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1 Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Water and Environmental Affairs Support Provided to Local Government Presented by Ms Nomonde Mnukwa Regional Head,

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Presentation on theme: "1 Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Water and Environmental Affairs Support Provided to Local Government Presented by Ms Nomonde Mnukwa Regional Head,"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Water and Environmental Affairs Support Provided to Local Government Presented by Ms Nomonde Mnukwa Regional Head, Department of Water Affairs: Eastern Cape

2 2 Contents 1.Introduction 2.Achievements 3.Institutions in Water Provision 4.Planned and Ongoing Interventions 5.Challenges 6.Interventions to Challenges

3 3 1. Introduction to Eastern Cape – 6.51 million people District Local MunicipalitiesWSA MunicipalityPopulation Alfred NzoMatatiele, UmzimvubuAlfred Nzo427 912 Amathole Amahlathi, Nkonkobe, Ngqushwa, Buffalo City, Great Kei, Mnquma, Mbashe, Inxuba Amathole; Buffalo City1 664 256 Cacadu Ndlambe, Blue Crane Route, Camdeboo, Baviaans, Kou-Kamma, Kouga, Ikwezi, Sundays River Valley, Makana 388 218 Chris Hani Lukhanji, Inxuba Yethemba, Inkwanca, Tsolwana, Intsika Yethu, Engcobo, Emalahleni, Sakhisizwe Chris Hani816 194 O R Tambo King Sabatha Dalindyebo, Port St Johns, Ingquza Hill, Mbizana, Mhlontlo, Nyandeni, Ntabankulu O R Tambo1 697 008 UkhahlambaElundini, Senqu, Maletswai, GariepUkhahlamba341 837 Nelson Mandela Bay Metro 1 000 771

4 4 2. Past Achievements Functional areaNature of supportAchievementsBenefiting WSA Community Water Supply and Sanitation Delivery Water Supply and Sanitation Infrastructure 499 Municipal Projects Funded between 1995 and 2004 All 17 WSA’s in EC (R 2,6 billion) Institutional Capacity Building Implementation of Sustainable Water Institutions Programme WSA Capacity built between 2000 and 2008 17 WSA’s in EC (R 24 million) Transfer of Water Services function Refurbishment and operations of assets, Staff transfers & development at WSAs All infrastructure & 601 staff transferred with training budget 5 District Municipalities & Buffalo City (R 714 million) 2002 to 2014 Regional Bulk Services Provision Amatola Water, Albany Coast Bulk Service Provider, Amathole, Buffalo City & Ndlambe WSAs (R 31 Million/opex) Municipal Management Services Municipal Management Systems Interventions Municipal Management Systems developed 2003 to date 5 WSA’s in EC (R18 million)

5 5 Past Achievements (continued) Community Water Supply and Sanitation Infrastructure Programme  Implemented 1995 to 2004 across the Province  Guided, funded and managed development of water and sanitation infrastructure in Rural Areas (R 2,6 billion) Support in needs assessment Support in prioritisation Support in Planning Support in Implementation Guidance on Operation & Maintenance Transfer of infrastructure & staff

6 6 Past Achievements (continued) Implementation of Sustainable Water Institutions Programme (ISWIP) (R24 million)  Implemented 2000 to 2008  Improve Capacity in 17 x WSA municipalities  Funded a Water Services Authority support unit (25 Staff members appointed to WSA Municipality- 5x UKDM; 5x OR Tambo; 3x ANDM; 2x ADM; 3x CHDM; 2xBCM; 2xCDM)  Trained and developed unit to comply with requirements as per the Constitution and Water Services Act  Entrenched taking of responsibility for service delivery by WSA municipality

7 7 Past Achievements (continued) Municipal Management Systems Interventions (R18 million)  Implemented 2003 to date at 5 district WSA municipalities (Sustainability audit and GIS clearing house)  Guided and funded development of municipal management systems at WSA municipalities: M&E systems Asset management systems Infrastructure Development Planning and Implementation management systems Section 78 analyses Drinking Water Quality Monitoring and management systems

