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Published byBeatrice Fisher Modified over 9 years ago
College Preparation Intervention Program Technical Assistance Meeting
(CPIP) Technical Assistance Meeting March 9, 2015 March 10, 2015 Good Morning and Welcome to the College Preparation Intervention Program (CPIP). This morning I plan to first give an overview of CPIP. After the overview, I will discuss the application process for CPIP. Each of you should have signed in and picked up a packet. The packet contains an Agenda the CPIP RFP the Slide presentation and an Evaluation form After the presentation and questions, we will have a networking lunch to give you an opportunity to meet with the LEA staff who have attended today. Before we start, let’s tale a few minutes for introductions. . Please give your name, my name, your institution or school, and your role there. I’ll start and then we will go around the room. My name is Andrenette Mack Augins and I am the Grants Manager for the Outreach and Grant Management Office of the Maryland Higher Education Commission. I coordinate the CPIP grant.
MHEC CPIP Grant A program funded by the State
Supports eligible middle school sites Provides matching funds for the federal Maryland Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs (GEAR UP) Supports Maryland’s college access and completion goals as defined in Maryland Ready, the State’s State Plan for Postsecondary Education and the College and Career Readiness and College Completion Act of 2013. Before we get started – the restrooms are located . . . The College Preparation Intervention Program, or CPIP, is a STATE program funded with STATE money. CPIP is dedicated to supporting Maryland’s College Access Challenge Grant Program the MCACGP federal grant. Maryland College Access Challenge Grant Program is a federally funded program administered by the State. CPIP serves as a portion of the required State match to this federal grant.
Authorization Annotated Code of Maryland,
Education Article, §§ § Established In cooperation with the State’s public and non-public institutions of postsecondary education, the Council of Maryland’s K-16 Partnership, the Maryland State Department of Education, and the local school systems, the commission shall establish and administer a College Preparation Intervention Program. (1999, ch. 515, § 1.) CPIP is authorized by a state law. MHEC serves as the lead agency for the state grant and administers CPIP. The designed structure of CPIP allows for programs to work with entire high schools rather than to have pull-out programs so that it is easier to achieve school reform and to reach the students— In other words, students are not singled out and identified as “in need” in one way or another. A high school is identified and followed to track the progress of the students. CPIP funds flow from MHEC to the designated schools to provide direct services for students, parents, and teachers. CPIP funds are awarded competitively to colleges to provide support to the LEA high school sites. If you notice in the lower left have corner of the slide, I have indicated the page in the RFP which has this information RFP Page 2
Purpose § The purpose of the College Preparation Intervention Program is to raise the level of academic preparedness of economically and environmentally disadvantaged students to enable them to attend and succeed in college. The College Preparation Intervention Program (CPIP) is a State grant program which supports Maryland’s college access and completion goals as defined in Maryland Ready, the State’s State Plan for Postsecondary Education, Maryland GEAR UP and the College and Career Readiness and College Completion Act of 2013. Under the law, the goal of CPIP is “to raise the level of academic preparedness of economically and environmentally disadvantaged students to enable them to attend and succeed in college.” Project activities have to fit within the framework provided by this law. RFP Pages 2
Eligible Applicants Accredited Maryland IHE
Public & Private Institutions Two- and four-year Colleges and Universities IHE-led Partnership Businesses and Non-profit Organizations If you, as a project director for other MHEC grant projects, have overdue reports, the application for this program may be considered ineligible. Eligible applicants are MD 2- and 4-year colleges and universities Or partnerships of colleges and nonprofits or businesses A college/university must be the lead partner But remember - If you as a project director for other MHEC grant projects have overdue reports, the application for this program may be considered ineligible. RFP Page 5
