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MVP House in Montana Energy Savings and Costs March 2 nd, 2009 Regional Technical Forum 1.

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Presentation on theme: "MVP House in Montana Energy Savings and Costs March 2 nd, 2009 Regional Technical Forum 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 MVP House in Montana Energy Savings and Costs March 2 nd, 2009 Regional Technical Forum 1

2 Previously Approved Specifications 2

3 Previously Approved Specifications (continued) Reminder: Specs were approved at the January 6, 2009 RTF meeting 3

4 Energy Savings Method and Assumptions Method: SEEM Runs SEEM Input Assumptions: 4

5 Dishwasher (31 kWh/year) – Baseline = 2010 Fed Min Std (355 kWh/yr; 6.5 gal/cycle)* – Upgrade = 2009 Energy STAR Std (324 kWh/yr; 5.8 gal/cycle)** – Included Water/Wastewater Plant Energy Savings DHW – Gross Savings modified by: Space Heat Interaction - based on foundation-type-specific heating system efficiency Space Cool Interaction based - on average estimated cooling efficiency Energy Savings Assumptions (cont) *6 th Plan assumes baseline is 348 kWh/yr, with a reverse engineered water use of 5.3 gal/cycle. ** Standard goes into effect August 11 th, 2009. 5

6 Cost Assumptions 6

7 Measure Life Inputs Shell and HVAC measure savings are combined, so used a “melded” value of 45 years. – Single family new construction shell measures are typically 70 years – HVAC measures are typically 20 years 7

8 Results 8

9 9

10 10

11 Results 11

12 El Fin Questions? Recommended Changes? RTF approval of energy savings and costs for MVP House in Montana? Next steps – BPA to review and approve savings and costs and decide willingness to pay – Add MVP House in MT measures to the PTR – (April): Review baseline for OR, WA, ID; then develop savings and costs. 12

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