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2008 Hurricane Season in Haiti Post Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) Damage, Losses and Needs Estimation.

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Presentation on theme: "2008 Hurricane Season in Haiti Post Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) Damage, Losses and Needs Estimation."— Presentation transcript:

1 2008 Hurricane Season in Haiti Post Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) Damage, Losses and Needs Estimation

2 Hurricanes in 2008

3 Flooded Areas in Gonaives Sep. ´08

4 Population Affected

5 Summary of Damage and Losses

6 Summary of Disaster Effects Million US$ Total Effects897 Damage476 Losses421

7 Relative Size of Disaster Magnitude of Disaster: damage and losses represent 14.6% of GDP A very significant event for the size of the Haitian economy Largest disaster in recent history

8 Summary of Damage and Losses SectorSubsector Disaster effects, million US$ DamageLossesTotal Social sectors 195.2628.72223.98 Education27.911.1429.05 Health9.945.1815.12 Housing157.4122.40179.81 Productive Sectors 105.96320.68426.64 Agriculture67.40130.50197.90 Industry17.5109.2126.7 Commerce18.161.379.4 Tourism2.9619.6822.64 Infrastructure 89.7872.05161.83 Water and Sanitation 13.16 6.3519.51 Electricity7.623.210.82 Transport and Communications69.0062.50131.50 Cross-Sectoral 84.940.0084.94 Environment84.940 Total 475.94421.45897.39

9 Distribution of Disaster Effects by Main Sectors First Indication of Post-Disaster Strategic Priorities

10 Distribution of Disaster Effects by Ownership Indication of where to concentrate recovery and reconstruction efforts

11 Negative Impact on Employment Income loss: Men24.6 million US$ Women 10.9 million US$

12 Loss of Employment by Sector

13 Impact on Gross Domestic Product 2004Hurricane2004Hurricane 2007Hurricane2007Hurricane 2008Hurricanes2008Hurricanes FoodCrisis

14 Estimation of Needs for Recovery and Reconstruction

15 Strategic Areas for Recovery and Reconstruction Area 1 Area 2 Area 3 Area 4 Food Security and Livelihood Recovery Basic Services and Connectivity Rehabilitation And Reconstruction Productive Sector Recovery Restoration of the Environment

16 Summary of Post-Disaster Needs SectorSubsector Recovery and Reconstruction Needs, million US$ Early RecoveryRecovery and ReconstructionTotal Food Security120.0072.50192.50 Agriculture75.0072.50147.50 Food Security45 45.00 Social Protection60.06152.04212.10 Education31.5524.9156.46 Health8.440.008.44 Water and Sanitation 11.30 9.5020.80 Shelter and Housing8.77117.63126.40 Watershed Management101.4058.21159.61 Environment101.4058.21159.61 Other Productive Sectors0.0053.40 Industry0.0017.70 Commerce031.631.60 Tourism04.14.10 Other Productive Sectors0.00120.60 Transport and Communications0.00107.00 Electricity013.613.60 Total 281.46456.75 738.21

17 Publication of the Final Report Establishment of the Haiti Recovery and Resilience Fund National Meeting on PRSP and related Recovery and Reconstruction International Donor Conference Way Forward


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