CPIP Partners CPIP partners may serve one or more of the eligible LEA and/or middle school site More than one CPIP partner may serve an eligible LEA and/or middle school site Projects will begin in October. More than one college partner can work with a CPIP high school. For example, UMES, Wor-Wic Community College, and Salisbury University may provided complementary services to a Somerset Co. high school. If there is more than one college partner, obviously more planning and coordination is involved. The activities can’t overlap or appear to overlap. And the applications should not be inter-dependent – each must be a stand alone project so that if only one is funded, the other one can still be implemented. There is a lot of flexibility with how partnerships can be structured. One college partner could provide services to parents or teachers while another could provide student services. Or one could provide dual enrollment while another provided SAT prep. RFP Page 5
CPIP Service Sites Middle Schools in the following School Districts
Baltimore City (GEAR UP) Dorchester County (GEAR UP) Kent County Prince George’s County Wicomico County (GEAR UP) The Local Educational Agencies that met the all 4 eligibility criteria are listed. All of the sites and their contact information can be found on pages 25 through 27 of the RFP. Applications that support Allegany, Baltimore City, Dorchester, Prince George’s, Somerset and Wicomico Counties high schools meeting the eligibility criteria mentioned previously will be considered for funding under CPIP. RFP Page 5
CPIP LEA Selection Criteria
Feeder middle schools have ≥44.4% or more of students eligible for Free and Reduced Meals Program (FARMS); AND FARM students scores on two or more MSAs are: ≤38.9% on 8th gr. mathematics, ≤ 63.4% on 8th gr. Reading and ≤ 50.4% on 8th gr. science; AND College remediation course rates of High School grads by place of residence is ≥ 54.4%; AND HS graduation and bachelor’s schools have FARMS students performing at proficiency levels degree attainment rates for persons age 25+ are ≤30% To be eligible, the LEA and their high schools must meet all 4 of the requirements. The first requirement is that feeder middle schools have 50% or more of its students are eligible for the Free and Reduced Meals program; AND Number two requirement is that the schools have 70% or less of its students performing at the proficiency level on 2 or more of the State Algebra, Biology and Reading HSA assessments; AND When High School students graduate, their remediation rates at MD colleges they attend according to their place of residence is greater than 50%; AND The high school graduation and bachelor degree attainment rates for person age 25 and over is 30% or less. In administering CPIP, MHEC is adhering to these eligibility requirements and will make awards to serve only sites meeting these criteria which will be outlined in the “NEEDS” section of your proposal application. RFP Pages 4 & 28-29
Projects may run for a shorter period of time.
Project Period June 12, 2015 – June 30, 2016 Projects may run for a shorter period of time. The period for this grant is Oct. 25, to Oct. 31, 2014. The award notifications will be made Oct. 25, 2013 by midnight and projects can begin at that time. Once you’re notified that you’ve been awarded, you can begin. After you have received the grant, you will need to work with your LEA partner and other CPIP partners who may be working with the LEA site to coordinate your activities. At every step of the way, we expect college partners to collaboratively plan the project with the LEA partner. RFP Page 4
Award Amount Up to $150,000 for GEAR UP cohort schools depending on project scope Size of the award is based on the number of students, teachers, or parents served and the comprehensiveness of the project We have around $750,000 to award for partnerships. The maximum award amount this year is up to $150,000. The higher end of the award may be made for projects that: serve a greater number of students, include several activities, or serve more than one target audience RFP Page 5
CPIP Project Match Requirement
Grantees are required to provide a matching contribution equal to at least 1/4 or 25% of the total direct funds requested This non-federal match may be met with cash and/or in-kind contributions and cannot be waived Documentation of matching contributions must contain adequate source documentation for the claimed cost share, provide clear valuation of in- kind matching, and provide support of cost sharing (federal regulations) If the applicant institution does not include a matching contribution equal to at least 1/4 or 25% of the total direct project funds requested, the application will be considered ineligible for funding RFP Page 4
