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Local Flood Early Warning Systems Supported by Satellite Technologies German Technical Cooperation, Philippines 10 September 2009 (revised version 26 Sept.

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Presentation on theme: "Local Flood Early Warning Systems Supported by Satellite Technologies German Technical Cooperation, Philippines 10 September 2009 (revised version 26 Sept."— Presentation transcript:

1 Local Flood Early Warning Systems Supported by Satellite Technologies German Technical Cooperation, Philippines 10 September 2009 (revised version 26 Sept. 2009) By Olaf Neussner 13.05.2015 Seite 1

2 13.05.2015 Page 2 Olaf Neussner Content - Introduction: Disasters and Climate Change in the Philippines - Land Use in Flood-Prone Areas - Structure of a Local Flood Early Warning System - Performance of the LFEWS - Next Steps

3 13.05.2015 Page 3 Olaf Neussner CC-susceptible hazards are responsible for 90% of the damage in the Philippines.

4 13.05.2015 Page 4 Olaf Neussner The number and percentage of stronger storms appears to be increasing P. J. Webster et al., Science 309, 1844 -1846 (2005)

5 13.05.2015 Page 5 Olaf Neussner

6 13.05.2015 Page 6 Olaf Neussner Typhoon Hazard (MunichRe)

7 13.05.2015 Page 7 Olaf Neussner Binahaan Watershed

8 13.05.2015 Page 8 Olaf Neussner 13.05.2015 Land Cover Map of Leyte Combined images from SPOT5 ASTER LANDSAT Resolution from 10-29m, Different spectral bands.

9 13.05.2015 Page 9 Olaf Neussner Land Use in Flood Prone Area of Binahaan Watershed (SPOT5, ASTER) (Total: 6,446ha) Land Use Classification

10 13.05.2015 Page 10 Olaf Neussner Class Name Vulnerability (1m Flood, 2days) Value/hectar [Pesos] (2007 prices) HA Max. loss per Flood [Pesos] Closed Forest 0% 500,0001,252.250.00 Mangrove Forest 0% 250,0004.250.00 Shrubs 0% 5,000145.380.00 Barren Land 0% 023.490.00 Annual Crop 50% 30,5002,731.2741,651,868 Perennial Crop 20% 61,7001,874.0223,125,407 Pastures 0% 087.740.00 Inland Water 0% 0244.770.00 Settlements (Floor area) 5% 75,000,00082.80(9.1)(22,202,006) Floor area in other areas 5% 75,000,00059,022,200 Total6,445.97146,001,481 Loss Estimations (3.1 Mill. US$) There are scattered buildings in the non-settlement areas. They are accounted for in the last row.

11 13.05.2015 Page 11 Olaf Neussner Tropical Rainfall Monitoring Mission Data for Flood Forecasting Data every 3 hours in the internet


13 13.05.2015 Page 13 Olaf Neussner

14 13.05.2015 Page 14 Olaf Neussner Performance of LFEWS In Operation since 2 years. No false alarms. No missed Floods. 13 times activated. Majority of interviewees satisfied.

15 13.05.2015 Page 15 Olaf Neussner Next Steps Utilization of land use map for vulnerability assessment for different hazards Improve correlation of satellite-based precipitation data with ground data Use DEMs and other data for flood modelling Land use map/hazard maps for Disaster Risk Management sensitive spatial planning

16 13.05.2015 Page 16 Olaf Neussner THANK YOU This project is supported by: In cooperation with:

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