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(modified for the use of AgilEFant project and LC2.0. group by Touko Vainio-Kaila from the original slides of Jarno Vähäniitty) Helsinki University of.

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Presentation on theme: "(modified for the use of AgilEFant project and LC2.0. group by Touko Vainio-Kaila from the original slides of Jarno Vähäniitty) Helsinki University of."— Presentation transcript:

1 (modified for the use of AgilEFant project and LC2.0. group by Touko Vainio-Kaila from the original slides of Jarno Vähäniitty) Helsinki University of Technology Software Business and Engineering Institute (SoberIT) Cycles of Control – some basics concepts to get familiar with AgilEFant.

2 Time E.g. Daily builds, Status meeting a’la Scrum -What have you done? - What do you do next? - Any problems? Time horizon ≤ week Heartbeats (Backlog items and Tasks in AgilEFant) - Monitoring progress and synchronising the work with different practices

3 Iterations (Iteration in AgilEFant) Time Control Points - e.g. splitting the development work into “sprints” Doing – between the control points - Suitable increments of functionality - Freezing the requirements and resources  work without constant interruptions (työrauha) - Fixed schedule, adjustable scope Planning – in the control points - Regular reflection of the situation at hand - Ending the previous iteration: status check & demonstration - Planning the following iteration 2-4 weeks, sometimes even less

4 Projects (Deliverable in AgilEFant) - e.g. grouping the iterations into release projects Time - Release criteria and goals - Iteration planning - Timing, initial goals, scope, themes - Resourcing - Investment and prioritisation - Roles and responsibilities Regular release rhythm, (from 3 to 6 months)

5 What about AgilEFant and all these concepts?

6 Cycles of Control concepts  Features, things to do,”units of work”, are presented as backlog items.  Backlog items are split to tasks that are more concrete units of things & work to do  ”something to do, implement, …” usually for work load of about 4-14 hours (bigger thing should be splitten to smaller ones)  Backlog items are stored in Backlogs (Iteration Backlog, Deliverable Backlog or Product Backlog)  Iteration is a part of a Deliverable  Deliverable belongs to a Product.

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