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MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS THE MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM Bones and bone growth –Epiphyseal plates…bone growth occurs here and when these seal over, there.

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3 THE MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM Bones and bone growth –Epiphyseal plates…bone growth occurs here and when these seal over, there is no more growth –Ages 17-18 for males, about 2 years after menarche for females

4 DISORDERS OF BONE DEVELOPMENT Flat feet Bowlegs (Genu Varum) Knock knees (Genu Valgum) Toeing in Limps Growing pains

5 DISORDERS OF BONE DEVELOPMENT Osteogenesis imperfecta –Bones are easily broken –May be treated with growth hormone, calcitonin, biphosphonates Legg-Calve-Perthes disease –Avascular necrosis of the femoral head –More common in boys 4-9 –S/S…limp, possible refusal to walk, and pain. No fever, no obvious signs of inflammation –Treatment If over six…brace, if under six, observe

6 DISORDERS OF BONE DEVELOPMENT Osgood-Schlatter disease –Thickening and swelling of tibial tuberosity –Occurs in adolescence or preadolescence –Sports related –More common in males 10-13 –Treatment usually is limiting activity Slipped capital femoral epiphysis –Avascular necrosis may occur –Need early detection –More common in males and obese adolescents with sedentary lifestyle –S/S…onset of unilateral hip pain –May need surgery and pinning

7 INFECTIOUS AND INFLAMMATORY DISORDERS OF THE BONES AND JOINTS Osteomyelitis –Often caused by staph –Very common after stepping on a nail that goes through a tennis shoe –Very difficult to treat…IV antibiotics, maybe for 6 weeks. Bone cells have little capacity to replace bone destroyed by infection

8 DISORDER OF SKELETAL STRUCTURE Scoliosis: functional –Caused by unequal leg length or visual problems –Compensatory mechanism used by child Scoliosis: structural –Permanent curvature of spine –Peaks age 8-15 –More common in females –Assessment done during PE starting age 10 Look for… –Shoulder height –Shoulder prominence –Leg lengths –Rib prominence –Treatment is surgery for >40 degree curvature or a brace for >20

9 DISORDERS OF THE JOINTS AND TENDONS Juvenile Arthritis –Probably autoimmune –Subtypes pg. 1434 –S/S Persistent fever and rash Joint swelling –Treatment Exercise Heat Nutrition Meds –NSAIDS –DMARDS

10 DISORDERS OF THE SKELETAL MUSCLES Muscular Dystrophy –Duchenne’s is the most common form –Sex-linked recessive –Gower’s sign-pressing hand against ankles, knees, and thighs to rise to stand –Calf muscles are hypertrophied, shoulder muscles are weak –Death occurs around age 20 due to heart failure

11 Fractures –Break in the continuity of the bone –Common fractures in childhood Forearm Clavicle Femur Dislocation of Radial Head Salter-Harris –Fracture of the growth plate –Graded from I-V

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