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Hurricane Exercise Planning Review Texas 2008 Hurricane Exercise (HUREX 08)

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Presentation on theme: "Hurricane Exercise Planning Review Texas 2008 Hurricane Exercise (HUREX 08)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hurricane Exercise Planning Review Texas 2008 Hurricane Exercise (HUREX 08)

2 Agencies Involved SPONSOR: Governor’s Division of Emergency Management (GDEM) DELIVERY: Texas Engineering Extension Service (TEEX) National Emergency Response & Rescue Training Center (NERRTC)

3 Purpose  To review the concept and intent for HUREX  To obtain regional and jurisdictional input regarding their participation in HUREX  Confirm participating jurisdictions, agencies. organizations  Identify Focus Areas  Identify Full Scale elements  To provide the means for “Face to Face” communications between evacuating and sheltering areas

4 Purpose  HUREX 08 Planning Document  Provided to your Region’s POC  Provides structure for the planning process  Captures information required by NERRTC exercise personnel for the development of your jurisdiction (regional) HUREX 08 exercise

5 Topics Covered  HUREX 08 Review  Exercise Intent  Exercise Objectives  Exercise Concepts  Focus Areas  Milestones  Exercise Planning  Scheduled Events  Deliverables  Questions

6 Participating Jurisdictions  Evacuation Areas  Houston-Galveston Evacuation Area  Shelter Areas  Dallas/Fort Worth Area  Austin  Huntsville, Walker County

7 Exercise Intent To improve the ability of the State of Texas to respond to catastrophic hurricanes along the Gulf Coast.  Focus on special needs evacuation  Facilitate coordination between evacuating and sheltering jurisdictions  Validate the State’s 120-Hour Hurricane Response Matrix  Incorporate lessons learned from past hurricanes, recent experience with Dean, Felix & Humberto

8  Objective 1: Gain Situational Awareness  Event assessment  Establish ICS structure  Immediate protective measures  Other immediate threats and vulnerabilities  Objective 2: Coordinate Response  Communications interoperability  Effective command and control  Mutual aid agreements  Response asset visibility and time frames  Inform the public and media HUREX Objectives

9  Objective 3: Request Assistance  Regional Response Plans  Mutual Aid Agreements  State & Federal resources via the MACS & DDC  Validate the role of ARCC in hurricane response  Private and charitable organizations  Private Sector- fuel, food, water  Objective 4: Evacuation  Special Needs  Evacuation hubs  Traffic Management / Contraflow  Fuel / comfort stations  Alternative transportation means  Medical support  Search & Rescue HUREX Objectives

10  Objective 5: Sheltering  Special Needs  Reception Center (s)  Companion animals  Hub concept  Spontaneous shelters  Non-Hub sheltering locations  Objective 6: Continuity of Government  Restoration of Services  Security  Re-entry HUREX Objectives

11 Exercise Concept  Focus on “Decision Window”  H-120 to H-48  Decisions made here set the stage for success in “execution window”  “Execution Window”  H-72 to H-36  Actions here determine success  90 % of exercise will be in H-72 to H-36  10 % in H-36 to H-Hour  Focus on Special Needs  ID  Care during Evac  Evac  Shelter H-Hour = Arrival of 39 mph winds on the coast

12 Exercise Concept H-Hour = Arrival of 39 mph winds on the coast H–120H–72H–48H–36H Hour Decision Window Execution Window Contraflow Begins (+/-) and Keys to Success in Special Needs Evacuation

13 Exercise Concept H-Hour = Arrival of 39 mph winds on the coast H–72 H–48 H–36H Hour 90 % Pre-Contraflow 10 % Post Contra-flow Contraflow Begins (+/-) 90 % pre-Contraflow; 10 % post-Contraflow

14 Focus Areas  An issue, capability or required action that you may choose to emphasize or demonstrate during HUREX 2008.  May be exercised either as a full scale element or in the functional portion of the exercise.  The following slides list several Focus Areas identified by GDEM during past HUREXs from which you may choose as you shape the focus of your own exercise.  Provide your selections to NERRTC personnel during he planning meeting.

