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Presentation on theme: " I-95 Corridor Coalition: Traffic Monitoring – Beyond Boundaries George Schoener Executive Director ITS Florida March 20, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 I-95 Corridor Coalition: Traffic Monitoring – Beyond Boundaries George Schoener Executive Director ITS Florida March 20, 2008

2 I-95 Corridor Coalition 2008 Annual Meeting Orlando, FL - May 12 to 14, 2008 l Agency Organization & Operations: ÜFlorida Transportation’s Program uGov. Crist (invited) and Sec. Kopelousos ÜA 21 st Century Organization – FL’s Turnpike Enterprise ÜLong Range Vision for the I-95 Corridor ÜOperations Academy – Training Session ÜTurnpike Traffic Management Center Tour l Innovative Projects: ÜVehicle Probe Data Collection Demonstration ÜOrlando: Commuter Rail ÜCongestion Pricing: Miami HOT Lanes ÜCSX’s Integrated Logistics Center ÜAAA & NASCAR – Safety Initiatives

3 I-95 Corridor Coalition 2008 Annual Meeting Orlando, FL - May 12 to 14, 2008 l Tolling & Electronic Payment Systems: ÜIntegrated Electronic Payment Services ÜToll Operations Center (Florida SunWatch) Tour l Freight and Ports: ÜEast Coast Ports Summit ÜKennedy Space Center Tour l Incident Management Coordination ÜQuick Clearance Workshop (May 12) ÜCoordinated Incident Management Annual Meeting (May 15-16) Program & Registration Information at

4 Multi-State Vehicle-Probe Based Traffic Monitoring

5 “In one of the biggest rollouts yet for technology designed to help motorists avoid traffic jams, the I-95 Corridor Coalition will announce plans today to disseminate real-time data on traffic flows and accidents along the East Coast using a satellite network by Inrix, Inc.” The Wall Street Journal January 29, 2008

6 Background l Multi-state traffic monitoring project ÜRFP developed starting in 2006 ÜBased on vehicle probe technology ÜIncludes freeways and arterials ÜRFP Released 4/27/2007 l Traffic speed and travel time data service ÜA three year initial project ÜOptions to extend up to an additional 7 years (10 year total) ÜIndividual members can purchase additional coverage, consulting services and extend project duration

7 Objectives l Advance the timeframe within which regional travel time and speed information is available to the Coalition and its members l Applications Ü511 ÜTravel time on signs ÜSupport of ICAT and ISN ÜSupport management of major incidents ÜProvide data to members for planning, engineering and operations ÜInform members of conditions in neighboring jurisdictions ÜProvide a contract vehicle for expansion of traffic monitoring coverage ÜImproved regional performance measurement

8 Technical Specs & Details l Travel Time and Speed Data ÜMaximum average absolute error of 10 MPH in each of the following speed ranges: 0-30 MPH, 30-45 MPH, 45-60 MPH and > 60 MPH (space-mean-speed) ÜFor flows exceeding 500 VPH ÜMaximum latency of 8 minutes l INRIX … ÜProvides update every five minutes ÜBased primarily on fleet GPS data, though any source data can be integrated ÜINRIX also includes an expected/predicted speed based on historical data

9 Data Rights and Data Licensing l Vendor Retains Ownership of Data l Coalition and Member Organizations ÜFull Rights for all internal applications ÜAccess to Data Archive ÜExternal apps supported Travel time on CMS, Web, 511 Limits on granularity of data displayed l See section 6.0 of RFP

10 Timeline l History ÜRFP released : 4/27/2007 ÜReceived proposals : 6/22/07 ÜProposal evaluation : 8/07 – 11/07 ÜRecommendation for award : 11/6/07 ÜContract award : 12/14/07 l Projected Implementation ÜNTP (initial task order) : 2/1/08 ÜCore System Data Available : 7/1/08 ÜAccuracy evaluation complete : 10/1/08

11 Network Coverage Summary l Initial Coverage Ü~1500 miles of Freeway, ~1000 Arterials ÜSpans New Jersey to North Carolina ÜResults of member survey l Expansion of Coverage ÜStates can utilize contract to expand coverage ÜImplemented through task orders ÜCoordinate through University of Maryland ÜConsulting services also available

12 Initial Network Coverage

13 Contact information: l I-95 Corridor Coalition Bill Stoeckert 774-207-0367 l University of Maryland (COTR) Center for Advanced Trans Technology Stan Young 301-403-4593

