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Visualizing Hurricanes A multimedia lesson about hurricanes, storm surge, and scientific visualizations from models

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Presentation on theme: "Visualizing Hurricanes A multimedia lesson about hurricanes, storm surge, and scientific visualizations from models"— Presentation transcript:

1 Visualizing Hurricanes A multimedia lesson about hurricanes, storm surge, and scientific visualizations from models

2 Scientific Visualization

3 Scientific Visualization The representation of data in a graphical and interactive way as a method of gaining understanding and insight into the data

4 Hurricane Katrina Visualization video?vid=katrina&title=Hurricane%20Katrina%20Model%20Forecast video?vid=katrina&title=Hurricane%20Katrina%20Model%20Forecast

5 A lesson plan focused on visualizations… Project for a NSF grant - NG Coastal Hazard Collaboratory

6 REAL Visualization Tool Rapid Estimates of Approaching Landfall

7 Hurricane Review

8 Storm Surge: The real killer during Hurricanes Storm Surge Animation

9 Storm Surge + Wave Setup WAVE SETUP: An increase in water elevation in addition to storm surge caused by the storm’s waves Image: C. Riley Sea Level Wave Setup Storm Surge Elevation above Sea Level Image: C. Riley

10 Wave Setup vs Wave Height

11 Storm Surge + Wave Setup + Tide While tide is not included in storm surge heights, astronomical tides can drastically effect how areas of coastlines are effected during a hurricane. STORM TIDE is the combined height of the storm surge and tide height. Image: C. Riley Sea Level Wave Setup Storm Surge Elevation above Sea Level Image: C. Riley Normal High Tide

12 Storm Surge vs. Inundation STORM SURGE: the increase in normal water elevation caused by the storm' s winds and pressure INUNDATION: the depth of water over what normally would be dry land, including tides, surge and wave setup Image: C. Riley Sea Level Wave Setup Storm Surge Elevation above Sea Level Image: C. Riley Normal High Tide Inundation

13 Inundation Math Total Possible Inundation = (Tide Level + Storm Surge + Wave Setup) – Elevation Sea Level Storm Surge Elevation Image: C. Riley Tide Level Wave Setup Inundation

14 Inundation Math: High Tide Total Possible Inundation for the House = (+2ft + 14ft + 6ft) – 12ft Total Possible Inundation = (Tide Level + Storm Surge + Wave Setup) – Elevation Sea Level Storm Surge = 14 ft Elevation = 12 ft Image: C. Riley High Tide = +2 ft Wave Setup = 6ft Inundation 10ft

15 Inundation Math: Low Tide Total Possible Inundation for the House = (-2ft + 14ft + 6ft) – 12ft Total Possible Inundation = (Tide Level + Storm Surge + Wave Setup) – Elevation Sea Level Storm Surge = 14 ft Low Tide = -2 ft Wave Setup = 6ft Inundation Image: C. Riley Elevation = 12 ft 6 ft

16 Inundation Math Total Possible Inundation for the House = (-2ft + 14ft + 2ft) – 12ft Total Possible Inundation = (Tide Level + Storm Surge + Wave Setup) – Elevation Sea Level Storm Surge = 14 ft Low Tide = -2 ft Wave Setup = 2ft Image: C. Riley Elevation = 12 ft 2 ft

17 REAL Visualization Tool Rapid Estimates of Approaching Landfall

18 Google Earth is our FRIEND! Zoom Bar (or you can double click a location) Click for street view Click to shift your view of the map (or click and drag) Compass Storm Surge Depth Key Layers: (Different things the map can show you) To turn on/off a layer, click on the box to the left of its name.





23 Visualizing Hurricanes: The Lesson Plan

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