CPIP/GEAR UP Goals Improve GEAR UP students' performance in mathematics and English/ language arts to facilitate high school graduation and college matriculation, in alignment with the Common Core Curriculum, Improve the teaching of mathematics and English/ language arts in GEAR UP schools to enhance academic achievement of students, Maryland CPIP has three inter-related goals to be supported by grant project objectives and outcomes to increase the number of disadvantaged high school students who intend to pursue postsecondary education: Increasing math, language arts and reading in alignment with the newly adopted Common Core Curriculum implemented this summer by MSDE Enhancing awareness of students and their families about the academic expectations of high school and college, the connections and links between careers and postsecondary education and financial aid options AND . . . RFP Pages 5-6
CPIP/GEAR UP Goals To improve preparedness for college by having students demonstrate a greater awareness of college admissions requirements and opportunities as measured through annual surveys or pre/post assessments To have parents/guardians be able to demonstrate knowledge of requirements for high school graduation, postsecondary options and acquiring financial aid for their student through annual surveys. Encouraging communication and collaboration between institutions of higher education, LEAs and high school staff as well as providing professional development to assist in diagnosing basic skill deficiencies of students to enhance preparedness for college RFP Pages 5-6
CPIP/GEAR UP Goals Students will demonstrate an increase in their academic performance and preparation for postsecondary education through pre/post assessments. Since CPIP provides a match and supports MCACGP, CPIP project directors are required to provide the mandatory activities of FAFSA completion for all seniors and their families in the schools their projects service. The projects are also required to provide specific data which will evaluate the success of the FAFSA Completion activities. RFP Pages 5-6
CPIP Activities Academic Services to Middle School Students
(B) Student and Family College and Career Preparation Services (C) Professional development for teachers, principals, and other staff CPIP funds project activities that fall into one or more of 3 categories – these are listed on pages 3 and 4 of the RFP: Academic services to high school students, this includes - for example – enrichment or remediation programs during the school year. Career preparation services to students & their families – here we are interested in activities that make clear for students and their families the connection between HS/college course selections and career paths. But also projects that will lead to opportunities for students to gain new experiences. For example – workshops to help students and their parents understand the college admission process. Professional development activities for LEA staff can focused and linked to the local curriculum and the “NEW” Common Core Standards on mathematics, language arts or reading RFP Pages 2-3
Priority Areas Support for transition to high school, high school graduation and college entrance Provide services to the most at-risk students Engage students in developing a plan & non-technical skills Provide parents with the resources to support their children Involve students in activities that will make them feel welcomed and accepted in a college environment In addition to the service categories I reviewed, we have also designated several priority areas. The priority areas for FY 2013 may be found on page 9 of the RFP. I think you’ll see that the priority areas are very closely related to the three CPIP goals mentioned earlier. RFP Page 9
Content Focus of Project Activities
Core Standards in Math and Language Arts Math Standards Earlier introduction to Algebra I and II, data analysis, statistics and applied math concepts Real world application in Biology English/Language Arts Standards Content literacy across all disciplines Reading and writing in domain specific categories (e.g. science, social studies) Professional Development Needs Summer 2015 CPIP applications supporting new standards & PARCC assessments encouraged! In June 2010 Maryland became one of the first States in the nation to adopt the Common Core State Standards in mathematics and English language arts. The Common Core Standards is a state-led effort coordinated by the National Governor's Association and the Council of Chief State School Officers. Maryland has launched a broad-based year-long process to revise its curriculum to align with the new document. Hundreds of classroom educators, instructional leaders, administrators, and higher education representatives will help State officials review, refine and align the current Maryland State Curriculum with the Common Core. This summer, school teams were trained in using and what is the Common Core Standards. Please visit the MSDE website to get the latest updated details.
