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Open Source vs. Proprietary Software Andreas Sembrant Mahdad Davari Muneeb Khan Nikos Nikoleris.

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Presentation on theme: "Open Source vs. Proprietary Software Andreas Sembrant Mahdad Davari Muneeb Khan Nikos Nikoleris."— Presentation transcript:

1 Open Source vs. Proprietary Software Andreas Sembrant Mahdad Davari Muneeb Khan Nikos Nikoleris

2 Open Source vs. Proprietary Software Open Source: – The source code is kept open and free for all so that everyone can contribute and use – Development is done because programming is fun Proprietary Software: – Developed internally by a company – Based on a business plan

3 Open Source vs. Proprietary Software Stallman vs. Johnson (Andreas) Ethical Egoism (Mahdad) Utilitarianism (Muneeb)

4 Stallman vs. Johnson Better for society because: Less redundant work Higher productivity when users can directly contribute People will eventually learn to donate money Copyright/patents protect the financial investment of the developer The purpose of the patent system is not wrong Pirating software is stealing StallmanJohnson

5 Ethical Egoism Right action is the action that is most advantageous to oneself in the long run + Users provide free labor - Lose control of the development + I can “steal” other people software for free, and extend it. + Become rich + Maintain control - Do everything from scratch Open SourceProprietary Software

6 Utilitarianism Right action is the action that maximizes the overall happiness for all Free for users (+) Less redundant work (+) – Implement new features instead Difficult to use (-) Boring programming tasks are ignored (-) Economy/Startups (-) – Difficult to attract investors Can be expensive to use (-) Redundant work (-) – Better to invent new things than redoing old things Easier to use (+) – Developers are paid to also do boring tasks (e.g., write documentation) Economic prospects (+) – More jobs for society – Easier to attract investors Open SourceProprietary Software

7 Open Source vs. Proprietary Software Stallman vs. Johnson: Not clear Ethical Egoism: Not clear Utilitarianism: Not clear At the moment, the largest investment returns comes from proprietary software – but this trend is slowly shifting since more companies are providing open source software (e.g., google, android)

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