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The Legislative Branch House of Representatives. Size The total number of seats in the House of Representatives shall be distributed among the states.

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Presentation on theme: "The Legislative Branch House of Representatives. Size The total number of seats in the House of Representatives shall be distributed among the states."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Legislative Branch House of Representatives

2 Size The total number of seats in the House of Representatives shall be distributed among the states based on each of their total populations -US Constitution Each state is guaranteed at least one seat (Alaska, Delaware, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota and Vermont each occupy only one seat)

3 House of Representatives Size How we determine the number of seats (population) for each state?

4 House of Representatives Size How we determine the number of seats (population) for each state? The Census taken every ten years

5 House of Representatives Section Vocab Apportion: Distribute Prorrateo: Distribuir Seats in the House of Representatives are apportioned based on each state’s population

6 House of Representatives Terms -Representatives serve two-year terms -House members can serve an unlimited number of two-year terms -The next election is always around the corner

7 House of Representatives Terms This keeps representatives attentive to the needs of his or her state

8 House of Representatives Section Vocab Reapportion: Redistribute Reasignacion: Redistribucion The House of Representatives reapportions its seats every 10 years based on census results

9 House of Representatives Section Vocab Reapportion: Redistribute Reasignacion: Redistribucion The House of Representatives reapportions its seats every 10 years based on census results

10 House of Representatives Reapportionment dilemma: Too many people! The original house had 65 seats By 1910 there were 435 seats Census of 1920- the house could no longer add seats and remain effective

11 House of Representatives Reapportionment dilemma: Too many people! Reapportionment Act of 1929 1.The permanent size of the house is 435 members 2.The census is to determine how seats will be reapportioned 3.The plan is proposed to Congress and, if not rejected within 60 days, it becomes effective

12 House of Representatives Congressional Elections Held on the same day in every state -Tuesday following the first Monday in November of each even numbered year Remember that, while the election is on an even numbered year, the term begins the following January, always on an odd numbered year

13 House of Representatives Section Vocab Off-year Elections: Elections that occur in non-presidential years Eleccion intermedia: Eleccion del Congreso que occure entre las elecciones presidentiales

14 Districts Questions/Keywords Notes Summary

15 House of Representatives Section Vocab Single-member Districts: voters in each district elect one of the State’s representatives from a field of candidates in that district Distrito de un solo miembro: Distrito electoral en donde los votantes eligen, en la papeleta electoral, una sola persona para cada cargo

16 House of Representatives Single-member districts 435 members of the House = 435 districts across the country 7 states with one seat/district 428 districts are divided among the other 428 states

17 House of Representatives Districts Decided by State Legislatures “Contiguous territory” it must be all one piece Each district must have as close to an equal number of inhabitants as possible Must be compact or comparatively small

18 House of Representatives Section Vocab At-large election: Election of an office holder by the voters of an entire unit (e.g. a state) rather than by districts Eleccion general: Eleccion de un funcionario publico por los votantes de una unidad gubernamental completa (por ejemplo, un estado o pais), en vez de por los votantes de un distrito o subdivision

19 House of Representatives At-large elections Was allowed as a way of voting for house members until 1842 -States were allowed to decide whether to elect members at-large or on a single-member district basis At-large elections proved unfair, parties could win all the seats in the house with a slight plurality of voters States with only one representative are said to have at-large elections

20 Districts Questions/Keywords Notes Summary

21 House of Representatives Section Vocab Gerrymandering: the drawing of electoral district lines to the advantage of the party or group Demarcacion arbitraria: Establecimiento de los limites de los distritos electorales de modo que den ventaja a un partido

22 Senate Size 100 members in the senate, 2 from each state Much smaller body than the House of Representatives

23 Senate Election Originally in the Constitution: Senate members elected by State legislatures 17 th Amendment: Senators are picked by voters during November elections The senate had twice defeated this house passed amendment prior to passing Why?

24 Senate Election Easier to gain/buy legislatures votes In the late 1800’s the senate was called the “Millionaires’ Club”

25 Senate Election Only one Senator is elected from a state during any given election Senators are elected at-large

26 Senate Term Six year terms May be re-elected an unlimited number of times Senators terms are staggered

27 Senate Section Vocab Continuous Body All of the seats of the Senate are never up for election at the same time Constituencies The people and interests the senators represent

28 Senate Constituencies The people and interests the senators represent Senators are supposed to be less concerned with a small group of peoples needs (districts) and more focused on the “big picture”

29 Senate Qualifications 1.Must be at least 30 years of age 2.Must be a citizen of th eU.S. for at least 9 years 3.Must be an inhabitant of the State from which he or she is elected

30 Senate 1.Smaller size 2.Longer terms 3.Higher qualifications - Framers thought the Senate would be more responsible and enlightened than the House

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