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Uppsala 04/06/2005 Annual Report of the European Regional Focal Point. Dominique PLANCHENAULT.

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Presentation on theme: "Uppsala 04/06/2005 Annual Report of the European Regional Focal Point. Dominique PLANCHENAULT."— Presentation transcript:

1 Uppsala 04/06/2005 Annual Report of the European Regional Focal Point. Dominique PLANCHENAULT

2 Uppsala 04/06/2005 Introduction.  ERFP is fully operational with 9 programmes on AnGR.  ERFP must reinforce its impact with others.  ERFP needs a new evolution for 2005. After 10 workshops. New developments. New ERFP. New discussions.

3 Uppsala 04/06/2005 ERFP activities since Bled. Annual report of our workshop.  FAO State of the World.  Collaboration with CEEC.  DG Agriculture - Regulation 870/04.  DG Research - Framework Programme 7. 

4 Uppsala 04/06/2005 ERFP situation.  Important development since 2000.  2 days workshop for satellite meetings.  ERFP workshop in parallel with EAAP meeting. Decision 1: To maintain a classic ERFP workshop? Decision 2: To have two ERFP meetings. Organisation of our workshop. 

5 Uppsala 04/06/2005 ERFP situation.  Third Call for actions (2005) 7 answers.  5 projects funded for 57 000 €. ERFP Call for Actions (1).  Development of “cattle project” under 870/04 and co funding of elements in workpackage of this project (20 K€). Development of sub-regional focal point and joint support to national coordinators in policy development (15 K€).

6 Uppsala 04/06/2005 ERFP situation. ERFP Call for Actions (2).  Building up the role of National Coordinator of AnGR for strengthening the Capacity of Balkan’s Network for agro-biodiversity of livestock (10 K€). Seminar for European National Coordinators on legal and political aspects managing fram animal genetic resources (7 K€). Veterinary provisions for the maintenance of genetic resources in case of infectious diseases (5 K€).

7 Uppsala 04/06/2005 ERFP situation. ERFP Call for Actions (3).  Saving a nearly forgotten breed, the Murinsulaner.  1 project could be rewritten by a larger group having a wider interest on the genetic origins. Decision 3: To organise a new Call for Actions? Decision 4: To have new term of references?

8 Uppsala 04/06/2005 ERFP situation. ERFP web site.  Decision 5: To have new developments? Decision 6: To investigate with ZADI news developments?  Presentation of possible new developments.  Questionnaire sending to NCs in 2004 – 2005.

9 Uppsala 04/06/2005 ERFP situation. EFABIS programme.  Decision 7: To adopt EFABIS objectives? Decision 8: To organise a specific meeting on EFABIS?  Development of national databases - links with ERFP project (A. Georgoudis)  3 meetings were organised in 2004 - 2005

10 Uppsala 04/06/2005 ERFP situation. ERFP secretariat (1).   To be headed by an executive officer of elected NFP.  To be elected from among the NCs.  To organise the Annual Workshop of NCs.  To execute decisions on Annual NCs Workshop.  To distribute relevant information to and from NCs.

11 Uppsala 04/06/2005 ERFP situation. ERFP secretariat (2).   To cover the expenses of ERFP secretariat. 18 300.00Total 1 000.00Others 100.00 Phone / fax 1 500.00 Meetings 50.00 Mailing An Rep 150.00 Editing An Rep 1 000.00 Travel cost 5 000.00 Secretariat cost 9 500.00ERFP cost 2004- 2005 Expenses (€)

12 Uppsala 04/06/2005 ERFP situation. ERFP secretariat (3).   20 000 € to support the ERFP secretariat.  Two proposals “Greece” – “Norway” Decision 9: To approve a possible appointment for secretariat? Decision 10: To have a new ERFP secretariat from 2006?

13 Uppsala 04/06/2005 ERFP situation. Steering Committee.  Decision 11: To approve a new ERFP-SC member?  2 SC meetings in 2004 - 2005.  Change for West countries (S. Hiemsta)  New member for East countries.

14 Uppsala 04/06/2005 ERFP Budget. (€) Czech Republic Cyprus France Germany Greece Italy Ireland Netherlands Spain Switzerland United Kingdom 14 000.00 1 000.00 30 000.00 20 000.00 6 000.00 20 000.00 15 000.00 1 000.00 10 000.00 040501-03 337 K€ 171 000.0080 000.0086 000.00 10 000.00 Contributions. 

15 Uppsala 04/06/2005 ERFP Budget. (€) NCs workshop Invitations Website Contacts with EU Consultancy visits ERFP programmes CEEC programme Steering Committee EAAP overheads Total 2658.42 6390.84 0.00 2 807.59 1 139.49 40 000.00 0.00 2 444.10 0.00 57 748.31 03 - 0404 - 0501 - 03 1 250.00 6 018.79 10 000.00 0.00 4 715.00 42 500.00 0.00 2 864.04 0.00 67 347.83 1 250.00 5 446.83 10 000.00 0.00 57 000.00 3 000.00 416.30 3 500.00 80 613.13 205 709.27 € Expenses. 

16 Uppsala 04/06/2005 ERFP Budget. (€) NCs workshop Invitations Website Regional Projects ERFP programmes ERFP secretariat Working funds EAAP overheads Expenses 7 000.00 8 000.00 20 000.00 10 000.00 60 000.00 20 000.00 1 990.73 4 300.00 131 290.73 Total Incomes Total expenses Incomes 337 000.00 -205 709.27 131 290.73 Proposal 2005 - 2006. 

17 Uppsala 04/06/2005 ERFP Budget. Evolution 2005 - 2006.  Decision 12: To approve the 2005 – 2006 budget?  Approximately the same budget.  New funding system – more formal.  Actual system more than 80% for actions. Decision 13: To approve a new funding system?

18 Uppsala 04/06/2005 Conclusion  13 decisions for the next period 2005 -2006 I thank you for your attention.  

19 Uppsala 04/06/2005

20 Decisions 2005 - 2006.  Decision 1: To maintain a classic ERFP workshop? Decision 2: To have two ERFP meetings. Decision 3: To organise a new Call for Actions? Decision 4: To have new term of references? Decision 5: To have new developments? Decision 6: To investigate with ZADI news developments?

21 Uppsala 04/06/2005 Decisions 2005 - 2006.  Decision 12: To approve the 2005 – 2006 budget? Decision 13: To approve a new funding system? Decision 9: To approve a possible appointment for secretariat? Decision 10: To have a new ERFP secretariat from 2006? Decision 11: To approve a new ERFP-SC member? Decision 7: To adopt EFABIS objectives? Decision 8: To organise a specific on EFABIS?

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