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Procurement 101 Monica Wilkes NASPO Honorary Member CPPO, CPPB Tom Blaine Senior Research Associate, Public Procurement Research Center NASPO Honorary.

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Presentation on theme: "Procurement 101 Monica Wilkes NASPO Honorary Member CPPO, CPPB Tom Blaine Senior Research Associate, Public Procurement Research Center NASPO Honorary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Procurement 101 Monica Wilkes NASPO Honorary Member CPPO, CPPB Tom Blaine Senior Research Associate, Public Procurement Research Center NASPO Honorary Member CPPO, FCPM, FCPA

2 Doing Business with State Government Why do business with government ₋Open Competitive Opportunities ₋Fair and Reasonable Treatment ₋Reliable Customer ₋Good Payment Practices ₋Transparency -Ethical, Efficient, and Effective public procurement

3 Types of Purchasing Centralized contracts – generally statewide contracts Agency contracts - delegations granted to agencies to purchase under the same procedures as Central Purchasing – dollar value, time frame, specific need Discretionary - generally under a certain dollar threshold without the need for formal competition Sole source - item is unique and possesses specific characteristics that can be filled by only one source - requires written justification from using agency Single source - products or services available from two or more sources of supply but agency chooses a single source based on the best interests of the state. (e.g. – equipment maintenance required from a certain vendor to maintain the warranty)

4 Contract Types Piggyback contracts – One or more organizations bid their requirements which includes language that allows the ability for others to participate in the contract. Cooperative contracts – Two or more governmental entities combine their requirements and solicit bids for their requirements. Commonly used by government entities: federal, state, county, local government. Emergency contracts - used in an urgent and unexpected situation where health and public safety or the conservation of public resources is at risk. Note: Other state agencies may have authority to perform centralized procurement functions (e.g. construction contracts)

5 Sole and Single Source Documentation required Is product or service unique and easily established as one of a kind? Can program requirements be modified so that competitive products or services may be used? Is product available from only one source and not merchandised through wholesalers, jobbers or retailers? Must items be interchangeable or compatible with substantial in-place inventory?

6 Cooperative Agreement Benefits Aggregate Volume Reduces administrative expenses Reduces advertisement (solicitation) & development acquisition time Increased competition Reduces product cost

7 Set Aside/Preference Programs Correctional Facilities Blind, Disabled Workshops Certified or non-certified Minority or Women Owned Business Small Business Veteran Business Instate Preference – (Be aware of reciprocal legislation)

8 Types of Bids Request for Quotation (RFQ) Invitation for Bid (IFB) Multi-Step Competitive Sealed Bid, definite specs, low dollar Request for Proposal (RFP) Request for Information (RFI) to survey the market

9 IFB vs. RFP Invitation for Bid (IFB): Used in the procurement of commodities and awarded to the responsive and responsible bidder on the basis of lowest price; and Request for Proposals (RFP): Used for procurements when factors in addition to cost are weighed. The contract is awarded to the responsive and responsible proposer offering the best value.

10 Extension of Use of Contracts Understand the breadth and depth of contract users or whether they are exempt from centralized procurement State authorities and public benefit corporations; Local governments and municipalities; Public and private elementary and secondary schools; universities and colleges Volunteer ambulance and fire companies; Libraries; and Other authorized users

11 Types of Contracts Commodities Technology Services Telecommunications Construction Consulting Services Professional Services

12 Pricing Methodologies Firm Fixed Price Percentage Discount with or without price adjustments due to changing price lists Percentage Upcharge (cost plus) Firm Price with pre-established price adjustment points (up or down) based on changing indexes or price lists (e.g. NYMEX) Labor and materials

13 Contract Types Term Contracts - establishes a “source of supply” for the purchase of goods and/or services made over a specified period of time. – Usually one or more years, dependent on external factors (commodity, market conditions, compatibility) – Multi-year contracts may provide for yearly extension options – Estimated purchase requirements - based on prior purchases, agency data, survey, vendor reports, eprocurement systems – No purchase guarantees – estimated quantities – Definite quantity for a definite period – Indefinite quantity for a definite period Other equivalent terms are “Open-ended (estimated quantity) Contracts, Blanket Contracts, Requirements Contracts, or Purchase Agreements.”

