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2 000 Extension Risk Management Education Conference St. Louis, Missouri Richard Owen Montana Grain Growers Association

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1 2 000 Extension Risk Management Education Conference St. Louis, Missouri Richard Owen Montana Grain Growers Association

2 Montana MarketManager ® Program Developed in late 1998 to improve producer marketing skills. Integrates use of leading-edge telecommunications. MISSION: To provide Montana grain and livestock producers with the tools and information necessary to maximize profits from the marketplace. Integrates Workshops/Seminars, Marketing Clubs and an online Market Information System (website) Recently expanded to include livestock information in all three program components

3 Montana MarketManager ® Program We are in the education and information business – not the advisory business

4 Why Montana MarketManager? Because our members told us this was what they wanted MGGA to do! Because it makes $ense! – Every one cent increase that Montana producers receive for their grain equals $1.7 million to the states economy.





9 MarketManager Goal How will we know when we are successful? When Montana grain producers consistently market their crop in the upper ½ of the market

10 Program Evaluation and Assessment Benchmark and measure educational progress of participants Benchmark and measure increased income from participation in the program

11 MarketManager Major Sponsors: MT Dept. of Ag. – (Growth Through Ag) Burlington Northern Santa Fe General Mills – Northwest Grain Division USDA - Rural Development Agency Burns Telecommunications Center, MSU Northwest Farm Credit Services USDA – Risk Management Agency US WEST Montana Stockgrowers Association

12 Advisory Committee Provides overall guidance and direction for the program Includes producers, extension (both specialists and county agents), grain and livestock industry reps, ag lenders, adult and distance education, agribusiness Meets on a regular basis in Great Falls and by conference call, e-mail

13 Program Elements Marketing Clubs Marketing Workshops MarketManager Online (Website)

14 Marketing Clubs Clubs provide a peer support group for learning about and practicing marketing decisions Over 40 clubs in place around MT – and growing MarketManager provides a network among clubs and leaders. Staff position assigned to clubs. Offers material, speakers, hands-on support Most clubs cover both livestock and grain markets

15 Marketing Clubs Encourage producers to be the club leaders Extension agents, as well as ag lenders, grain merchandisers, brokers, etc., play an important role as club facilitators Each club chooses their own facilitator(s)


17 Marketing Workshops Started out just grain – now includes livestock Fall and winter - nine grain workshops – 1039 attendees Total of 114 workshops in 22 locations Available to multiple Montana locations through interactive video Market situation update part of each workshop Speakers hosting online discussion forum All workshops videotaped Just completed first two livestock workshops – 14 locations

18 Marketing Workshops Nine grain workshops focused on specific topics: – Introduction to Price Risk Management – Cost of Production – Whole Farm Budgeting – Futures and Options – Understanding Grain Contracts – Role of Govt. in Marketing (LDP’s, Mktg Loan Gains) – Developing and Maintaining a Marketing Plan – Fundamental and Technical Analysis

19 Montana MarketManager Online ® ( Hub of the overall program Debuted in March 1999. Expanded to included livestock market information June 5, 2000 Provides Montana-specific market news, pricing information, market commentary, weather, educational information Full time Website Manager Portions of the website are subscriber only – Association membership is a prerequisite



22 Montana MarketManager Online ® ( Free 30 day trial for anyone Extension agents and agriculture teachers get substantial discount. Free subscription if they work with a marketing club.

23 Richard Owen Montana Grain Growers Association Phone: (406) 761-4596

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