader, please look up at me. Those who have looked up may go with X and X now. Counseling– 5 minutes Awards – 5 minutes (Secretary should be ready) Announcements
LOONG BREAKTIME!!! Stretch your legs! Be back in 15 minutes
Cubbies Ages 3-4 (begins 2 years before Kindergarten)
Uniform=Blue Vest Mascot=Cubbie Bear 2 Handbooks (Hopper, Jumper) Entire group works in same book each year.
The A-B-C’s of Cubbies A – NURTURE is a highly effective teaching approach B – Total Time Teaching C – Age-appropriate Awards
Nurture What IS Nurture? When and how is nurture applied?
Learning continually by example and training When and how is nurture applied? Built into every part of the Cubbies program Who implements it? Everyone involved in Cubbies, including PARENTS.
More about Nurture Parent Nurture What?-Get to know the Parents!
Why?-Helps parents and leaders work as a team. When?-Parent VIP Nites (before beginning of the year), Coming-in Time, Going-Home Time, special events (Meet the Pastor Nite, Awards Night, Parent Outings) Who?-All Cubbies Leaders.
Total Time Teaching What – Teaching is a part of EVERY segment of the Club Night. Why – Because they can’t read, Cubbies learn through their senses. Play, activities, songs. When – During every club segment, and also at home.(Bear Hug sections completed at home) How – Just use the Cubbies materials.
Age-Appropriate Awards
Non-competitive Award System Learning is structured and coordinated More clubbers will finish the book All clubbers working as a team Extra credit is available for the advanced clubbers Base-level lessons receive awards. Show enthusiasm when clubbers earn these base-level awards! This encourages ALL clubbers to do well.
Four Stages of Cubbies Leadership
Completed certification test Approved Leaders Also completed 1 year of service Approved Workmen Additional 4 years service, attended 3 Leadership Conferences Cubbies Trainer/Training Specialist Recommended by Awana Missionary to assist in Cubbies Training
Cubbies Team Building Sessions
Team meeting with Cubbies Director and Leaders Build cooperative team spirit Share plans Idea sharing, problem solving Supporting each other Communicate what God is doing in club
Cubbies Meeting Schedule
Coming-in Time Story Time Book Time Play Time Awards Time Going Home Time
Coming-in Time The purpose of Coming in Time is to:
To provide a warm welcome to parents and clubbers To focus the clubber on the weekly teaching aim To set a positive tone for the meeting During Coming-in Time, Leaders should: Assist with activities, maintain order, show a positive attitude, help kids focus on the teaching aim To reinforce what Cubbies have learned at home: Open the handbook to current Bear Hug section Ask them questions to help them understand what God is saying in the Bear Hug Use their answers to help them focus on what will be taught in Story Time.
Story Time The objectives of story Time are to:
Focus on current week’s Bible Truth Nurture understanding through a bible story Reinforces the Bear Hug verse Provide opportunities to respond positively through group praise During Story Time, Leaders should Sit with clubbers Support the teacher. How can a Leader be a good role model? Sing with the cubbies (Make a joyful NOISE) Respond to questions clubbers may have Be sensitive to what is happening around you.
Book Time During Book Time, Leaders help Cubbies review and complete the Bear Hug Book Time allows Cubbies to get to know and work with one particular leader Book Time Objectives: Refocus attention on Bible verse Review and encourage a basic understanding of the verse Work with the Cubbies to complete sections of handbooks
Book Time Ways Leaders Participate
Staying with your Book group at all times Help establish and maintain order Continuing Total Time Teaching Helping Cubbies understand the basic meaning of the verse Listening to children recite verses Signing off any completed Bear Hugs or extra credit Using clubber rotation to make sure all cubbies get to say a section Having kids who are finished reciting work on the Book Time ActivitySheet Explaining the Book Time Activity Sheet Keeping Accurate Records
Book Time Steps Prayer Bear Hug Review Recite Reinforce Book Time Fun
Book Time Standards Standards for reciting verses:
All Cubbies must hold to the same standard Cubbies may have up to TWO helps 3yo Cubbies who CAN should recite the verse reference Cubbies must complete Bear Hugs in order Cubbies can only complete one Bear Hug per meeting. Rotating through your Clubbers: Choose a clubber to begin Have that clubber recite their verse. Sign them off Rotate to the next clubber and repeat the process Clubbers who have finished should do the Book Time Activity Sheets Complete parts of the Activity with your clubbers
Book Time The three-hop method for memorizing
Hop 1 – Repeat the verse over and over to the child, explaining what it means Hop 2 – Ask the child to repeat it to you several times. Hop 3 – Show how the verse’s meaning applies to their life. Book Time has a Cubbie Bear Buddy Rating of Two.