Partner Planning Must consult with LEA and school staff to plan
Cooperative planning agreements are required Each partner must be involved in planning and prepared to support the project activities Partner responsibilities should be clear As you know, a successful project will depend in large part on the planning effort. The CPIP application should be developed in collaboration with each LEA and school staff. I can’t emphasize enough that enough; their input is very important. We need to work to ensure that there is no unnecessary or impractical duplication of services; This is between the LEA or High School & CPIP, and Between CPIP projects if one site receives more than one CPIP grant We do require cooperative planning agreements, which will be discussed later. RFP Pages 10 &19
MHEC Data Reporting Awards - # of awards; - avg. award;
- award range; and - # IHEs Participants - how many, which subjects & grades; - number of students, parents and/or teachers impacted; - match forms - pre-/post participant status; and - student demographics Service Area - # LEAs served; - # high-need; and - # schools served Under the law MHEC has to file reports to the State detailing CPIP work toward the goal “to raise the level of academic preparedness of economically and environmentally disadvantaged students to enable them to attend and succeed in college”, it is important that grantees obtain and keep this information for all MHEC CPIP grants, projects and activities. Please secure a signed permission for MHEC to contact participants for a state program evaluation.
Data & Reporting Collect data from the outset Evaluation accuracy
Project planning & adjustment Evaluation accuracy Interim & final report elements In-kind time and effort match monthly Interim & final reports Narrative & financial components In order to provide the information required for Interim and Final Reports, begin to collect data from the outset of your project.
Preparing Your Proposal
If you haven’t already, please take out the RFA and follow along * Remember, Page numbers that correspond in the RFA are listed on lower corner of the slide RFA includes important pre & post award documents You are always encouraged to read the RFA, even if you received a CPIP grant before, especially this year because there are several new items. In addition to finding a copy of the RFA including application forms in your packet; the RFA is also available on MHEC’s website Search feature & link in RFA
Fit & Focus Read the RFP from cover to cover. Is your project a good fit for the specifics of THIS grant program? Does your project have a clearly expressed focus? Does it address the RFP requirements and priorities? When you think you have a GREAT proposal or idea which you have collaborated with a LEA partner(s): Remember that it must be a fit and focus on the CPIP goals and purpose. First – you must read the RFA entirely – there have been some changes. Then ask yourself READ each question.
Application Format General Format Requirements
Typed Arial, Calibri or similar 12 Point Font 8 ½ by 11-inch Pages, Numbered, One-inch Margins 15 page max. length for application narrative Budget Summaries must be in excel format 4 copies and one original of application Electronic submission The application process begins on page 12 of the RFP. The application narrative should not exceed 15 pages. This page limit refers to the narrative only. It does not include the cover sheet, abstract, budget, or appendices. The application narrative is comprised of 5 SECTIONS, which I will review over the next few slides. Each section will be evaluated and scored by a review committee. We require 4 copies and one original of the application be submitted to MHEC by the deadline which is Jan. 24, :00 p.m. RFP Page 12-19
Application Format Application Format and Requirements 1. Cover Sheet*
2. Abstract* 3. Table of Contents 4. Application Narrative 5. Budget* (Summary & Narrative) 6. Assurances* 7. Cooperative Planning Agreement* 8. Project Staff Résumé or CV Specific form are provided in the RFP for the red star items. *Use forms provided in the RFP (Appendix C) RFP Pages & 33-40
MUST A word/pdf. of the entire Proposal Application A word document of the Abstract An excel of the Budget Summary DEADLINE APRIL 27, 2015 NO LATER THAN 4:00 PM RFP Pages 10-11
Original Signatures Required
Signature Level Requirements (Blue ink preferred) Proposal Application requires V.P. LEVEL OR ABOVE LEA Cooperative Agreement requires SUPERINTENDENT’S Signature College/University Cooperative Agreement requires Department Chair or Higher College Statement of Assurances (college determines level) RFP Pages 10 & 18
Needs Assessment [10] Descriptive Overview Demonstrates Need
General school info, target audience demographics, etc. Demonstrates Need Academic preparedness, college awareness and readiness, professional development gaps, etc. Central Office and school staff input Supports application activities The first section of the narrative is the Needs Assessment. The maximum pts. possible is 10 POINTS. This is where you will present a descriptive overview of the LEA high which meets the CPIP eligibility criteria that you plan to serve, This will include for example, the # of students in the high school and general info about the school. Such as information in the criteria requirements. In addition, it should include the specific needs of the high school as it relates to the activities and services you plan to implement The LEA and high school staff should be involved in the process All activities, even those targeted to teachers and parents, must have clear justification as to the need Regardless of where the information was obtained, always cite how the needs were determined. Provide Baseline & Outcome Data Forms for each project school only after receiving the CPIP award - [forms due with the interim and final reports.]. RFP Pages 12 & 50