14 INRIX Confidential — 14 March 20, 2008 Vehicle Probe Project Rick Schuman, INRIX Vehicle Probe Project Rick Schuman, INRIX

15 INRIX Confidential — 15 INRIX Overview Initial Task Overview Project Team/Options Thinking About Applications

16 INRIX Confidential — 16 Deliver Solutions Connected Services Analyze & Process Traffic Fusion Engine Aggregate Content Smart Dust Network Customers & Partners Broadband HD Cellular Data Cellular Voice Satellite Data over Voice Networks RDS

17 INRIX Confidential — 17 Coverage Real-Time CoverageFuture Real-Time Coverage

18 INRIX Confidential — 18 Coverage Real-Time CoverageFuture Real-Time Coverage

19 INRIX Confidential — 19

20 INRIX Confidential — 20 Data Files Content Real-time Speed, Travel Time, Confidence level Expected Speed, Free Flow Speed Road Segments “TMC” location codes Update Rate/Latency Agencies access ~ every 2 mins Up to date data returned via XML files Monitoring Site Agency Access Only View data in real-time Access to data archive Coverage ~ 1530 “freeway” miles (“fee”) Subject to RFP performance metrics <= 1000 arterial miles (“free”) Arterial test bed

21 INRIX Confidential — 21 Site centers on State accessing it State dropdown lists coalition States Select state to pan to it Panning and zooming control Select all roads, only freeways or only arterials for display TMC details bubble shown on specific segment click

22 INRIX Confidential — 22 TMC = “Traffic Message Channel” Tele Atlas and Navteq jointly created and maintain/expand a common set of codes Uniform way of identifying “where” on the major roads in the U.S. Leverages approach first taken in Europe Segments basically are: Freeways/limited access roads: at and between interchanges, boundaries, toll plazas Arterials: between other major arterials, freeways, boundaries

23 INRIX Confidential — 23 Coverage Core Freeway coverage finalized Core Arterial coverage finalized by end of March Documentation Data Access, Format, Location Referencing Due to Coalition April 1 Possibly a “Webinar” in April or May to review in detail Monitoring Site Requirements completed by end of March Demonstration at I-95 CC Annual Meeting, May 12- 13

24 INRIX Confidential — 24

25 INRIX Confidential — 25 INRIX is Prime Contractor Data Options – Additional source data SpeedInfo DTS Note: agency sensor data always welcomed! Consulting Team PBS&J (lead) Enterinfo (MD minority firm) Open Roads Tele Atlas Berkeley Transportation Systems U. of Washington Transportation Research Center

26 INRIX Confidential — 26 Maker/operator of low cost radar sensor network Agencies can task us to add sensors to project Optional enhancement Agencies pick how many and where SpeedInfo O&M’s the sensors $200/month per sensor to SpeedInfo All resulting data added to the dust network

27 INRIX Confidential — 27 Leader in traffic count station consulting, O&M Have statewide contracts for VDOT and FDOT Have converted VDOT count stations to “dual-use” This contract makes VDOT terms available to Coalition/members Options for agencies to build, upgrade count stations to get data to us

28 INRIX Confidential — 28 RFP Requirements Offerors shall provide consulting services to assist… Consulting Services will be provided solely on an indefinite-delivery, indefinite-quantity basis… Such services may encompass but are not limited to: Integration GIS Web site Analysis Tools PBS&J Lead Consultant Strong in all areas Open Roads Consulting Integration of feeds ATMS and ATIS experience EnterInfo (MD DBE) System integration and testing GIS Website development Berkeley Transportation Systems Decision support systems Traffic forecasting Tele Atlas TMC code assistance UW TRAC Overall traffic data and travel time advisor/ national expert Decision support Performance measures

29 INRIX Confidential — 29 DATA Coverage Expansion “Core” states adding coverage New states adding coverage Per mile costs: $150 startup, $750 annual Adding Source Data SpeedInfo sensors DTS – add/upgrade count stations Add data to existing coverage Add data with coverage expansion Additional Data Feeds Slowdown Alerts Weather Alerts Incidents CONSULTING Applications planning System design/development Integration GIS Applications Data Analysis Evaluation Etc. If interested, contact Rick, Stan, Bill, Phil or Karen (We will coordinate)

30 INRIX Confidential — 30 Rick Schuman 407-521-9497

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