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ISEE: Internet-based Simulation for Earthquake Engineering Part (I): The Database Approach Yuan-Sen YANG, Shiang-Jung WANG, Kung-Juin WANG, Keh-Chyuan.

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Presentation on theme: "ISEE: Internet-based Simulation for Earthquake Engineering Part (I): The Database Approach Yuan-Sen YANG, Shiang-Jung WANG, Kung-Juin WANG, Keh-Chyuan."— Presentation transcript:

1 ISEE: Internet-based Simulation for Earthquake Engineering Part (I): The Database Approach Yuan-Sen YANG, Shiang-Jung WANG, Kung-Juin WANG, Keh-Chyuan TSAI and Shang-Hsien HSIEH Joint NCREE/JRC Workshop Int’l Collaboration on Earthquake Disaster mitigation Research, Nov. 17-18, 2003

2 Related Research Work Japan-Korea research –Networked real experiment in Japan (1998) –Networked simulated test in Korea (2000) –Networked simulated test between Japan and Korea (2001) –ED-net in E-Defense (Japan) (to be completed by 2005) NEES project in US –15 experiment sites with high performance Internet –To integrate experimentation, computation, theory, databases, and model-based simulation –To be completed by Sep., 2004.

3 Laboratories in Taiwan Present: –Earthquake engineering laboratories distribute in Taiwan –Laboratories have diverse characteristics Future challenge: –Collaborative experiments –Resource sharing NCREE NTU NTUST NCU NCHU NCKU NKFUST NCTU NCNU

4 ISEE Today Database Approach –Communicating by SQL commands Application Protocol Approach –Communicating by TCP/IP commands

5 Overview of Database Approach

6 Data Center –A Database server Microsoft SQL Server –A WWW interface Microsoft IIS –A C++ class to communicate with Data Center For the Facility Controllers and Analysis Engine to access data in the Data Center through Internet. Tested on MS Visual C++ 6.0

7 Analysis Engine –OpenSees a finite element program developed by PEER, USA ( ) –A user-defined element type With user-defined initial stiffness, damping, and mass matrices of the specimen. Communicates the experiment-analysis interaction data between OpenSees and Data Center

8 Facility Controllers Facility Controller –A C++ program accessing the Data Center and controlling the facilities Developed Facility Controllers –NCREE actuator controller MTS Flex Test IIm controller –NTU actuator controller MTS 407 controller Other Facility Controllers –Different controllers in different laboratories NCREE actuator controller

9 Three-Layer Concept Three-layer concept

10 Network Fault Tolerance

11 A BRB Frame Test (1/2) A steel Buckling-Restrained-Brace frame (BRB) BRB frame at NCREE Network configuration of BRB test

12 A BRB Frame Test (2/2) A substructure pseudo- dynamic test –Data Center: NCREE –Facility Controller: NCREE –Analysis Engine: Stanford Univ. –# of time steps: 2000 (10 sec.) –Total experiment time: 46 min 4 sec. (1.4 sec per time step) Nearly 70% for network and database Nearly 30% for facility controlling

13 DSCFT Experiment (1/2) Concrete infilled Double tube Bi-axial controlled DSCFT column Analysis model of a 4-pier bridge

14 DSCFT Experiment (2/2) At NCREE Lab. At NTU Lab.

15 RCS Frame Experiment The RCS experiment –A single-site experiment –Data sharing via WWW Real-time data plot Real-time video Network configuration of RCS test Real-time video image Real-time data plot (Available at

16 ISEE: Future Basic components

17 ISEE: Future Security Database Video stream Visualization Message board/ Messenger File transferring (Compound images)


19 International EE Network International Collaborations

20 Conclusions ISEE: A prototype of an Internet-based environment is developed for collaborative networked pseudo- dynamic tests. Reasonable elapsed time of networked pseudo- dynamic tests among laboratories at different locations. Several tests present the feasibility of transnational collaborative experiments. Future ISEE needs more efforts and cooperation.

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