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Challenges in IAY implementation – issues and solutions.

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Presentation on theme: "Challenges in IAY implementation – issues and solutions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Challenges in IAY implementation – issues and solutions

2 1. Selection of beneficiaries Issue : Interference by GP and representatives Faulty BPL list Suggestions: BDOs should be asked to scrutinise list before releasing funds Accountability for removing ineligible names should be fixed

3 2.Sectoral allocation and targets for SC / ST and minorities Issue : Inadequate SC/ ST families to be covered in many districts or exhausted Suggestions: State level targets to be prescribed but district level targets to be allocated by the states Ratio should be reworked - Revised allocation for SC/ST and minorities

4 Inadequate unit cost assistance Issue : High cost of material and labour High transportation cost in remote and hilly areas Suggestions: Increase unit cost Additional funds for remote and hilly areas Convergence with MGNREGA

5 Unit cost for land purchase for homesteads sites Issue : Assistance provided is too meager Land cost is very high Suggestions: Assistance should be increased as per market value.

6 Incomplete houses Issue : Large no. of houses incomplete for various reasons – little assistance was provided earlier, misuse by beneficiaries, inadequate technical understanding of beneficiaries etc.. Suggestions: Additional assistance to state authorities to complete such houses on their own. Time frame to be increased for addressing backlog Family occupancy to be treated as completion of house.

7 Contingency funds Issue : No funds available for quality assurance and monitoring at present Suggestions: 2-3% of scheme allocation to be given as contingency

8 Off-take of DRI loan provision Issue : Banks are unwilling to cooperate, treat DRI applications as home loan applications Suggestions: DRI should be made compulsory Targets to be fixed for banks by RBI – action to be taken against default Paperwork simplified at the national level.

9 Land availability Issue : Some instruments like CRZ pose limitations for making land available Suggestions: CRZ should be relaxed based on local conditions for IAY houses.

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