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Buddhism and Hinduism. Timeline Geography  Widely considered the world’s oldest religion.  Many people suggest that Hinduism is not a religion, much.

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Presentation on theme: "Buddhism and Hinduism. Timeline Geography  Widely considered the world’s oldest religion.  Many people suggest that Hinduism is not a religion, much."— Presentation transcript:

1 Buddhism and Hinduism

2 Timeline Geography  Widely considered the world’s oldest religion.  Many people suggest that Hinduism is not a religion, much like Christianity or Judaism, but more of a way of life.  Hinduism evolved around 1500 BCE

3 Hinduism Basic Tenants of Hinduism Universal Spirit or Brahman  Hindu thinkers came to believe that everything in the universe was part of the unchanging, all-powerful spiritual force called brahman.

4 Caste System Hinduism Notes Packet

5 Hinduism TTYN – complete the graphic organizer with important facts about Hinduism Sacred Texts Vedas and Upinshad s

6 Buddhism

7 Eightfold Path The Wheel of Life is one of the most important symbols of Buddhism, as it represents the endless cycle of life through reincarnation and because each of its eight spokes represents one of the teachings of the Eightfold Path. Buddhism 1.Know that suffering is caused by desire. 2.Be selfless and love all life. 3.Do not lie, or speak without cause. 4.Do not kill, steal, or commit other unrighteous acts. 5.Do not do things which promote evil. 6.Take effort to promote righteousness. 7.Be aware of your physical actions, state of mind, and emotions. 8.Learn to meditate.

8 1. “It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven or hell.” Buddhism Do Now and then “ Pair and Share ” In complete sentences, describe what Buddha might be suggesting with each of the following quite.

9 B-D-A Learning Activity

10 For the full version of this lesson, you must first purchase the activity.



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