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SWAN Quarterly Meeting June 6, 2013.  Nov – April  March Quarterly: Consortia Survey Results  April SWAN Board meeting Executive Director/Board negotiate.

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Presentation on theme: "SWAN Quarterly Meeting June 6, 2013.  Nov – April  March Quarterly: Consortia Survey Results  April SWAN Board meeting Executive Director/Board negotiate."— Presentation transcript:

1 SWAN Quarterly Meeting June 6, 2013

2  Nov – April  March Quarterly: Consortia Survey Results  April SWAN Board meeting Executive Director/Board negotiate a flexible extension to the current Innovative agreement Board hires an RFP consultant & approves funds Board determines composition of the SWAN RFP Committee (requested continuation) ILS Search Committee / Consultant conduct focus groups of members RFP Committee / Consultant proceed with a formal request for proposals (RFP) to be completed in 2013  Written reports available online:

3  Rob McGee consultant  Why selected ▪ ILS procurement process & contract negotiation ▪ Knowledge of current ILS market, trends (e-book integration)  References ▪ Suffolk Cooperative Library System (Partnership of Automated Libraries in Suffolk) ▪ San Joaquin Valley Library System (10 library jurisdictions and 112 individual library locations) ▪ PrairieCat, RAILS (contract negotiations with III)


5 Review ILS Committee Executive Summary & ILS Software Overview Visit ILS vendors in ALA Exhibits Why? Advance prep for RFP Task Force groups in Sept Include stops at 3 rd party vendors OverDrive, Envisionware, Evanced, 3M Cloud Library, Bowker Sydentics, EBSCO, etc. Email feedback to:

6 Groups of 5 library staff: experts in software Reports to ILS Committee Formal call for volunteer Final selected by ILS Committee Read selected portions of proposals List questions for vendors & consortia customers Gather needed data during demos Rank proposals & Report to ILS Committee

7 Repeat for Vendor 2 or 3 Task Forces scoring: mandatory attendance Observers from Libraries attendance (registration required) 2 Days of demos: Vendor 1 Bibliographic, Cataloging, Authority Ctrl Circulation, Reserves, ILL Library Director Overview Acquisitions, Fund Accounting OPAC, E-book, Database Integration Hands-on demonstrations 2 nd, 3 rd, & possibly 4 th week of Sept

8 Finalize documents for ILS vendor finalists Issue RBFO electronically Prepare Cost analysis of RBFO received ILS Committee Task

9 The lowest cost proposer may not be determined to be the lowest responsible proposer when all factors of evaluation of proposals have been considered

10 Committee of the Whole Meetings July 9: Brookfield Zoo August 13: Woodridge October 8: Burr Ridge November 12: Midlothian

11  ILS Committee recommendation to SWAN Board

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