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The Utah Communications Agency Network Experiences and Lessons Learned 2002 Olympic Winter Games Salt Lake City Utah.

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Presentation on theme: "The Utah Communications Agency Network Experiences and Lessons Learned 2002 Olympic Winter Games Salt Lake City Utah."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Utah Communications Agency Network Experiences and Lessons Learned 2002 Olympic Winter Games Salt Lake City Utah

2 Olympic Statistics Cauldron 5M BTU/hr Celebrities 18,000 Visa Spending up 31% 70,000Visitors/day 1946 Frequency Apps 1825 miles/fiber 19,350 miles/copper 7 Sonnet rings 100 total Venues (Comp and non-Competition 5300 PC’s 11,000 Cell phones 7000 radios (SLOC) 4000 Televisions 375 cell sites 55 Radio Sites Paper=28,000 Books 35 Health Clinics 11,575 cases: (flu,cough,sprains) Highest Beret price $900

3 History and Background Governor TF 1993 Build 800Mhz system Legislative Bill 96 & 97 passed in 1997 Local Gov’t Input !!! Management Board RFP Process Promote with Users First Staff 1999 Contract for construction 36 Months to Build 43 UCAN/20 Olympic sites 16 E-9-1-1 Centers interconnected 95% In-building

4 Political Issues THE UCAN SYSTEM SERVES 91AGENCIES Challenges Addressed: Turf Issues, Wait and See, What are the costs? Shared Vision: What will it look like? Timing: Build and serve at the same time Technology Obsolescence: Build or Wait How to Communicate with those who don’t participate

5 UCAN Funding Bonded for the Infrastructure/user fees Several Federal Grants SLOC Equipment procured under contract with the DOD—UCAN was the Contractor Operational costs 3.5 M annually at current system size

6 Interoperability System to System patch thru consoles PSWN provided BIM to BIM patch FED/state/local Unit to Unit Simplex—State and National Stand-alone Repeaters Operations channels Trunked Regional Channels--Trunked (county wide) Events Channels--Trunked (system wide)

7 Radio System Call Volumes/Olympics Call Volumes: (includes PS and Venue Calls/17 days) Highest Day total Calls (24 Hours) 580,000 Average Day total Calls 503,974 Total SLOC Venue Calls2,823,290 Total PS Calls5,744,281 Total System Calls Processed 8,567,571 Total busies 38,595 Percent busies (1 second or less).045

8 Radio System Call Volumes/Paralympics Call Volumes (includes PS and Venues 9 days Highest Day Total Calls (24 hours) 212,500 Average Day total Calls 179,000 Total SLOC Venue Calls 240,000 Total PS Calls 1,750,300 Total Busies (1 Sec or less) 479 Percent Busies.000026

9 Lessons Learned The hard work and planning paid dividends Site Preparation, back-up power, generators, UPS were worth the expense The coverage was as designed The BIM to BIM Patches provided the interconnect between agencies on other systems Manage the Talk Groups to Distribute System Loading This system will handle large scale events

10 Lessons Cont’d Event Channels provided necessary agency interoperability UCAN was surprised all radios did not have interoperability channels ON GOING TRAINING is a MUST System watch, alarms were vital to system management UCAN provided not only “outside the fence but inside the fence communications” During the Games only 28 tickets were filed at the SLOC TCC

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