Project Objectives & Expected Outcomes [15]
Indicates a focus that is in line with CPIP/GEAR UP goals; describes what the project will accomplish and the projected result (outcome statement) Projected Outcome Statement Specific concrete, detailed, focused Measurable demonstrates clear impact (considers baseline data) Achievable can/will be done within the project period Realistic do-able given the project scope, available resources, etc. Time-Bound specified deadline, defined timeline The Objectives & Outcomes section is valued at 15 POINTS. This section of your application should be inline with the statewide CPIP goals as identified on page 6 of the RFP, The project’s objectives and outcomes should also be specific to the high school site AND linked to the project activities. Each project objective should also include a projected outcome statement that can be measured once the project activities are complete. The projected outcome should be SMART: READ SLIDE You should always be able to measure what was accomplished during the grant period In other words, do not include a projected outcome statement with a deadline that extends beyond the grant period Or one that you cannot obtain the data until after the grant period has ended Ex - HSA Data (9 weeks) RFP Pages 12-13
DATA Measures COMMON MEASURES FOR COLLEGE ACCESS AND SUCCESS: Provide Baseline & Outcome Data Forms for each project school only after receiving the CPIP award - [form due along with the interim and final reports]. Measuring Impact & Evaluating Effectiveness Refer to pp. in RFP Must be included in evaluation. (provided form) RFP Pages & 55-56
Goal, Objective & Outcomes
Goals – (3)To improve preparedness for college by having students demonstrate a greater awareness of college admissions requirements and opportunities as measured through annual surveys or pre/post assessments Project Objective #1- Academic Connections with Careers Program (ACCP) will increase the Bolt middle school students knowledge of the relationships between career goals, high school courses, postsecondary education and career choices. Let’s us goal # 2 as an example
Goal, Objective & Outcomes
Project Objective #2- Academic Connections with Careers Program (ACCP) will increase student knowledge of professional behaviors such as, having a strong work ethic, wearing proper attire, and having a collegial viewpoint. Project Objective #3- Academic Connections with Careers Program (ACCP) participants and their families will demonstrate a greater awareness of college admissions requirements and opportunities. Have participants to offer sample measurable outcomes
Project Objectives & Expected Outcomes
Academic Connections with Careers Program (ACCP) will increase Bolt middle school student’s knowledge of the relationships between career goals, high school courses, postsecondary education and career choices. a) Expected Outcome 1.1: At least 80% of students will increase their pretest score by 20% on or before Jan. 2016 b) Expected Outcome 1.2: At least 80% of students will complete 6 of 8 required monthly journals entries by Jan. 2016 c) Expected Outcome 1.3: At least 90% of the . . . Students who complete the internship will submit a final project which will include an academic and career plan along with a reflection paper about their ACCP experience by Jan., 2014 – outcomes MUST be measured with some type of pre and post survey or test which can measure impact of the service activity
Management Plan [15] Work Plan Project Staff Members’ Responsibilities
College partners’ role LEA school role Project Staff Members’ Responsibilities Note commitments to other grants (state as a % of time) Management Actions - Timeline (chart) Data collection (time and effort/in-kind match), recruitment, progress meeting, & reporting Key Personnel and Advisory Committee Charts A max of 15 pts will be awarded for the Management Plan In this section, you will list the key staff responsible for the project activities, evaluation, reporting, and so on in your application. Indicate how you will provide oversight with day to day operations Present a clear, structured timeline of the management activities We are looking for whether the project is organized and well thought out We are also looking for whether project staff have sufficient time to devote to the project activities. Therefore, the management plan should note the percentage of time that will be committed by staff to the project. RFP Pages 13 & 37-38
The Difference VS Operation Plan Management Plan
Project activity execution details, focus on the how, when, where, and by whom for each activity along with participant details (number & contact hours, recruitment) The % of time college key staff & partners (who, what, how & when) will be responsible for the project activities, collaborating, sharing, match, evaluation, and reporting with a clear time table. Yes, although sometimes mistaken as the same, the operation plan and the management plan are as different as apples and oranges.