Hey, It’s Play Time! Cubbie Play Time is non-competitive. The Awana Game Circle is not a part of Play Time. Leaders should keep control, help with the logistics, occasionally demonstrate how to play the game, talk with the kids, and cheer them on. If a child refuses to play, allow the child to sit quietly and watch, or help them take their turn. If they refuse week after week, talk to the parent. Play time consists of 2 parts: Active Play Cool Down Play Play Time has a Cubbie Bear Buddy rating of Three.
Awards The Club Secretary is responsible for keeping accurate records
Attendance and records are kept on the Cubbie Bear Buddy Weekly Progress Card. This card records: Name of clubber, address, contact info, club attendance, name of the handbook you are using this year, advancement
Going Home Time As each parent arrives, you should:
Greet them Invite them to their child’s table Show them what their child has done If someone unfamiliar comes to pick up a child: Phone that child’s contact numbers Parents MUST give permission in advance for someone else to pick up their child. NEVER let a child go with someone unfamiliar.
BREAKTIME! Cubbies Leaders may begin work on their test Take 5
Stretch your legs.
SPARKS!! Club Schedule consists of: Uniform – Red Vest Club handbooks:
Game Time Sparkle Time (Handbook Time) Green Meadow Time (Council Time) Uniform – Red Vest Club handbooks: Sparks Gate Test (Entrance Booklet) Skipper Hiker Climber Extra Credit Work: Handbook Review Island Handbook Workbook
Sparks – Game Time Uses Awana Game Circle
Low-intensity competition, a cooldown period, low points Game Director in charge Line Leaders help keep order All clubbers are encouraged to participate Never FORCE a child to play in Game Time if they do not want to. Instead, include them by giving them a JOB – helping set up, cheering, etc.
Sparks – Game Time 4 color teams – Red, Yellow, Green, Blue
Even number of K5, 1st, and 2nd Graders on each team for fairness Teams line up and play as discussed before. Some Sparky Games: Rabbit Hunt Sparky Safari Sparky Train Sparky Crawl (kneepads) Balloon Relay
Sparks A Rama Churches compete against one another once a year
Low-competition Sparks play same games as in gametime. Gospel message is presented to parents and clubbers Unbelievable FUN!
Sparkle Time Clubbers starting Sparks must begin with the Sparks Gate Test Clubbers must then complete the Skipper Book (First Book Method) A clubber who starts Sparks in 1st or 2nd grade can choose to go on to the next book, or earn the Review Island/Workbook Sparks get up to TWO helps per section in the handbook Sparks get ZERO helps when working on Review. All clubbers can complete the Review Island and Workbook for their current year. Sparks can go back and complete books, reviews, and workbooks for previous years. Total Time Teaching applies to all segments of club, and all Leaders.
Sparkle Time Each handbook consists of one rank path, then 4 red jewels and 4 green jewels. Red Jewels are Bible Drills (Bible Memorization) Green Jewels are Crafts. Green Jewels may be earned at any time after the Rank Path has been completed. Blue Jewels are for Club Attendance. To get one a clubber cannot have more than TWO UNEXCUSED absences in a quarter. Green Jewels may be completed at home. Sparks earn their vest and handbook after completion of the Sparks Gate Test. Sparks Earn the Rank Patch after completion of the Rank Path. Sparks earn a Crown with their first jewel. Rank Path and Red Jewels MUST be completed in order. Parents may initial sections for 100 points each.
Green Meadow Time Schedule Leaders should sit with clubbers
Begin with prayer Worship Time (Action songs, worship songs) Testimonials Message Invitation Awards Announcements Leaders should sit with clubbers The Director can assign Leaders to prepare and deliver the message. Green Meadow is the main teaching segment of Sparks. All Leaders should be trained to lead a Sparkie to Christ.
