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BUILDING STRONG ® US Army Corps of Engineers BUILDING STRONG ® Support to Gulf Coast Recovery U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center Coastal.

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Presentation on theme: "BUILDING STRONG ® US Army Corps of Engineers BUILDING STRONG ® Support to Gulf Coast Recovery U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center Coastal."— Presentation transcript:

1 BUILDING STRONG ® US Army Corps of Engineers BUILDING STRONG ® Support to Gulf Coast Recovery U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory Mr. Bruce Ebersole

2 BUILDING STRONG ® Overview  Science and technology support to New Orleans District and Mississippi Valley Division ► Flood Risk Reduction in Louisiana ► Water and Sediment Diversions from the Mississippi River ► Oil Spill

3 BUILDING STRONG ® Estimation of Hurricane Surge and Wave Characteristics and Probability  Hurricane characteristics are highly variable - track, intensity, size, forward speed, far field wind speed decay  Hurricane intensity decay and filling with approach to the coast  Joint Probability Method – Optimal Sampling (JPM-OS)

4 BUILDING STRONG ® Coastal Storm Modeling System CSTORM-MS Wind and Atmospheric Pressure Forcing Storm Surge Model (ADCIRC) Wave Models (WAM and STWAVE) (PBL model or NOAA wind products) Coupling Sediment Transport and Beach/Barrier Island Change (C2SHORE)

5 BUILDING STRONG ® Storm Surge and Wave Information to Design the New Orleans Hurricane Storm Damage Reduction System

6 BUILDING STRONG ® Effects of the project itself on storm surge With Project Without Project Morganza-to-the-Gulf Hurricane Storm Damage Reduction Project

7 BUILDING STRONG ® Effects of Sea Level Rise on Storm Surge for Without-Project Conditions Sea Level Rise of 0.35 m Present Sea Level Morganza-to-the-Gulf Hurricane Storm Damage Reduction Project

8 BUILDING STRONG ® CSTORMS-MS Enables Systems Analysis of Barrier Island and Wetland Changes Chandeleur Islands shelter the nearshore marsh environments. Therefore, degraded Chandeleur Islands  degraded nearshore marsh Caernarvon Marsh Degraded: ~-0.6 m (NAVD88), Open water Biloxi Marsh Degraded: ~-0.6 m (NAVD88), Open water Barrier Islands Degraded to -3 m NAVD88, Open water Lake Borgne

9 BUILDING STRONG ® Changes to Storm Surge and Waves Degraded Barrier Islands + Wetlands Degraded minus Base Max surge differences (m) Max surge increased by 1-2 m and max waves increased by 1 m in Lake Borgne and over the nearshore marshes. This leads to increased risk of overtopping at the hurricane storm damage reduction system

10 BUILDING STRONG ® Design of New Orleans Hurricane Storm Damage Reduction System Features Seabrook Gate Surge Barrier and Gate Complex Western Closure Complex Pump Stations

11 BUILDING STRONG ® Computer Simulation of Currents Using the Adaptive AdH Model SeabrookGateComplex

12 BUILDING STRONG ® Laboratory Study of Navigability Through Western Closure Complex

13 BUILDING STRONG ® Ship-Tow Simulator Study of Navigability through the Seabrook Gate

14 BUILDING STRONG ® Effects of Proposed Structures on Transport of Larval Fish into Lake Pontchartrain 14 GIWW Sector Gate Bayou Bienvenue Structure MRGO Closure South of Bayou Bienvenue GIWW Barge Gate Existing Pipeline Canal Through…. Computer Simulation of Currents Rule-Based Particle Motions to Simulate Larval Fish Movement

15 BUILDING STRONG ® Simulation of Larval Fish Movement

16 BUILDING STRONG ® Mississippi River Diversions Bonnet Carre Spillway Davis Pond Caernarvon West Bay Engineering Measures to Promote Delivery of Water and Sediment into Wetlands Benefits to the Receiving Wetlands Effect on Dredging and Navigation

17 BUILDING STRONG ® West Bay and Vicinity Water and Sediment Fluxes Broadband ADCP with bottom- tracking and GPS P-61 sediment point sampler ► Multiple locations and depths along transects CTD Profiler for temperature and salinity Water samples and suspended sediment concentration analysis

18 BUILDING STRONG ® West Bay Southwest Pass Cubits Gap Grand Pass Baptiste Collette St. Philips Bend Pass a Loutre South Pass 8% 11% 10% 11% 6% 34% Water Delivery 100% of Belle Chase Q

19 BUILDING STRONG ® Adaptive Hydraulics (AdH) Computer Model of Mississippi River Delta Region (hydrodynamics, salinity, sediment transport)

20 BUILDING STRONG ® Simulation of Silt Delivery through West Bay Diversion and Delta Passes

21 BUILDING STRONG ® Deep Water Horizon Oil Spill Response  Permit Evaluations ► Jefferson Parish permit application for rock dikes in Barataria Bay passes ► State of Louisiana permit application for sand berm along Chandeleur barrier islands  Effect of increased Mississippi River discharge/Old River Control structure deviation on retarding oil movement into adjacent wetlands  Fast-track application of high-resolution ADCIRC and AdH computer models for the Gulf Coast Region using high performance computing assets

22 BUILDING STRONG ® No Dikes With Dikes Particle Tracking Analysis 5 Barataria Bay passes Spring Tide – maximum water excursions No-Wind Case Velocity are increased in the passes which increases scour potential

23 BUILDING STRONG ® Chandeleur Island Sand Berm Evaluation

24 BUILDING STRONG ® Questions?

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