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World History - Libertyville HS

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1 World History - Libertyville HS
Indian Empires World History - Libertyville HS

2 Mauryan Empire ( BC) Native rulers of northern India were disorganized, petty and competing for dominance In reaction to invasion by Alexander the Great, local leaders banned together to resist Greeks Began consolidation into a centralized state

3 Mauryan Empire Over next 90 years, the Mauryan family emerged as dominant Based in Ganges river valley Conquered most of subcontinent Recovered territory from Seleucids in the West

4 Mauryan Kings Chandragupta (322-298 BC) Ashoka the Great (278-232 BC)
Threw out Seleucids Recognized as Indian ruler by Egypt, Syria Ashoka the Great ( BC) Grandson of Chandragupta Completed conquest of subcontinent, NW into Asia

5 Mauryan Kings Ashoka Converted to Buddhism after a particularly brutal war Conversion encouraged spread of Buddhism Cultural diffusion (trade) Syria, Macedonia Didn’t “stick” in India Ashoka ordered thousands of inscripted pillars throughout India Sayings, stories of Buddha written on them

6 Mauryan Culture Religious tolerance Respect for human dignity
Government Autocracy at national level Democracy at village (local) level Caste divisions were well established Idea was to promote unity within kingdom

7 Mauryan Culture Complex central government
Collected taxes Encouraged trade Maintained communications through road building program Spy system throughout empire Planted banyan trees to give shade to travelers

8 Post Mauryan India (184 BC to 320 AD)
Last emperor assassinated; empire fragmented Two religions worshipped: Hinduism & Buddhism Hinduism in form that would be recognized as modern Hinduism

9 Gupta Dynasty (320-430s AD) Ruled along Ganges River Valley
Ushered in golden age of Hindu culture Art, science, architecture flourished Buddhism spread into China due to Chinese pilgrims visiting India

10 Gupta Empire Guptas directly ruled densely populated Ganges River Valley Indirectly ruled rest of subcontinent Traded with Persians, Byzantines Influence extended into SE Asia (Cambodia, Burma)

11 Decline of Gupta Empire
Series of weak rulers Invaded by Huns Conquered much of India Eventually absorbed into dominant Indian culture Gupta empire ended in 550 AD w/ death of last king

12 Muslim Conquest of India
First contact First Muslims into India were Arab traders in 620 AD First mosque in India built in 629 AD Umayyad Dynasty Expansion Arabs, Persians gradually conquered Northern India By 1000 AD, Caliphate est.

13 Muslim Conquest of India
Muslim caste system created Favored Islamic conquerors Muslims saw caste as a social construct, not a religious matter Helped influence conversion Unconverted Hindus were considered impure (low) Hindus forced to convert at swordpoint (pagans; million killed over 500 year period)

14 Mongol Invasion & Mughal Empire
Mongols under Genghis Khan invaded, conquered Abbasids in 1220 AD Later invasion by Babur (Mongol-Persian) conquered N. India, established Mughal Empire Gradually adopted Indian culture Assimilated into Indian culture, Muslim religion

15 Mughal Empire Mughal Empire unified all of India until arrival of Europeans in mid 1660s Mughal Empire disintegrated into several regional states English emerged supreme in fight to colonize India India became jewel in imperial British crown

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