Plan of Operation (Recruitment & Retention)
Important Element of Cooperative Planning Ask school staff about participation rates Plan Required Specific to target audience (students, parents, teachers) Recruitment must be carefully planned and implemented rigorously - takes planning and time, more time, more planning, and then some more time A recruitment plan should be developed that is specific to each type of activity and group --- as opposed to a generic plan. A method that may work well for recruiting parents, may not work as well for recruiting students. The same is true given the type of activity, even if both activities will serve the same group. Recruitment can be one of the biggest challenges to your project. Make time to discuss recruitment when you meet with the LEA and school staff. Keep discussing it on a regular basis. Find out about participation trends for the school and best practices for recruitment. Then use this information to guide the process for your project’s recruitment plan. Having a relationship with those you plan to serve goes a long way . . . And working with the LEA and school staff to recruit helps to build that relationship. Keep in mind CPIP students are in high school and, it will take a lot more effort to keep them engaged. RFP Page 14
Plan of Operation (Activities - Examples)
Individualized Academic Support: remediation and enrichment opportunities, SAT & ACT, dual enrollment, summer bridge programs Creative Activities: lesson plans that capture students’ attention and encourage continued participation, internships, Blitz weeks Professional Development: Common Core Math/English or Language Arts Focus Information Sessions for Parents: campus and college classroom visits, financial aid workshops There are a number of possible activities you could plan for students, parents, or teachers. Just to give you some ideas . . . Activities can include: concurrent enrollment that allowed students to earn college credit, extended learning communities that have made learning culturally relevant for students and gave them an opportunity to explore their local environment, specialized math related professional development for teachers, which included classroom observation & feedback sessions, and hands on college information sessions for students and their parents When planning activities, we recommend that you take into consideration the strengths of your department, As well as the resources available on your campus All activities should be age appropriate and relevant to the site. And remember, CPIP activities should complement, rather than duplicate activities in the LEA high school you plan to serve. RFP Pages 14 & 44
Project Evaluation [20] Data collection Vital Component
Developed early, not just after the fact Developed through cooperative planning Systematic Project Monitoring Evaluation of goals and objectives Should enable project director(s) to make adjustments as needed Evaluation should not be costly The evaluation should be clearly tied to the project objectives and projected outcomes The purpose of the evaluation is two-fold: Both formative and summative measures The evaluation is ongoing to determine the impact at the end of each activity and the grant period BUT ALSO to monitor the progress of the project and make changes if necessary. We require an interim and final report. And any results from the evaluation should be included in both reports. Therefore, the evaluation is not just something which is done at the end of the project, it should be on-going. On pages 22 & 23 of the RFP, you will find information about completing the Interim and Final reports. In terms of cost, the evaluation should not be expensive. As a general rule, for an external evaluator, the cost should not exceed 5-10% of the direct cost of the total project budget. $60K = $3k-6k on evaluation And for an internal evaluator, the cost should be even less. The Evaluation section of the application is worth 20 pts Provide Baseline & Outcome Data Forms for each project school only after receiving the CPIP award - [forms due with interim and final reports]. RFP Page 14 & 51-52; & 55-56
