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Overview of Animal Emergency Management Initiatives, Resources & Tools March 15, 2012.

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1 Overview of Animal Emergency Management Initiatives, Resources & Tools March 15, 2012

2  Hurricane Katrina Sea Change ◦ American public watched as people died ◦ PETS Act & PKEMRA amend Stafford Act to consider pets in emergency planning and response ◦ Watershed moment – expanded planning for needs of disaster survivors  National Response Framework (2008) ◦ Adds “safety and well-being of pets” to ESF 11 ◦ Pets mission - Collaboration between FEMA and USDA / APHIS / Animal Care


4  Primary Federal Partners ◦ FEMA  Statutory authority (Stafford Act)  Resources ◦ USDA / APHIS / Animal Care  Federal government’s “subject matter experts” on animal welfare  Staff of veterinarians, animal care inspectors  Regulate facilities covered under Animal Welfare Act (includes breeders, exhibitors, transporters, research facilities) ◦ HHS – Veterinary Resources (NVRT, VMRC, USPHS)

5  Collaboration in Preparedness ◦ National Alliance of State Animal & Agricultural Emergency Programs (NASAAEP)  Includes State level entities with authority, resources for animal response ◦ National Animal Rescue & Sheltering Coalition (NARSC)  Includes leading national NGOs with resources for animal response ◦ Federal Animal Emergency Management Working Group (FAEMWG)  Includes Federal agencies with authority and capabilities for animal response

6  Collaboration in Preparedness ◦ NASAAEP  Summit on Animal Emergency Management  Best Practice Resource Library  EMAC-able resources ◦ NARSC  “Surge” capability for response – MOU with one gets all  Training on operational aspects of animal response from national subject matter experts  Assistance with assessment, plan development  AVMA – Veterinary Medical Assistance Teams

7  NASAAEP Best Practice Working Groups ◦ Animal Search & Rescue ◦ Evacuation & Transportation ◦ Emergency Animal Sheltering ◦ Disaster Veterinary Care ◦ Animal Decontamination ◦ Planning & Resource Management ◦ Preparedness & Community Outreach ◦ Training  ZAHN Best Practice Working Group ◦ Zoological Best Practices in Emergency Mgmt

8  Collaboration in Preparedness ◦ NIMS Animal Emergency Response Working Group ◦ Interagency Board for Equipment Standardization & Interoperability  SEL/AEL ◦ On the horizon:  Standardized Reporting Template – Improved Situational Awareness  Review of FEMA Disaster Assistance Policy

9  Collaboration in Response ◦ Animal Multi-Agency Coordination System (MAC)  Provides coordination resources, where needed, to support animal response  Local  State EOC (or Ag EOC)  FEMA IMAT  RRCC, JFO  NRCC  Fully integrated with emergency management structure  Can be activated through ESF 6 or 11  Can be single resource or team

10  Collaboration in Response ◦ The many faces of Animal MAC – flexible, scalable  NLE 2011  Pets MAC Unit, RRCC support, SEOC support  Mississippi River Flooding (LA & MS)  NGO coordination with States  Joplin Tornado  FEMA IMAT  Missouri & Souris River Flooding  Technical Assistance for zoo evacuations  Hurricane Irene  Pets MAC Unit, NRCC support, FEMA IMAT


12  How to reach us ◦ Anne McCann   301.851.3752 ◦ Ty Vannieuwenhoven   202.205.5894

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