14 Agency Contracts Agency Term Contracts - established for individual agencies which have a specific need for a product or service which may not be applicable to other state agencies. Golf Equip (Parks Department) Uniforms (Correction) Guard Rails (DOT) Advertising/Marketing

15 Methods of Awarding Term Contracts Single Award Groups of Line Items (By Lot) Award by Line Item to multiple contractors Percentage Discount from Catalog or Price List Geographic Location Multiple Awards

16 Other Contracting Methodologies Strategic Sourcing Reverse Auctions Cross-organization Projects E-procurement Strategies GSA Contracts – ability to purchase from GSA may require statutory authority

17 Public Advertisements Bid notifications generally required by law Newspapers State publications Online notifications Social media Paid or free systems

18 Program Funding Models Appropriation Self-funding using administrative fees that range between.5% to 2% (commonly 1%) may be added to contract prices to support procurement programs Combination

19 Contract Participation Subcontractors, authorized resellers, dealers, distributors, or agents. Promote and provide opportunities for small, minority, or women-owned businesses. Contact the manufacturer or contractor directly for participation opportunities. Sales through an authorized contract reseller, dealer, distributor, or agent must be made in compliance with the contract’s terms and conditions, and are limited to the commodities and services approved under the contract.

20 Responsive A bidder whose bid meets or exceeds administrative requirements, technical specifications, and contractual terms and conditions. Specifications and terms and conditions Signing bid and any other documents Bonding and/or insurance requirements Delivery time License requirements - Current and Active Product testing (meeting specifications) Samples

21 Responsible Vendor responsibility (Acronym FLIP) Financial and organizational capacity; Legal authority to do business with the state; Integrity of the owners/officers/principals/members and contract managers; and Past performance of the bidder on prior government contracts

22 Become a Successful Bidder Read entire bid/proposal; Review submittal for accuracy and completeness; Submit a timely bid (one minute late, bid may be rejected); Be responsive to all bid requirements; Submitting a signed bid package complete with all the mandatory forms; Pricing the bid competitively; Demonstrating vendor responsiveness and responsibility; Submit questions for clarification. NOTE: Inquiries generally are required in writing; If applicable, attend pre-bid and/or post award conferences

23 Evaluation of Bids or Proposals Don’t assume proposals will be negotiated Ask questions about process prior to bid opening Make use of “inquiries” format Avoid protests by fully understanding requirements; must versus should specifications RFP evaluations are not public until award announcement If unsuccessful, request a debriefing

24 Tips for Winning Contracts Use NASPO website as a resource Register with state(s) – Check out their websites Visit State procurement officer(s) Meet with state agencies(s) Daily review of solicitations Active in user groups - trade shows

25 Debriefing A debriefing will detail the shortcomings of a bid submission Unsuccessful businesses should request a debriefing During a debriefing, businesses should take notes and ask questions for future improvement opportunities Review winning competitor’s bid or proposal

26 Marketing Know your buyer Understand the procurement laws, and policies that pertain to the procurements Determine timing of next requirement Market your products or services, including green products Market your firm’s qualification of small, minority or woman owned business BE PROACTIVE AND INFORMED

27 Technical Assistance Free technical assistance is available Procurement Technical Assistance Centers (PTACs), funded by the US Department of Defense and state and local entities Help businesses seeking to compete successfully in federal, state and local government contracting

28 NASPO RESOURCES Publications Survey of State Government Purchasing Practices – excellent resource of states’ policies Supplier Guide CD: How to Do Business with States State and Local Government Procurement: A Practical Guide – comprehensive guide for public procurement

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