8 8 Transfer of Water Services function  All water services infrastructure transferred to 6 WSAs based on functional assessments completed in 2003 and transfer agreements signed by 2005.  Refurbishment agreed to with WSAs based on refurbishment project plans (Budget Allocation R58,2 million)  O & M assistance provided by DWA for the first 3 years of the transfer with a declining support of 30% per annum over the next three years (Total allocation R340,8 million)  Refurbishment completed in 4 WSAs. Remaining WSAs (O R Tambo DM & Amathole DM) to be completed by June 2010.  601 staff transferred to the WSAs by 2008. Transferred staff have been given training funding, R5000 per person, to fill the gaps that have been identified through the skills audit done by WSAs (Total budget +-R3m)  An after care programme has been set up with WSAs which continues for the period of the transfer agreement Past Achievements (continued)

9 9 Regional Bulk Services Provision  Amatola Water well established in the Amathole DM and Buffalo City LM Assets that they were operating that belonged to DWA has been transferred to AW. AW expanding area of operation to Chris Hani DM and Ukhahlamba DM  Albany Coast Water Board is the only institution in the province that operate a Reverse Osmosis. Provision of water and sanitation in clinics  214 Clinics provided 2007/2008 @ R43m Councillor Induction  All WSA’s since 2005 to todate Past Achievements (continued)

10 10 Water Conservation and demand management  Funded development of Business Plans (CHDM, ORTDM, ANDM, NMBMM) Continuously providing guidance to PERCCI  Funded training and employment of community plumbers and trainers @ Ndlambe LM R700 000. Provision of water and sanitation in schools  81 schools in 2008/9 @ R69m Water Quality Monitoring Koukamma & iKhwezi R500,000 Past Achievements (continued)

11 11 Working for Water (Poverty alleviation, Resource Management & Climate Change mitigation)  4667 people employed in 2008/2009. 56% F, 24% Y; 19% PLD & 20 people (war veterans in EL)  44 871 ha cleared of invasive alien plants  Facilitation of registration of 3 co-operatives- (Kartberg Community Co-op succesfully got Public Works tender in EL; Ikhamanga co-op being tourist choice – hosted 20 American guests) River health  Rivers monitored for ecological health indicated fair to natural state Vision 2020 Programme 920 Schools reached in 2008/2009, ANDM - Mt Frere school Position 1 at National Baswa Le Metse competition and Cacadu DM, Blue Crane school position 2 at National SAWYP Past Achievements (continued)

12 12 Drinking Water Quality Past Achievements (continued)

13 13 Umzimvubu Development Zone (Food Security)  Funded training and provision of household irrigation water for food security 2008/2009 R9,000,000 (ORTDM, ANDM, ADM). Establishment of Sanitation Resource Centres & Appropriate technology Manuals  BCM, ORT, ADM, CHDM & UKDM Dam safety Rehabilitation  Belfort Dam safety rehabilitation and O&M – R6m  Belfort and Ntenetyana Dams O & M –R1.3m  Gcuwa & Toleni Dams – R50m  Gamtoos Scheme (Cacadu & NMBMM areas) R150m by end 2009/2010 Human Resources Development  146 Process controllers trained and placed in UKDM, ANDM & ORTDM Past Achievements (continued)

14 14 Past Achievements (continued) WSA/DMMaster Plan Status Next ActionComments Alfred Nzo90% CompleteWider forum Discussion Implementation Strategy and Technological Manual not finalised yet. Both impact on the DM O&M. The DM held a Water Services Strategic Plan workshop on 18 and 19 June 2009, where the key focal points were discussed, however, decisions leading to completion of the master plan not finalised. Amatole90% CompleteWider forum discussion Revised implementation strategy and Organogram to be finalised. OG to finalise the document Buffalo City LM*90% (reported)Wider forum discussions Workshop on the master plan held on the 22nd and 23rd July 2009. Chris Hani*100% CompleteWider forum discussions The DM is already implementing based on the Master Plan. The document is already utilised as a planning tool OR Tambo*60% CompleteWider forum discussions OG has commented on the Master Plan. But not finalised by the DM yet. Ukhahlamba95% CompleteWider forum held Document ready, awaiting Technological Choice Manual approval, then finalised and endorsed. The Master Plan to be submitted together with sanitation options manual.