Budget [15] The budget summary and budget narrative should clearly link all costs to the project activities Show all planned project expenditures Budget should be cost effective Page 12 describes evaluation of cost effectiveness Indirect costs cannot exceed 8% Submit electronically in excel format For every activity in your application, there should be a clear link in the budget. When evaluating the budget, some of the things reviewers are looking for . . . is whether it is adequate to support the project, if it makes sense given the number of participants the project will serve, that administrative costs are kept to a minimum, and whether it complies with expenditure guidelines If you will take a look at pg. 34 of the RFP, you will see the budget summary form. Column 1 - list only those funds requested from MHEC to support your project Column 2 - only list cash or in-kind contributions from the lead institution Column 3 - list any additional cash or in-kind contributions from partners, if applicable RFP Pages & 39-40
Budget Narrative The budget narrative should explain the rationale for each line item of the budget summary Every item in summary should have a corresponding entry in the budget narrative Display calculations to show how the costs were derived For every line item, specific information should be included about how you arrived at the total cost. We are interested in seeing the actual computations. The total project budget cannot exceed $150,000 Combined, the budget summary and budget narrative are valued at 15 pts. RFP Pages & 39-40
Supporting Documents Assurances Cooperative Planning Agreement
States responsibilities of partners Signed by all partners Curriculum Vitae or Resume Blue Ink Original signatures All supporting documents must accompany the application at the time of submission. The assurances and cooperative planning agreement may be found in Appendix C of the RFP The cooperative agreement form certifies that planning was a shared process, with each party agreeing to what is contained in the document. The Cooperative planning agreement should summarize the responsibilities of each partners And be signed accordingly Also, for staff involved in the project, you must include documentation of qualifications. RFP Pages 19 & 41-43
Application Review Process
Application accuracy & completeness checked At least four reviewers read/score Reviewers discuss each proposal, assign a final rating & make funding recommendations Funding recommendations may include revised budgets and activities Applicants with overdue and missing reports from prior projects noted Secretary makes final decision The MHEC application review process is as follows READ RFP Pages 21-22
Timeline Technical Assistance December 11, 2015 Monday, March 2, 2015
Thursday, March 5, 2015 Application Packet Due April 27, 2015 (4:00 pm) Award Notification & Projects Begin June 12, 2015 December 11, 2015 Interim Report Due June 30, 2016 Grant Period Ends September 5, 2016 Final Report Due Again, this is the timeline for the Fiscal Year 2013 RFP The completed applications are due at MHEC no later than 4 pm on Jan. 24. On page 10 of the RFP is an application checklist, which will be useful in making sure that your application is complete prior to submission. Award notifications will be made December 20, 2011. The interim report is due June 30, 2012 The grant period will end on January 1, 2013 AND the final report is due April 1, 2013 – which is 90 days after the conclusion of the project period. FINAL THOUGHT – Justify & Explain everything in the application. Think about it from the reviewers perspective; something that is obvious to you may not be to the reader.