Awards Time Awards encourage Bible memorization and handbook achievements Crown colors: Bronze – Skipper Silver – Hiker Gold – Climber Red Jewels go in bottom row Green Jewels in top row Blue Jewels in the middle row Use the Jewel Tool! It saves thumbs! Sunday School Attendance Patch 2 per year No more than 2 UNEXCUSED absences
Sparks – Awards Ceremony
End of Year ceremony Parents attend Book awards are awarded here 1st book award 2nd book award Sparky Award – plaque and pin for 3 books.
Truth & Training Meeting Consists of FIVE segments:
Opening, Handbook Time, Game Time, Council Time, Awards Uniform – green polo shirt Ages – 3rd- 6th grade
T & T – Handbook Time Begin Handbook Time with prayer
Leaders record attendance and advancement on permanent record cards. Leaders use Rotation method to ensure all clubbers get a chance to pass sections. Get all clubbers studying. Choose a clubber to start Record attendance, uniform, book, bible, SS Attendance, and Participation on the record card. Listen to up to 2 sections from that clubber. Make sure the clubber understands the meaning of the passage. If the clubber has more to recite, come back after all clubbers have had a chance to say sections. Begin with the next clubber. Allow the previous clubber to work on crosswords, coloring pages, find-a-words, or study a section. NO TALKING. Award milestones are recorded on a nightly award sheet and turned in to the Secretary at end of Handbook Time. Secretary gathers awards.
T&T – Handbook Time T&T Books are called, oddly enough, Book One – Book Four, corresponding to the grade levels These books are part of the Ultimate Adventure Series Each book is composed of 8 Bible drills Book One & Two these are called Discoveries Book Three and Four these are called Challenges Each book has two extra credit Segments, Silver Discovery Gold Discovery These are Activities and Missions Work. Discovery and Challenge Sections MUST be done in order, EXCEPT: Sections concerning bringing a Visitor or Performing acts of Service Silver and Gold sections Clubbers may receive only TWO helps per section Sections must be completed in ONE setting.
T&T - Game Time Highly competitive Game Director in charge
Line Leaders: Assist Game Director Line up team Maintain order Pick participants Cheer for team Ensure each clubber gets to play
T&T – Game Time New Competitive Games Other Cool Games
4-way Tug-o-war Sprint Relay Sprint Race Marathon Relay Marathon Race 3-legged race Beanbag grab Beanbag relay Other Cool Games Line Tag Shipwreck Theme Night Games
Awana Games Once a year all day Super Bash!
Same fun games as in game time! Highly competitive event. Churches around the area compete against each other Parents come and hear the gospel message Volunteers are needed for Team Coach, Line Judge, and general Staff person in order for team to go.
Awana Store Clubbers in Sparks and T&T earn points toward Awana Store
Store happens once a quarter Sections >>Points >> Awana Bucks >> Cool Stuff! Points are awarded for: Attendance – 100 Uniform – 100 Handbook Brought – 100 Bible Brought – 100 Participation – 100 (bringing stuffed animal, etc.) Parents Initials – 100 (per section) Bringing a visitor – 1000 Sections – 500 each 500 points = 1 Awana Buck! Visitors get $3 spending money. Prizes range from penny candy to sports bags and CD players
T&T – Council Time Schedule: Prayer Worship Testimonies
Message – 1 minute per year of age, + 3 Invitation Counseling Awards Announcements
T&T – Council Time Leaders sit with Clubbers
All leaders should be trained on how to lead a clubber to Christ. Any Leader can Deliver the message. Always give an invitation. If any clubber feels the Lord talking to them, look up at me. Those who looked up may go with X and X to pray. Leave time for counseling.
T&T Awards Upon completion of the first Discovery/Challenge, a clubber gets an award badge and his/her first seal. Awards must only be presented to clubbers in uniform. Book Awards may only be presented at an End-of-Year Awards Ceremony. Book Awards: First Book Award – Ribbon 2nd Book Award – Excellence Trophy 3rd Book Award – 3rd Book Award Plaque 4th Book Award – Timothy Trophy 6th Book Award – Meritorious Trophy 10th Book Award – Citation Award (The last two are for books in JV/Journey 24/7)
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