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NATIONWIDESLUMUPGRADING Moving to Scale – Nationwide Slum Upgrading São Paulo, October 16, 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "NATIONWIDESLUMUPGRADING Moving to Scale – Nationwide Slum Upgrading São Paulo, October 16, 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 NATIONWIDESLUMUPGRADING Moving to Scale – Nationwide Slum Upgrading São Paulo, October 16, 2003

2 NATIONWIDESLUMUPGRADING Learning From Previous Successes & Failures 50s + 60s  Urbanisation underway in LAC;  Demolitions and forced evictions common;  High rise, direct delivery for few. 70s  Emergence of alternative delivery mechanisms;  Some site and service;  Land registration very limited. 80s  Emergence of citywide & nationwide programmes such as KIP (Indonesia) & Sri Lanka (Million houses);  Concerted upgrading in parts of Africa – Ghana, Senegal, Tunisia and Morocco;  Increasing acceptance of in-situ upgrading. 90s  Move to national programmes in Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia; Favela Barrio in Rio de Janeiro;  South Africa moves to scale;  Major policy initiatives - City Summit & Habitat Agenda (1996);  UN global campaigns, Cities Alliance, Cities Without Slums Action Plan (1999).

3 NATIONWIDESLUMUPGRADING Current Challenges  Slums growing faster than response;  Urban poverty is deepening ;  Limited policy response in Asia & Africa;  Some positive trends in MENA;  Failure of the project approach;  Central importance of land issues – transparency, tenure & urban periphery;  Limited access to credit.

4 NATIONWIDESLUMUPGRADING Current Challenges 2003: CA Survey of Nationwide Upgrading Programmes In 2003, Cities Alliance undertook a survey to identify successful contemporary nationwide upgrading programmes. We studied nine countries: BrazilChile México MauritaniaMoroccoTunisia South Africa ThailandVietnam

5 NATIONWIDESLUMUPGRADING Latin America  Most urbanised continent (72% +);  32% of urban poor live in slums (14% of global);  Major focus on inclusion and upgrading. BrazilBacklogBudgetTarget6,6m Not finalised No national target Strengths & Innovations Political will. Strong local govt. and civil society. Innovative legislation. ChallengesObstacles Budgetary constraints. Land availability. Ltd access to credit. Chile77,000 US$ 67m p.a. All by 2006 Long-term experience. Multisectoral Chile Barrio. Savings/subsidy/ credit link. Poor location. Limited access to credit. Limited local govt. participation. MéxicoUnknown US$ 85m - 03/04 170,000 Focus on titling & ownership. New urban upgrading programmes. Subsidy over 3 years. No long-term planning. Limited access to credit. Weak capacity.

6 NATIONWIDESLUMUPGRADING Africa  Least urbanised continent (35%) but fastest urbanising;  72% of current urban population already in slums;  Weak policy frameworks & local government. MauritaniaBacklogBudgetTarget120,000 US$ 193m/10 years All in 10 years Strengths & Innovations Clear policy & will. Secure tenure for all. Twize micro-credit programme. ChallengesObstacles Technical capacity. Inappropriate standards. Inappropriate legal framework for land. Morocco871,000 US $ 2.0bn/10 years 770,000 Long experience. Clear policy and programmes. Political support. Shortage of serviced land. Weak local govt. Limited participation. Limited access to credit. Tunisia Tunisia24,000 US$ 111m/5 years All by 2006 Long experience. Backlog nearly removed. Access to credit. Limited local govt. participation. Weak participation. Shortage of secure land. South Africa 2.3 m US$ 589m No new target Political will. Comprehensivepolicy. Strong local govt. Weak private Sector involvement. Limited access to credit. Poor location.

7 NATIONWIDESLUMUPGRADING Asia  Most slum dwellers - 554m (60%);  Unprecedented urbanisation over next 30 years;  Progress in East Asia, slow in South Asia. ThailandBacklogBudgetTarget 1.6 m US$ 590 m/5 years 300,000 by 2007 Strengths & Innovations Locally-driven programme. Secure tenure. Strong NGO involvement. ChallengesObstacles Variable local govt. support. Uncertain funding. Shortage of land. VietnamUnknown No budget No target Policy under development. Some standards revision. Co-ordinated donor response. Constrained land markets. Very limited participation. Very limited access to credit. Limited local govt. autonomy.

8 NATIONWIDESLUMUPGRADING Essential Ingredients of Nationwide Slum Upgrading PolicyReform LeverageResources  Clear policy & institutional frameworks;  Ensure open & transparent land markets;  Prevent the growth of new slums.  Mobilise non-public sector resources:  Engage private sector as risk-sharing partner;  Slum dweller involvement & investment  Consistent political leadership;  Set long term city & national targets;  Core business: on budget Political Will Will

9 NATIONWIDESLUMUPGRADING Cities Alliance Slum Upgrading Portfolio Completing 2003 México San Salvador Central America Gujarat Current Brazil Slum Upgrading Strategy Bahia São Paulo ChileMozambiqueNairobi India Sanitation CLIFFIranMoroccoCambodiaVietnamBombay/Manila/Durban Pipeline São Paulo ManausCali Dar es Salaam UgandaLagos Central/West Africa Bombay


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