Proposal Tips I would like to review some pitfalls, you might simply want to avoid and hopefully, addressing these will make all the difference between a funded or not funded proposal for you
Pitfalls Needs Assessment Objectives and Outcomes Plan of Operation
Weak connections, lacks detail Missing input from LEA central office staff, principal, teachers, etc. Objectives and Outcomes Not SMART and/or Not ambitious Extends beyond the scope of the project State level goals regurgitated Plan of Operation Activities do not support needs assessment No or limited recruitment plan Missing or inconsistent information NEEDS ASSESSMENT It’s not enough to say that students have a demonstrated need as evidenced by being a GEAR UP site. Thoroughly discuss those needs as it relates to the activities you plan to implement. OBJECTIVES & OUTCOMES With respect to the projected outcomes they tend not to follow the SMART guideline. Each project should have objectives & projected outcomes that are specific to the site and project activities. The projected outcomes should be ambitious. For example, stating 3 out of 30 students will show improvement is not significant. Make sure that when you use percentages that makes sense and are ambitious. PLAN OF OPERATION Hands down, the recruitment plan is usually the most under developed aspect of the project plan. This is key to the success of your project. Therefore, it should be detailed. Inconsistent information – locations, dates, times (we know things sometimes change, but make sure to update everywhere in the application)
Pitfalls Management Plan Budget Evaluation Plan
Time commitment arbitrary or does not make sense Staffing: Under/Overstaffed, Unqualified, etc. Budget Excessive salaries Roles and responsibilities listed Includes supplies and/or equipment that is not tied to an activity Evaluation Plan Lacks depth; inappropriate measures Incomplete Cooperative Planning Agreement MANAGEMENT PLAN Staff time commitment should make sense and be based on a real assessment of how much time is required from that person. The project should never be a one person show; it is strongly recommended that at the very least a graduate assistant is included to help a single project director. On the flip side, having too many staff members is not a good thing. Only include staff that you can justify. BUDGET Salary requests should not be excessive. Staff responsibilities go on the management plan, not budget narrative. Last round, a few applications were padded with supplies and equipment that was not necessary to the implementation of the project. These are not equipment or supply grants; everything must be connected. EVALUATION If you are administering surveys before or after activities, make sure to factor in enough time for students or parents to complete it. Also, again, make sure you will have access to data before including it as part of your evaluation plan. COOPERATIVE PLANNING AGREEMENT The cooperative planning agreement should be taken seriously. The agreed upon responsibilities should be thoroughly discussed, typed into the document, and signed by each partner. It should include more than a generic sentence or two about what each partners will contribute.
Keys Recruitment and Retention CPIP Staff/LEA Staff Relationship
Transportation Some lessons learned from past CPIP grantees were
Alignment Does your application align with the professional development plans of the LEA (master plans, core standards implementations plan)? Does your project fit well with the school improvement plans of the schools you serve? Do project activities align with the Common Core Standards in Math and Language Arts? Does your project use research based best practices? Then pry a little more, and ask is this aligned with the goals and purpose of the CPIP RFP and go the through the following questions Make sure your project is
Baltimore City Public Schools
LEA Contacts Baltimore City Public Schools Pauline D. Edwards, Director April Bell, Director, College & Dept. of Grant Administration Career Readiness 200 E. North Avenue, Room E. North Avenue Baltimore, MD Baltimore, MD Phone: Phone: Dorchester County Public Schools Richard Potter, College & Career Readiness Transition Specialist 700 Glasgow Street – PO Box 619 Cambridge, MD 21613 Phone: ext. 3614 Kent County Public Schools Dr. Virginia Newlin, Secondary Education 5608 Boundary Avenue Rock Hall, MD 21661 Phone: ext. 2304 There are six eligible LEAs. This list is also included in your RFP on page 28. RFP Page 30
LEA Contacts RFP Page 30 Prince George’s County Public Schools
Edricka Hall, Instructional Supervisor John Eager Howard Building 4400 Shell Street Capitol Heights, MD 20743 Phone: ext. 2304 Wicomico County Public Schools David Harner, District Coordinator, GEAR UP P.O. Box 1538 Salisbury, MD 21802 Phone: And here are the 2 other counties RFP Page 30
MHEC Contact Information Dr. Mary Howlett-Brandon Director, GEAR UP Project Maryland State Department of Education 200 West Baltimore St Baltimore Maryland 21201
MHEC Contact Information Andrenette Mack-Augins, Acting Director Office of Outreach and Grants Management Maryland Higher Education Commission 6 N. Liberty St., 10th Floor Baltimore, MD 21201 My contact info. Please contact me if you have questions or concerns. Thank you.
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