15 Milestones  Orientations ( December 11/18 2007 )  Planning Meeting ( January 15 2008 )  TTX ( February 26 2008 )  ROC Drill ( April 15-17 2008 )  Functional/Full Scale Exercise ( April 29-May 1 2008 )

16 Hurricane Exercise

17 Hurricane Exercise Planning Meeting Texas 2008 Hurricane Exercise (HUREX 08)

18 Functional/Full Scale Exercise Scope: a two day exercise focusing on special needs evacuation and sheltering with an AAR on the morning of the third day.  Who will participate?  What are the Focus Areas?  Where does the exercise fit into the 120-hr matrix?  Where?  Full scale?

19 Functional Exercise Who will participate in a functional role only?  Evacuation Area Jurisdictions  Shelter Area Jurisdictions  Additional Nodes? (MACCs, DDC, Agencies, etc…)

20 Full Scale Exercise Who will also conduct a FSE and what will it be?  Evacuation Area Jurisdictions  Shelter Area Jurisdictions

21 FE/FSE Focus Areas  Regional Evacuation focus areas?  Special Needs  Jurisdiction Evacuation focus areas?  Regional Shelter focus areas?  Jurisdiction Shelter focus areas?

22 FE/FSE Timeline Example H-120 H-96 H-72 H-48 H-24 H-Hr H+24 H+48 H+72 H-36 D2 8:00am 5:00pm Day OneDay 2 D1 9:00am 10:00am 5:00pm Exercise Time? Decision Points? 1.Gain Situational Awareness 2.Coordinate Response 3.Request assistance 4.Evacuation 5.Sheltering 6.Continuity of Government

23 FE/FSE Timeline  When do you want to start? End?  Which time periods should be emphasized? H-120 H-96 H-72 H-48 H-24 H-Hr H+24 H+48 H+72

24 Rehearsal Of Concept (ROC) The Texas Hurricane ROC Drill uses a computer-driven simulation to train participants in decision-making skills, incident management, staff responsibilities, and situational awareness associated with a catastrophic hurricane. The exercise focuses on the key decision-making requirements at the elected and senior appointed level and response functions within the Emergency Operations Center (EOC). Scope: The Texas Hurricane ROC Drill uses a computer-driven simulation to train participants in decision-making skills, incident management, staff responsibilities, and situational awareness associated with a catastrophic hurricane. The exercise focuses on the key decision-making requirements at the elected and senior appointed level and response functions within the Emergency Operations Center (EOC).

25 ROC Concept of Operations  Simulations will assist participants in establishing situational awareness  Timeline will be advanced in increments to meet objectives (i.e., H+120, H+72, etc…)  Simulations will be used as a tool to communicate between evacuating and sheltering jurisdictions

26 ROC Concept of Operations  Interaction between Evacuating and Sheltering jurisdictions  Exercise injects will come from role players and simulation

27 Facility Evacuating Jurisdictions Sheltering Jurisdictions

28 Simulation

29 Rehearsal Of Concept (ROC)  Which focus areas need to be included?  Attendees? Evac Area 32 DFW 9 Austin 4

30 Tabletop Exercise Scope: A one day exercise to address specific evacuation and sheltering focus areas.  Which focus areas should be included?  How would you like the breakout groups organized? (By Evac/Shelter, Mix, 1 Group)

31 Deliverables  Plans, documents, procedures, & guidelines  Means of communication in the Jurisdictions  Shelter Area Participants attending TTX must submit travel and lodging request no later than noon February 12 2008.  Participants attending ROC Drill must submit names to the EOTC by noon March 21 2008.

32 Hurricane Exercise Orientation ? Questions? Exercises Deliverables Travel/Lodging

33 Points of Contact (EOTC) National Emergency Response & Rescue Training Center (Texas A&M) Keith Stephens (979) 458-3446 Training Manager Jory Grassinger (979) 458-6853 Training specialist Daniel Demott(979) Instructor

34 Points of Contact DPS/Governor’s Division of Emergency Management (GDEM) Jack Colley Gary Weeks (Chief) (Supervisor Terrorism Preparedness) (512) 424-2443(512) 424-5347 National Emergency Response & Rescue Training Center (Texas A&M) Roger Sheridan (979) 458-7775 (979) 220-7652 & Jim Sachtleben (979)458-6853 (979) 324-2281 (cell)

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