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Mexican Agricultural Weather Monitoring from USDA’s Perspective Controlar el Tiempo Agrícola de México de la Perspectiva de USDA Nombre: Brad Rippey Ocupación:

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Presentation on theme: "Mexican Agricultural Weather Monitoring from USDA’s Perspective Controlar el Tiempo Agrícola de México de la Perspectiva de USDA Nombre: Brad Rippey Ocupación:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mexican Agricultural Weather Monitoring from USDA’s Perspective Controlar el Tiempo Agrícola de México de la Perspectiva de USDA Nombre: Brad Rippey Ocupación: Meteorólogo Agrícola Afiliación: (El Departamento de la Agricultura de los Estados Unidos) Washington, D.C., USA

2 Sample Products of the Joint Agricultural Weather Facility (U.S. Departments of Commerce and Agriculture) Los Productos de la Facilidad Agrícola de Tiempo de USDA y NWS

3 A Long History of Agricultural Weather Monitoring Excerpt from Weather, Crops, and Markets, May 6, 1922:

4 pubs/Other/MWCACP/index.htm

5 Mexican Summer Crop Calendars, By Month January July February August March September April October May November June December

6 Mexican Winter Crop Calendars, By Month January July---------- February August---------- March September---------- April October May November June December

7 Producción del Maíz Grano de México

8 Producción del Trigo (Otoño/Invierno) de México

9 Producción del Sorgo Grano de México

10 Producción de la Caña de Azúcar y del Café de México

11 Producción de las Naranjas y Verduras de México

12 Published in Weekly Weather and Crop Bulletin. Based on WMO station data.


14 U.S. – Mexico Gridded Precipitation Analysis The Climate Prediction Center (CPC) daily (1200 - 1200 UTC) rain gauge analysis contains information from over 8,000 stations across the U.S. and Mexico each day in near real-time (within 12 hours). The data base includes multiple sources of rain gauge data over the U.S.: “first order” World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Global Telecommunications System (GTS) sites; SHEF (Standard Hydrologic Exchange Format)-encoded precipitation reports from River Forecast Centers; the Hydrometeorological Automated Data System (HADS) dataset; and the SNOTEL [SNOwpack TELemetry] dataset. Mexico’s precipitation data is provided by the Mexican Weather Service (SMN) through a continuing long-term collaboration. Resolution: 0.25 degree x 0.25 degree

15 U.S. - Mexico 7-Day Rainfall (mm) Sep. 18-24, 2006 Gridded Precipitation Data from NWS/CPC realtime/GIS/USMEX/USMEX-precip.shtml

16 U.S. - Mexico 30-Day Rainfall (mm) Aug. 26 – Sep. 24, 2006 Gridded Precipitation Data from NWS/CPC realtime/GIS/USMEX/USMEX-precip.shtml

17 U.S. - Mexico 90-Day Rainfall (mm) Jun. 27 – Sep. 24, 2006 Gridded Precipitation Data from NWS/CPC realtime/GIS/USMEX/USMEX-precip.shtml

18 Advantages of an Enhanced Rainfall Dataset and GIS Technology We have a high-quality, dense Mexican dataset due to collaboration between the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the National Weather Service (NWS), and between the NWS and SMN. The use of a GIS allows us to take advantage of the Mexican dataset (example for corn shown on next nine PowerPoint slides).

19 Producción del Maíz Grano de México

20 Mexican Corn Production Mexico Corn Production by District 50,000 – 200,000 mT 200,000 – 500,000 mT SOURCE: SAGARPA JANFEB MARAPRMAYJUNJULAUGSEPOCTNOVDEC Corn crop calendar for most of Mexico PLANT HARVEST SILK Crop in northwestern Mexico harvested January to March World Agricultural Outlook Board Joint Agricultural Weather Facility 10,000 – 50,000 mT > 500,000 mT

21 Inset Mexico Corn Production by District 50,000 – 200,000 mT 200,000 – 500,000 mT SOURCE: SAGARPA 10,000 – 50,000 mT > 500,000 mT World Agricultural Outlook Board Joint Agricultural Weather Facility

22 World Agricultural Outlook Board Joint Agricultural Weather Facility Cumulative Rainfall (mm) July 30 – August 5, 2006 0-1 mm 1-10 mm 10-25 mm 25-50 mm 50-100 mm 100-200 mm 200-400 mm WMO Station analysis

23 Inset Cumulative Rainfall (mm) July 30 – August 5, 2006 0-1 mm 1-10 mm 10-25 mm 25-50 mm 50-100 mm 100-200 mm 200-400 mm Location of WMO Stations World Agricultural Outlook Board Joint Agricultural Weather Facility

24 World Agricultural Outlook Board Joint Agricultural Weather Facility Cumulative Rainfall (mm) July 30 – August 5, 2006 0-1 mm 1-10 mm 10-25 mm 25-50 mm 50-100 mm 100-200 mm 200-400 mm Rain Gauge Station analysis

25 Inset Cumulative Rainfall (mm) July 30 – August 5, 2006 0-1 mm 1-10 mm 10-25 mm 25-50 mm 50-100 mm 100-200 mm 200-400 mm Location of Rain Gauge Stations World Agricultural Outlook Board Joint Agricultural Weather Facility

26 Inset Cumulative Rainfall (mm) July 30 – August 5, 2006 0-1 mm 1-10 mm 10-25 mm 25-50 mm 50-100 mm 100-200 mm 200-400 mm Mexico Corn Production by District SOURCE: SAGARPA > 500,000 mT World Agricultural Outlook Board Joint Agricultural Weather Facility

27 Inset Cumulative Rainfall (mm) July 30 – August 5, 2006 0-1 mm 1-10 mm 10-25 mm 25-50 mm 50-100 mm 100-200 mm 200-400 mm Mexico Corn Production by District SOURCE: SAGARPA > 500,000 mT World Agricultural Outlook Board Joint Agricultural Weather Facility

28 NOROESTE CENTRAL NORTE 7,469.3 (22.1%) NORESTE CENTRO SUR Volumen Util Para Riego (Millónes de Metros Cúbicos) Participación Nacional (20 de Septiembre de 2006) Origen: Servicio de Información Estadística Agroalimentario y Pesquera (SIAP) World Agricultural Outlook Board Joint Agricultural Weather Facility 16,842.9 (49.8%) 3,794.9 (11.2%) 4,272.7 (12.6%) 1,434.3 (4.2%)

29 200620052004200320022001 Source: Mexico’s National Water Commission (SIAP) Northwest Mexico Reservoir Levels 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 10 Mayo24 Mayo 7 Junio 21 Junio 5 Julio 19 Julio 2 Agosto 16 Agosto30 Agosto 13 Sep.27 Sep. 11 Octubre25 Octubre Percent Capacity (%) World Agricultural Outlook Board Joint Agricultural Weather Facility 73.9% (20 Sep, 2006) Volumen del Agua en México del Noroeste Por Ciento de Capacidad

30 FALCON AMISTAD Source: International Boundary & Water Commission (IBWC) World Agricultural Outlook Board Joint Agricultural Weather Facility Volumen (Millónes de Metros Cúbicos)

31 Amistad-Falcon: Por Ciento de Capacidad Source: International Boundary & Water Commission (IBWC) World Agricultural Outlook Board Joint Agricultural Weather Facility

32 The End Questions? E-Mail: brippey@ El Fin ¿Preguntas? E-Mail: brippey@

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