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Utilities Planning Group UPCOMING REQUESTS FOR PROPOSALS Larry Tunnell, PE, PG Chief Engineer.

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Presentation on theme: "Utilities Planning Group UPCOMING REQUESTS FOR PROPOSALS Larry Tunnell, PE, PG Chief Engineer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Utilities Planning Group UPCOMING REQUESTS FOR PROPOSALS Larry Tunnell, PE, PG Chief Engineer

2 Utilities Automation Plan Update Phase:Project Initiation (TBD) Cost:$800,000 Purpose –Update master plan for pump station, WSF, WRF and AMR automation. Components –Master Plan –Central vs Remote SCADA –Cost Effective Improvements –Energy & Chemical Optimization –Staffing & Knowledge Capture –Standardization on Design, Equipment, Software, Procedure, and Process –Enterprise Reporting RFP Fall 2011 All Districts

3 Water Conserv II Reclaimed Water Booster Pump Station Phase:Planning Cost:$5,000,000 54-inch reclaimed water transmission main Boost capacity from 75 MGD to over 90 MGD –Wet weather events –Needed by 2015 Negotiating cost-sharing agreement with City RFP Fall 2011 N PROPOSED BPS District 1S16-T23-R27

4 Southwest Water Reclamation Facility Phase:Land Acquisition and Planning Cost:$50,000,000 (Phase 1 Construction) 50-acre site at Water Conserv II Rib Site 6 Facilities Plan to be Updated –5 MGD Phase 1 –BNR for 3 mg/l total nitrogen –Evaluating option as membrane bioreactor facility Updated flow projections RFP Fall 2011 N District 1S16-T23-R27

5 SSA/ESA WM/RWM-Landstar Blvd. to Wewahootee Rd. Phase:Real Estate Acquisition/RFP Cost:$15,000,000 Water; $8,500,000 Reclaimed Water Obtaining easements Approximately 10.75 miles 36-inch water main and 20-inch reclaimed water main RFP Spring 2012 WEWAHOOTEE RD. BOGGY CREEK RD. I - 4 SR 417 LANDSTAR BLVD. NARCOOSSEE RD. MOSS PARK RD. N District 4S31-T23-R29

6 Lee Vista Blvd. to Innovation Place WM and FM Phase:Planning / RFP Cost:$8,300,000 24,200 feet 30-inch potable water main 25,600 feet 30-inch forcemain RFP Fall 2011 District 4S20-T23-R31 LEE VISTA BLVD O.C. LANDFILL N MOSS PARK ROAD LEE VISTA BLVD INNOVATION PLACE PD SR 528

7 Innovation Place PD Utilities Phase:Planning / RFP Cost:$10,000,000 17,000 feet of water main 12,800 feet of forcemain 15,600 feet of reclaimed Wastewater pump station RFP Spring 2012 District 4S20-T23-R31 SR 528 SR 417 MOSS PARK RD INNOVATION WAY LEE VISTA BLVD DOWDEN RD N Innovation Place PD Potable Water Main Existing Reclaimed Water Main Existing Wastewater Forcemain Existing

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