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ASSIST: Next Generation Making a New ASSIST a Reality CIAC Conference - San Diego, CA April 22 and 23, 2010 Shawn Brick, Glenn Dunkle, Bob Quinn.

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Presentation on theme: "ASSIST: Next Generation Making a New ASSIST a Reality CIAC Conference - San Diego, CA April 22 and 23, 2010 Shawn Brick, Glenn Dunkle, Bob Quinn."— Presentation transcript:

1 ASSIST: Next Generation Making a New ASSIST a Reality CIAC Conference - San Diego, CA April 22 and 23, 2010 Shawn Brick, Glenn Dunkle, Bob Quinn


3 Next Gen: Presentation Agenda ASSIST Overview and Introductions ASSIST: Next Generation History Next Generation Project Plan ◦ Funding ◦ Scope ◦ Timeline Consultation Plan ◦ Workgroups ◦ Other opportunities for feedback Questions

4 Next Gen: ASSIST Overview ASSIST is intersegmentally funded and managed ◦ CSU ◦ CCC ◦ UC – (fiscal agent for ASSIST) Executive Management and Oversight Committee (EMOC) ◦ Jim Blackburn (CSU) ◦ Jeff Spano (CCC) (EMOC Chair for 2009-10) ◦ Sue Wilbur (UC) Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) ◦ Rick Fletcher (CSU) ◦ Bob Quinn (CCC) ◦ Jane Meyer (UC)

5 Next Gen: ACS ACS: ASSIST Coordination Site ◦ Glenn Dunkle – New ACS Manager ◦ Art Gross – Contractor for Next Generation RFP ◦ Established ACS staff remain on board ◦ ACS seeking a programming lead


7 Next Gen: History ASSIST started in mid-1980’s In 2008, it was recognized that ASSIST needed upgrading ◦ Visioning committee ◦ Goal is a robust, flexible, extensible database ◦ Laying the foundation for future enhancements August 2009 Meeting of Executive Sponsors ◦ Commitment to co-equal funding of ASSIST ◦ Unanimous support to initiate the Next Generation project

8 Next Gen: Climate for Change Support for investment in ASSIST ◦ UC Commission on the Future ◦ Inter-Segmental Transfer Task Force ◦ Numerous research papers ◦ Legislative hearings on the Master Plan ◦ CA Education Roundtable ◦ State-wide attention on articulation and transfer Business plan estimating costs in hands of Executive Sponsors ◦ CCC committed over half of their estimated contribution ◦ UC, CSU in the approval process ◦ Estimated costs = $2.7M

9 Next Gen: Scope - What it is… and is not Next Generation project is to: ◦ Create a robust, extensible database ◦ Streamline processes ◦ Modernize technology ◦ Ability to feed other academic systems At this time, Next Generation is NOT to: ◦ Create or host campus specific tools ◦ Simply recreate what it can do today

10 Next Gen: Consultation, Consultation RFP Work Sessions planned with representatives appointed by all three segments ◦ Articulation Professionals ◦ Transfer Advising Professionals ◦ Admissions Evaluators ◦ Technology Experts ◦ Transfer Bound Students ◦ Third Party Solution Providers Consultation does not end there… ◦ Updates available via website and bi-annual CIAC conference ◦ Community involved in RFP response review ◦ Community involved in implementation


12 Next Gen: Requirements Lite (Less Filling…) Software Development Life Cycle Project Initiation Maintenance Project Plannin g Requirements DesignTesting Implementation We are here!

13 Next Gen: Project Timeline April, May, June – RFP Requirements Gathering July – Draft Request for Proposal (RFP) August – Final RFP, Distribute to Software Providers for Bid September through December – Review of RFP Responses Implementation 2011 - 2012

14 Next Gen: Q & A Questions now Questions later ◦ Glenn Dunkle: ◦ Bob Quinn: ◦ Shawn Brick: ◦ Provide your feedback directly: Link to public Next Gen stuff: ◦ Documents ◦ FAQs & Feedback email link

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