15 15 Past Achievements (continued) Ndlambe LM75% CompleteComplete the MP Ndlambe internal incoherent communication has lead to inconstant flow of information that slowed development of the MP. However, a breakthrough has been achieved, all key stakeholder are participating in the process. Nevertheless, the backlog data is not finalised Makana LM45% completeArrange for internal workshop First contact was made, however, not all pertinent staff were available; the draft MP will then be discussed in wider Makana LM staff for its finalisation. Cacadu DM0%Visit planned for week starting 19th July 2009 To establish the total coverage for the DM, as most of all its LM's are WSAs. Meeting postponed to

16 16 All 17 WSAs have policies for free basic water provision Not all WSAs providing free basic water Some providing FBW to all not just to indigent FBS guideline developed Working with COG&TA and Provincial DLG&TA to guide their Special Intervention Programme – Koukamma LM and Ndlambe LM Access to FBW limited by access to infrastructure Access to FBS (Regulation)

17 17  Shiloh Irrigation Scheme  Refurbished in partnership with the Eastern Cape Department of Agriculture.  DWA is responsible for the refurbishment of the bulk supply infrastructure while the DoA is responsible for the refurbishment of the distribution system.  The scheme will supply water to irrigate 420 ha. Most of the bulk refurbishment is complete and now at commissioning stage.  R15m spent by DWA on the refurbishment of the scheme.  Qamata Irrigation Scheme  Rehabilitated in partnership with Eastern Cape Development Agency (ECDA).  The scheme receives water from Lubisi Dam and 1 959 ha can be irrigated once the refurbishment is complete. The scheme consists of 25 km of canal and 37 balancing dams.  Rehabilitation work 9 balancing dams completed and further 4 being rehabilitated.  To date R 30m has been spent by DWA on the rehabilitation with a further R60m budgeted to complete the rehabilitation. The target date for completion is 2013.  The Ncora Irrigation Scheme  The scheme receives water from Ncora Dam and 2 490 ha can be irrigated once the refurbishment is complete.  Rehabilitation work have commenced on 3 balancing dams this year.  R5m spent by DWA with a further R40m budgeted to complete the rehabilitation. The target date for completion is 2012. Irrigation Schemes

18 18 School Water and Sanitation  08/09 & 09/10 DWA budget of R69m & R79m allocated to assist DOE  Negotiated an IA agreement with Amatola Water Boards and Mvula Trust  Implementation underway (183 schools) Special programmes

19 19 Regional Bulk Infrastructure Programme  5 of 17 WSA have adopted bulk water plans  Consolidated WSA bulk planning into provincial perspective – this requires updating to align with  Water Resource Availability  PGDS needs  Access additional funding Special programmes

20 20 EC Technical Report Assessment Panel Technical, social and financial feasibility of projects reviewed Ensures compliance with national policies, norms and standards Recommends all WS projects for MIG funding. DWA and MIG bilateral forum established and hold monthly meetings WSA allocate >80% of MIG for water and sanitation projects 2008/09 feasibility report recommendations Planning (Regulation) TypeNoValue Water75R 780,589,358 Sanitation125R 932,450,318 Total200R 2,253,400,354

21 21 KZN Institutions in water service provision InstitutionRole in service delivery Amatola Water BoardProvision of Bulk Water in Buffalo City & Amathole DM and Provision of Management Support at Amathole, Chris Hani and Ukhahlamba District Municipalities Albany Coast Water Board Provision of Water in Ndlambe Local Municipality Lower Sundays River Water User Association Provision of Water to Sundays River V Mun, Addo and irrigation water to Citrus Farmers Gamtoos Irrigation Board Provision of Water to Kouga Municipality and irrigation water to Citrus Farmers Great Fish Water User Association Provision of irrigation water to Citrus Farmers in Somerset East and Cookhouse Kat River Valley Water User Association Provision of irrigation water to Citrus Farmers Fort Beaufort and surrounding areas 3. EC Institutions in water service provision

22 22 KZN Institutions in water service provision Provincial Structures CCAWDepartments Agriculture, Land Affairs & Water Affairs- Licensing (water rights & irrigation) LAACForestry Sector, DWA (licensing) MUNIMECMEC for local government, Mayors; Provincial Departments, MM’s; - Linked to PCF & Clusters Various specific Task teams( e.g. Assets, Skills, revenue etc) Provincial Departments, WSA Municipalities, Water Boards, DWA, SALGA (IGR) Eastern Cape Water Committee Provincial Departments, WSA Municipalities, Water Boards, NGO’s, DWA;SALGA ( officials and political portfolio heads) Provincial Water Forum (RECENTLY LAUNCHED) MEC LG, Mayors, Municipal Managers, Water Portfolio Heads, Water Boards and Sector Departments (recently launched) EC Institutions in water service provision Cont

