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Luchar (contra) (to fight against). abusar (el poder) (to abuse power)

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Presentation on theme: "Luchar (contra) (to fight against). abusar (el poder) (to abuse power)"— Presentation transcript:

1 luchar (contra) (to fight against)

2 abusar (el poder) (to abuse power)

3 aprobar una ley (to pass a law)

4 defender (e-ie) (to defend)

5 dedicarse a (to dedicate oneself to)

6 elegir (e-i) (to elect)

7 ganar (la elección) (to win) (the election)

8 gobernar (e-ie) (to govern)

9 perder (e-ie) (la elección) (to lose) (the election)

10 influir (to influence)

11 votar (to vote)

12 destrozar (to destroy)

13 huir (to flee)

14 castigar (to punish)

15 derogar (una ley) to abolish (a law)

16 secuestar (to kidnap)

17 llevar a cabo (to carry out)

18 mercer(se) (to deserve)

19 otorgar (to grant)

20 perdonar (to forgive)

21 presenciar (to witness)

22 requisar (to confiscate)

23 vengarse (to take revenge)

24 derrocar (to overthrow)

25 derrotar (to defeat)

26 ejercer (el poder) (to exert) (power)

27 encabezer (to lead)

28 fortalecer (to strenghten)

29 promulgar (una ley) (to enact) (a law)

30 tener derecho a… (to have the right to…)

31 juzgar (to judge)

32 encarcelar (to imprison)

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