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Undergraduate Curriculum & Resources Research RFP September 5, 2013.

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1 Undergraduate Curriculum & Resources Research RFP September 5, 2013

2 Background The PMI Academic Relations Program has been conducting ongoing research for the past year or two that points to the increased recognition of the importance of project management in undergraduate education. Currently very few universities world wide provide such a program at the undergraduate level. Approximately 8% of our Global Accreditation Center for Project Management Education Programs (GAC) members come from undergraduate project management programs. The majority of the GAC are universities with graduate programs in project management. There is a gap in the supply-demand for project management talent and it’s growing globally. According to PMI’s 2013 Project Management Talent Gap report, there will be an estimated 15.7 million new project management jobs added globally across seven project-intensive industries between 2010 and 2020. By providing the educational foundation universities are creating future project management professionals to fill the pipeline.

3 Objectives With this research, PMI would like to be able to: Validate the concept of an undergraduate project management curriculum framework and general structure Determine the resources the academic community would need to support this framework and the most appropriate way to deliver the resources

4 Target audiences 1)Academic institutions: ─Institutions to include – those with undergraduate programs in project management and/or programs in allied professions.  Allied programs included: Architecture, Computer Science, Information Technology, Business Administration, Management, Public Administration, Technology, and Engineering (civil, construction, energy, telecommunications, software, computer, engineering management, industrial, mechanical, nuclear. ─Respondent to include: faculty educators and/or academic administrators (associate dean, program director, etc.) of these programs ─Regions to include: North America, UK, EU, Australia, India and Latin America

5 Target audiences (Cont’d) 2)Hiring managers and recruiters: ─People inside organizations responsible for hiring entry level positions particularly those of project managers or those performing project management activities  HR hiring managers  Non-HR hiring managers such as, project managers levels II or III, program managers, directors/head of PMO, etc. ─People outside of organizations responsible for hiring entry level project managers or those performing project management activities such as, recruiters or head hunters.

6 Sample 1)Academic Through the database, PMI has approximately 2,000 contacts in the specified regions and disciplines The lists will need to be supplemented with outside sources. 2)Hiring manager/recruiter Non-HR hiring manager list can be supplied by PMI HR hiring manager and recruiter lists will need to be purchased

7 Quotas Region NAUK/EUAustraliaIndia Latin America Academic - Undergraduate n=100 n=??? Hiring managers and Recruiters n=100 n=??? Academic - Master’s degree n=50* n=??? *This can be part of the undergraduate quota if the respondent is teaching both undergraduate and graduate courses.

8 Key Learning Objectives Needs of faculty when developing academic courses Do the faculty needs differ based on disciplines/subjects taught (IT, Engineering, Business, etc.) What do faculty currently do for course material? Reaction to curriculum concept – the concept will be a high level description of the framework What tools and resources do faculty need to develop a project management course Curriculum, tools, learning outcomes, how to measure retention, how to achieve outcomes, lesson plan, background papers, text books used, syllabus, governance, etc. How would faculty like to access these resources Academic

9 Key Learning Objectives (continued) What skills are they looking for in a candidate that will be performing project management activities? Reaction to concept (abridged version of what the academics see) How would this impact their candidate selection process What would their expectations be from someone with an undergraduate degree in project management? Gauge participation in follow-up research Hiring Managers/Recruiters

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