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Zavod za gozdove Slovenije Forests and Energy in Slovenia Case study – Municipality Vransko Živan Veselič, M.Sc. Slovenia Forest Service.

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Presentation on theme: "Zavod za gozdove Slovenije Forests and Energy in Slovenia Case study – Municipality Vransko Živan Veselič, M.Sc. Slovenia Forest Service."— Presentation transcript:

1 Zavod za gozdove Slovenije Forests and Energy in Slovenia Case study – Municipality Vransko Živan Veselič, M.Sc. Slovenia Forest Service

2 Zavod za gozdove Slovenije Positive effects of wood biomass on the economy The production and use of forest biomass have several positive effects on the economy:  Increasing of income,  Supplementary activities for farms,  Supplementary employment in rural regions,  Thinning contributes to the quality of stands,  Decreasing of CO 2 pollution.

3 Zavod za gozdove Slovenije Slovenian forests  The share of total area under forests 58 %  Total forest area 1.174.000 ha  The mean growing stock 262m 3 /ha  Coniferous : broad- leaves trees 47 (%) : 53 (%)  Main tree species: beech, spruce, oak, silver fir, pine Forest density

4 Zavod za gozdove Slovenije The contents of FAO TCP project 2003-2005 – about wood resources and wood consumption for energy  Wood energy maps,  Wood energy information system,  Socioeconomic aspects of wood energy,  Analysis of fuelwood market,  Extension on the field of wood energy  Dissemination of knowledge, strenghtening of public awareness

5 Zavod za gozdove Slovenije Analyses within WISDOM methodology  The supply module  Forests  Other lands  Industries (residues)  The demand module  Household sector  Other sectors  Integration module (balances)

6 Zavod za gozdove Slovenije The annual allowable cut of all non-timber assortments

7 Zavod za gozdove Slovenije The average fuelwood productivity of non-forest lands

8 Zavod za gozdove Slovenije Quantities of wood residues in wood processed industry (SFI 2004)

9 Zavod za gozdove Slovenije Fuelwood consumption by Slovenian households

10 Zavod za gozdove Slovenije Potential fuelwood production/consumption balance

11 Zavod za gozdove Slovenije The changes in forest area and growing stock (per hectar) for the last 50 years

12 Zavod za gozdove Slovenije The location of Municipality Vransko

13 Zavod za gozdove Slovenije The Municipality Vransko Total area: 5.311 ha Number of inhabitants: 2.500 Forest area: 3.522 ha Forest ownership: - Private forests: 94 % - State forests: 5 % - Municipality’s forests: 1 % Central heating station: 3,2 MW (for 120 (16 %) houses)

14 Zavod za gozdove Slovenije Wood resources in Municipality Vransko Forest area: 3.522 ha Protection forests: 60 ha Forest reserves: 4,9 ha Exploited forest area: 3.457 ha Mean growing stock: 299 m 3 /ha Mean wood increment: 7,0 m 3 /ha Annual incr. - forest: 24.640 m 3 Allowable cut - fuelwood: 9.720 m 3 Annual incr. - non-forest: 800 m 3 Annual product.- non-forest: 560 m 3 Household consumption: 3.750 m 3 Balance: + 6.530 m 3

15 Zavod za gozdove Slovenije Private forest owners  Private forest ownership  Farmers 19 % of private forest area  Non-farmers 81% of private forest area  Sawmill property  80 % of farmers have their own sawmills  20 % of non-farmers have their own sawmills  Forest owners associations 2 cooperatives, no other forest owners associations

16 Zavod za gozdove Slovenije Cooperation between forest owners, entrepreneurs and municipality  Investors of central heating station (CHS)  Municipality Vransko  Entrepreneurs  Households  120 users of energy of CHS  The majority of wood for energy comes from private forests

17 Zavod za gozdove Slovenije Growing stock and increment of forests Growing stockWood increment

18 Zavod za gozdove Slovenije Forest and non-forest wood resources Annual allowable cut Annual wood increment of non-forest areas

19 Zavod za gozdove Slovenije The household consumption and the balance between potencial production and household consumption The household consumption of fuelwood The balance - potencial production of non-timber assortments / the household consumption of fuelwood

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