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LSU HURRICANE CENTER Addressing Hurricanes and Other Hazards and Their Impacts On the Natural, Built and Human Environments Highway Design and Traffic.

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Presentation on theme: "LSU HURRICANE CENTER Addressing Hurricanes and Other Hazards and Their Impacts On the Natural, Built and Human Environments Highway Design and Traffic."— Presentation transcript:

1 LSU HURRICANE CENTER Addressing Hurricanes and Other Hazards and Their Impacts On the Natural, Built and Human Environments Highway Design and Traffic Control for Hurricane Evacuation Brian Wolshon Dept. of Civil and Env. Engineering Aspects of Current Design Plans

2 LSU HURRICANE CENTER Median cross-over Interchange ramp connections Initiation & Termination Designs The location and configuration of initiation points are based on local concerns and existing road network, geography, and terrain. Permanent split “Bleed-off” and merge Exit “normal” flow & x-over contraflow Exit contraflow and re-route Termination designs also vary. Although, typically, the goal is not to merge the traffic streams.

3 LSU HURRICANE CENTER New Orleans Contraflow Segments

4 New Orleans Evacuation Routes

5 New Orleans Contraflow Initiation Point Westbound I-10/Loyal Drive Interchange Median Crossover

6 Westbound I-10/I-55 Drive Interchange Median Crossover New Orleans Contraflow Termination Point


8 LSU HURRICANE CENTER Other Contraflow Initiation Points

9 Alabama DOT I-65 Initiation Point Variable Message Signs Temporary Signs and Barrels DOT personnel on site Quantity Summary

10 NCDOT I-40 Initiation Point Traffic Control Emergency Contact List DMS Messages Signal Settings Personnel Req’mts

11 LSU HURRICANE CENTER Other Contraflow Termination Points


13 Alabama DOT I-65 Termination Point “Normal” Traffic is Tapered to a Single Lane Contraflow Traffic is Split

14 NCDOT I-40 Termination Point Contraflow Traffic Exits

15 Note: 2-way crossover for contraflow re-entry

16 SCDOT I-26 Interchange Ramp Initiation Point

17 LSU HURRICANE CENTER Design Plans Features

18 Alabama DOT I-65 Typical Interchange All On-Ramps open for exiting Off-Ramp Reentry to Contraflow Lanes “Flip Down” Contraflow Guidance Signs

19 No Off-Ramp Reentry to Contraflow Lanes Georgia DOT I-16 Typical Interchange (without on-ramp exiting) On and Off-Ramps closed using Type III Barricades

20 No Off-Ramp Reentry to Contraflow Lanes With On-Ramp Exiting On and Off-Ramps Closed Using Water Filled Barricades

21 No On-Ramp Exiting or Off-Ramp Reentry from/to Contraflow Lanes Florida DOT I-4 Typical Interchange

22 TexDOT I-37 Reversal Plan Emergency Contact Lists Instruction List

23 Enforcement Configurations and Personnel Locations

24 TexDOT I-37 Emergency Vehicle Circulation Plan I-37 Corpus Christi to San Antonio Parallel and frontage roads are used for emergency vehicle circulation

25 LSU Campus Interstate 10 Traffic Recording Stations





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