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4/8/2014 Climate Change Informatics: Climate and Health Wiki Page Demo Sam, Trevor, Omar, Maura, Xiaotong.

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Presentation on theme: "4/8/2014 Climate Change Informatics: Climate and Health Wiki Page Demo Sam, Trevor, Omar, Maura, Xiaotong."— Presentation transcript:

1 4/8/2014 Climate Change Informatics: Climate and Health Wiki Page Demo Sam, Trevor, Omar, Maura, Xiaotong

2 Motivation Many climate data tools available o Well designed interfaces o Multiple variables and models o Provide access to datasets


4 Novice users need guidance o Terminology o Models o Metadata o Sources Motivation

5 Formative Study Studied existing data resources o Focus on technical solutions o Tools to smooth data format issues in workflow Interviewed CDC scientists o Focus on county level health officials Interview with BRACE grantee o Focus on documentation Interview with Michigan Department of community Health

6 Most feasible solution Other ideas faced technical barriers Documentation is urgent need Encourage connection with climate scientists Encourage collaboration Familiar interface Climate Data Wiki & Forum

7 Key Features, High Level Components Climate models: common models and their simulations Climate variables: plain-English descriptions of climate model variables Resources: a compilation of resources for climate data Glossary: translation of jargon encountered in climate data Forum: ask and answer questions regarding climate data and analyses

8 Value Proposition Who is the target market, and what is their motivation for using the system? o County level health officials  Have accessible, concise explanations of climate data to inform and defend decisions → context o Climate Scientists  Have an opportunity to explain their research findings, answer questions related to their data to a thoughtful audience making decisions based on their work o CDC  Provides a venue for facilitating discussion, potentially shifts burden of answering questions from staff members to an engaged usership

9 What does this all mean? Is it even available at my county level?








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