23 23 Institutions(continued) Environmental Education Forum Pooling of resources for maximum impact” (i.e. plan efficiently ). Forum for advocacy for environmental learning in schools. Collaboration on environmental learning, curriculum development and learning processes. To strengthen the focus on environmental learning in schools Provincial Sanitation Task Team To promote cooperative governance in order to share resources while delivering sustainable sanitation services. BSMC To discuss the schools progress for this financial year, the Health and Hygiene issues and O&M user education and the tendering process including implementation challenges.

24 24 4. DWA Planned & Ongoing Interventions Functional areaPlanned interventionTimeframe Regulation Regulatory Support Access to Water Services Access to Sanitation Access to Free Basic Services Operations and DWQ Effluent Quality Ongoing Capacity Building Support and Skills enhancement Youth development and skills development WfW (Resource Management; Climate Change Mitigation and Job creation) Regulatory compliance in HR development (Training of plant operators) Rain Water Harvesting Programme 2020 Vision For Water and Sanitation Education Programme Free Basic Water & Sanitation Policies Implementation Support WASH Ongoing Special Programmes Schools Water & Sanitation Regional Bulk Infrastructure Water Availability Strategies River Health Programmes From 2007 and Ongoing Provincial Agrarian and Rural Development IWRM for Food Security and Job CreationFrom 2009 and Ongoing

25 25 EC Water Backlog – 4,7 million people in 1,179,215 houses Funding Required – R 10,604 billion for RDP Level Funding Available – R 1,448 billion per annum (MIG) WSA Expenditure Capacity 2006/07- 52% of WSA’s MIG utilized for Water Services (R1,072b) - 87% of WSA’s MIG allocation utilized 2007/08- 55% of WSA’s MIG utilized for Water Services (R1,413b) - 91% of WSA’s MIG allocation utilized 2008/09- 51% of WSA’s MIG utilized for Water Services (R1,541b) - 96% of WSA’s MIG allocation utilized Access to water (Regulation)

26 26 EC Sanitation backlog - 966,000 Households Funding Required – R 2,800 billion Funding Available – R 358 million per Annum (MIG) Drought interventions (2007/8) R36.4m in all DM’s Water Security (Planning)  Algoa Reconciliation Study (NMBMM) R4.7m 2008-2010  Amathole Recon Study (BCM & ADM) R3m 2008-2010  All towns Recon (134 Towns, 2600 Villages) R4.90m 2009-2011 Access to sanitation (Regulation)

27 27 Accelerated Community Infrastructure Programme  R94 million allocated to EC (Ukhahlamba, Chris Hani, Alfred Nzo, O R Tambo, Amathole DMs, Ndlambe LM & Nelson Mandela Bay Metro) Regional Bulk Infrastructure Programme  Implementation of the first Scheme Started in 07/08 (CHDM)  Implementation of the second Scheme Started in 08/09 (Mthatha)  Implementation of 5 Schemes started in 2009/10 in 3 WSAs Funding 2007/082008/092009/102010/112011/12 R47,400,000R76,800,000R138,000,000R151,000,000R278,000,000 Special programmes

28 28 Issued Pre-Directives  Koukamma Municipality on Pollution  ORT DM – pollution Mthatha Koukamma LM  DPLG, and Cacadu DM intervention –R140m ORT DM  EC Provincial (DLG&TA) intervention R10.6m  DWA intervention R25m Regulation

29 29 Lack of Engineering (incl Planning); Geohydrologists & Technical skills Institutional Arrangements and capacity to perform functions  DLGTA intervention  Ability of DWA to intervene Financial  WSA’s dependence on Grant funds  Dilapidated infrastructure  Meeting the MDG’s Stressed Water Sources Holistic Integrated Planning 5. Challenges


31 31 6. Proposed Interventions to Challenges Recent Water Indaba Provincial Water Plan  to enable resource mobilisation  To strengthen both DWA & WSA regulation  To strengthen IGR and role of Province on Water issues  Responding to government plan of action Drought intervention  Provincial plan approved by EC Cabinet  Process to declare disaster underway

32 32 Thank you!

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