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World History Journal 5 th Six Weeks. Today’s Lesson February 24-25, 2014 Journal Prompt: Enlightenment; Music Notes Quiz: Scientific Revolution & Enlightenment.

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Presentation on theme: "World History Journal 5 th Six Weeks. Today’s Lesson February 24-25, 2014 Journal Prompt: Enlightenment; Music Notes Quiz: Scientific Revolution & Enlightenment."— Presentation transcript:

1 World History Journal 5 th Six Weeks

2 Today’s Lesson February 24-25, 2014 Journal Prompt: Enlightenment; Music Notes Quiz: Scientific Revolution & Enlightenment Chapter 23:3 The Spread of Enlightenment Ideas. Introduce Project: Revolutions

3 Journal Warm-up for February 24-25, 2014 Refer to the chart on pg. 554 Prompt: In your opinion, which are the two most important Enlightenment ideas? Explain why each idea is important to you. TEKS: (1)(E) the Enlightenment's impact on political revolutions Locke Voltaire Wollstonecraft

4 February 24-25, 2014 Music in Europe 1.The 1600s were dominated by the grand style of baroque, ex. Johann Sebastian Bach. Minuet in GMinuet in G 2.The style of music In the 1700s,was classical. Three composers in Vienna rank among the greatest figures in classical music: 1.Franz Haydn The Little SerenadeThe Little Serenade 2.Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Aria from the Magic FluteAria from the Magic Flute 3.Ludwig von Beethoven (whose style carried into the Romantic period). Symphony 5Symphony 5

5 Today’s Lesson B 2/26; A 2/27 Journal Prompt: Interpreting a political cartoon The Three Estates Project Revolutions due 3/6-3/7 Notes: copy timeline in journal Video: Struggling toward Democracy in Latin America and South Africa Chapter 23: Section 1 Lesson French Revolution

6 Journal Warm-up for B 2/26; A 2/27 TEKS: (9)(a) the causes and effects of major political revolutions between 1750 and 1914, including the French Revolution/(29)(f) analyze info by comparing and contrasting p. 574 The Three Estates Read the chart next to the political cartoon. What do the figures and the stone represent? Prompt: 1)How do the chart and graphs help explain the political cartoon? 2)Why might the First and Second Estates be opposed to change?

7 Revolutions Timeline 1776American Revolution 1789 French Revolution begins 1795Napoleon named General of France’s armies 1804Haiti wins independence from France 1810“Grito de Delores” March to Mexico City 1811 Venezuela fight for independence from Spain begins 1815 Napoleon defeated at Waterloo 1821 Mexican independence from Spain 1822Brazil’s bloodless revolution from Portugal

8 Revolutions Haiti trailer Simon Bolivar Jose San Martin B 2/28; A 3/3

9 Today’s Lessons B 2/28; A 3/3 Prompt: Mob Mentality Project discussion Vocabulary activity French Revolution

10 Journal Warm-up for B 2/28; A 3/3 Pg. 572 Prompt: What would make these French peasants angry enough or inspire them enough to join the mob? Predict 3 reasons. Would you join? TEKS: the causes and effects of major political revolutions between 1750 and 1914, including the French Revolution Mob Mentality

11 Revolutions Activities Revolutions project due B day 3/6 A day 3/7 Journal prompts 2/26 to 3/7 – The Three Estates – Revolutions Timeline – Mob Mentality – Spanish Colonialism – Rise and Fall of Napoleon Films: – French Revolution – Struggle for Democracy – Bicentenario Mexico Bicentenario Mexico – Mexican War of Independence Mexican War of Independence Notes – French Revolution Notes Ch. 23 Section 1 – French Revolution Quilt Puzzle Ch. 23 Section 2 – Western Revolutions Ch. 24 Section 1 – Napoleon’s Achievements Ch. 23 Sections 3-4

12 Today’s Lesson B day 3/4 ; A day 3/5 Journal Prompt: Spanish Colonial Society Notes: Independence movements in Latin America

13 Warm-up: B day 3/4 ; A day 3/5 WH(9) Analyze and compare geographic distributions and patterns shown by maps, graphs, charts and models. Write your answers in sentences!

14 Today’s Lesson B Day 3/17 A day 3/18 Warm-up: Ideas and Revolution Finish notes Latin Revolutions, Napoleon – Packet due next class. Napoleon Video PROJECTS ARE PAST DUE

15 Warm-up B Day 3/17 A day 3/18 Citizenship. The student understands the significance of political choices and decisions made by individuals, groups, and nations throughout history. P. 606 Simon Bolivar 1)How did Enlightenment ideas influence Simon Bolivar? 2)What recent events in today’s world could be compared to Simon Bolivar’s movement for Latin American independence? Simon Bolivar

16 The Conquerors: Napoleon

17 Today’s Lesson B day 3/18 A Day 3/19 Warm-up (no journal prompt today!) The Rise and Fall of Napoleon Lessons Chapter 24 Nationalism, Section 3 Languages Fuel Nationalism Map activity Guided Reading Notes Bonds that Create a Nation-State Otto von Bismarck

18 Warm-up Rise and Fall of Napoleon Use map on pg. 588 Directions: I will assign you and your partner a country. Look on pg. 587 and 588 to decide if your country was conquered by Napoleon, an ally or an enemy. Then, the class will arranged themselves in the front of the room in the same order as the countries on the map and you and you partner will state what happened when your country met Napoleon.

