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Direct Purchase of Service (DPS) Training Request For Proposal.

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Presentation on theme: "Direct Purchase of Service (DPS) Training Request For Proposal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Direct Purchase of Service (DPS) Training Request For Proposal

2 Presentation Objectives Review Requirements of RFP Review Requirements of RFP RFP Rating Criteria RFP Rating Criteria Specific Areas of Concern Specific Areas of Concern Narrative Narrative Budget Budget

3 What is a Request for Proposal (RFP)? A Request for Proposal (RFP) is the process by which a corporate department or government agency prepares bid documents to acquire equipment or services.

4 NMAC Requires AAA’s to select service providers/vendors through a competitive bid process, which may include a multi-year RFP.  The last RFP process implemented by Non-Metro AAA was for the period 7/1/2008 – 6/30/2012.  Next RFP process will begin March 2012 for state fiscal years 2013 – 2017. NMAC = New Mexico Administrative Code

5 The competitive bid process is designed to:  identify new interested service providers / vendors  encourage existing providers / vendors to deliver quality, cost effective and efficient services.

6 Non-Metro AAA’s RFP I. Introduction A. Purpose B. Scope of Work C. Eligible Entities D. Funding Availability E. Payment Provision F. Procurement Manager

7 Non-Metro AAA’s RFP II. Conditions Governing the Procurement Sequence of Events Sequence of Events III. General Requirements A. Incurring Costs B. Subcontractors C. Applicant’s Right to Withdraw D. Confidentiality of Proposals E. RFP Cancellation

8 Non-Metro AAA’s RFP F. Appropriation Contingency G. Right to Waive Minor Irregularities H. Agency Rights I. Ownership of Proposals

9 Non-Metro AAA’s RFP IV. Proposal Response Format A. Format & Mandatory Req. B. Mandatory Requirements C. Proposal Format 1. Proposal Narrative 2. Narrative Components a. Statement of Need b. Identifying & Prioritizing Clients/Targeting c. Organizational Capability

10 Non-Metro AAA’s RFP D. Goals & Objectives E. Budget F. Review Process G. Evaluation Factors/Rating Criteria H. Closing Date I. Notification of Outcome J. Appeal Process

11 RFP Rating  Total points 125  Narrative 40  Budgets 50  Cost of Services 25  Other Available Resources 10

12 The Narrative:  Critical section  Should describe the who, what, when, where, how  Examples of specific topics  Process used to determine needs  Geographical area of service delivery  Description of population to be served: characteristics, conditions, risk factors of target population  Description of delivery sites, hours of operation

13 The Narrative  Prioritizing Clients/Targeting  Procedures for receiving & processing requests for service(s)  Description of targeting methods:  greatest economic need  greatest social need  at-risk for institutional placement  limited English proficiency  living in rural areas or isolated

14 The Narrative  Organizational Capability  Description of:  agency’s mission, goals & objectives  systems for networking, referrals, cooperative services, funding, in-kind support, etc.  securing other funding resources  business status in NM (NPO, LG)  History & familiarity providing services to targeted population NPO = Non-Profit Organization; LG = Local Government

15 The Narrative  Helpful hints  Gather your data  Cut & paste the questions, sub questions, or topic areas and points assigned each section before the writing actually begins  Make it easy to review  Write in plain, properly punctuated English. Be clear and concise  Ensure the services described in the narrative match the service definitions

16  Write as if the reviewer knows nothing about your agency or programs.  Answer the questions directly.  Walk the reviewer through the service process; the nuts & bolts.  The narrative and budget should match. Include budget info in text of the narrative.  Make it believable, achievable and measurable.  Direct, clear, and simple is best.

17 The Budget  Essential Piece   Reasonable and calculated/estimated (as opposed to guessed)   Complete the budget forms   Keep the budget narrative succinct and to the point

18 Pulling It All Together   Be aware of deadlines   Follow detailed instructions   Deliver exactly what is asked for   Regardless of the tasks you need to complete, start by developing a plan of work   Remember that the final deadline is final and the responsibility of meeting the final deadline is entirely yours

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