19 Conquered by Napoleon, Ally, or Enemy? United Kingdom (587-591) Portugal (588) Spanish guerillas (589-590) Italy (588) Switzerland (588) Confederation of the Rhine (588) Naples (588) Prussia (591) Warsaw (588) Austrian Empire ((591) Russia (590) Sweden (591) 1.Make a sign for your country. 2.Line up countries by order on the map on 588. (West-East) 3.How will you interact with Napoleon when he comes to your country? How did Napoleon’s military ambitions contribute to the rise of nationalism?

20 Today’s Lesson B day 3/20; A day 3/24 Warm-up Factory Conditions Industrial Revolution Packet Chapter 25 part I

21 Journal Warm-up Factory Conditions Prompt: Pg. 632 What factory conditions concern you the most? TEKS: (8)(b) explain how the Industrial Revolution led to political, economic and social changes in Europe

22 Today’s Lesson 3/25 & 3/26 Journal: 1) Factory Conditions 2) Progress Lessons: Industrialization, Chapter 25 Packet II Invention Ad assignment

23 Journal Warm-up Prompt: Pg. 658 Was life better before the “progress” of the 19 th century (1800’s) or after? Which time period would you rather live in? Why? TEKS: (8)(a) explain how the Industrial Revolution led to social changes in Europe

24 Invention Ad Directions 1)Pick an invention from Ch. 26 Sec 4, or from Ch. 25 pg. 635-6 or from the list below. 2)Pretend you are the inventor and create an ad that would persuade people to buy your product. 3)Your ad needs to include: 1) drawing of your invention 2) a slogan 3)a description of what your product is and how it will help people 4)The name of the inventor/year it was invented

25 Invention Ideas 1800 – battery1873 – barbed wire 1810 – tin can1876 – telephone 1814 – photograph1886 – coca cola 1819 – soda fountain, stethoscope1891 – escalator 1827 – modern matches1893 – zipper 1829 – typewriter, braille for the blind1898 – roller coaster 1830 – sewing machine1899 – vacuum cleaner 1837 – telegraph 1839 – bicycle 1849 – safety pin 1850 – dishwasher 1858 – rotating washing machine 1862 – plastic 1866 – dynamite

26 Today’s Lesson B day: 4/4; A day 4/7 Short video on imperialism Journal Warm-up: Imperialism Livingstone and Stanley Packet: Chapter 27 Sections 1 & 2 Finish War Horse? notes history channel

27 Today’s Lesson B day: 4/4; A day 4/7 Journal Warm-up: A day Potato Famine Livingstone and Stanley Packet: Chapter 27 Sections 1 & 2 Finish War Horse? notes history channel

28 Today’s Lesson 4/7 Journal prompt Irish potato famine Finish War Horse

29 Journal warm-up A day 4/7 (8) History (C) Explain how the Industrial Revolution led to political, economic, and social changes in Europe. P. 667 Study the pie chart on page 667. Based on a population of 8 million, how many Irish died during the famine of 1845-1851? How many people immigrated to Australia, Canada, Britain, and the United States. (What is the formula to calculate this?) Skibbereen by James Mahoney 1847

30 Today’s Lesson A day 4/9 Journal Warm-up: Imperialism Livingstone and Stanley Motivations Packet: Chapter 27 Sections 1 & 2 notes history channel NOTICE: Journal is due for a major grade TUESDAY 4/15

31 Journal Warm-up B day: 4/4; A Day: 4/9 Pg. 686 “A Voice From The Past” Prompt: What is imperialism? What economic motives drove imperialism? Why did many Englishmen like Cecil Rhodes support imperialism? TEKS: (8)(c) identify the major political, economic, and social motivations that influenced European imperialism

32 Dr. Livingstone, I presume? Moody Blues 1939 movie


34 Journal Warm-up B-day (4/8) Prompt: Pg. 702 Why would the British consider India to be the “jewel in the crown”? What does this imply? TEKS: (8)(c) identify the major political, economic, and social motivations that influenced European imperialism

35 Journal Warm-up Prompt: Using your Africa Imperialism maps, decide which European nation had the most strategic territory in Africa and why. TEKS: (8)(d) explain the major characteristics of European imperialism

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