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IMHO Year in Review: 2013-14 Building Health Systems & Addressing Vital Humanitarian Needs Nanda Nanthakumar, PhD IMHO Board of Directors.

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Presentation on theme: "IMHO Year in Review: 2013-14 Building Health Systems & Addressing Vital Humanitarian Needs Nanda Nanthakumar, PhD IMHO Board of Directors."— Presentation transcript:

1 IMHO Year in Review: 2013-14 Building Health Systems & Addressing Vital Humanitarian Needs Nanda Nanthakumar, PhD IMHO Board of Directors

2 The Genesis of a Movement… 2003 The idea of IMHO is born 2004 First health care centers in Sri Lanka open 2005 Major tsunami relief efforts undertaken & volunteer teams descend 2009 IMHO launches major relief efforts in final stages of civil conflict 2014 11 years and $3.6M of relief & development assistance

3 Why do we do this work? Our collective motivation & vision for a better tomorrow Our shared humanitarian duty We are building more than just an organization Message of hope Thousands of lives have been positively impacted by our shared efforts

4 Persistent Challenges in Sri Lanka Livelihoods/Empowerment Hospital Development (strengthening systems & infrastructure) Water & Sanitation Mental Health & Neuro-Developmental Disorders Rehabilitation for Amputees Primary Care Non-communicable diseases care and management

5 Serving Resettled Communities

6 War, poverty, and natural disasters don’t discriminate…and neither do we IMHO has supported communities in need in 15 countries since our inception

7 Lives Forever Impacted A statistic is merely a number, but the measure of one life is unquantifiable

8 2012 Efforts & Financials EXPENSES Programs: $291,479 In-Kind Gifts: $71,050

9 2012 Geographic Focus

10 2013 Efforts & Financials EXPENSES Programs: $384,478

11 2013 Geographic Focus

12 Hurricane Sandy Relief (2012/2013): $5,000 Assisting residents of New York & New Jersey affected by Hurricane Sandy: $5,000

13 Ethiopia Deaf Education: $7,903 Deaf advocacy materials support Hiring a deaf teacher & deaf program coordinator in Bahir Dar

14 Ethiopia Service Trip 2-week service trip in August 2013 with 12 volunteers

15 Haiti Development Efforts: $3,890 Team volunteer visits to medical clinic Providing a regular breakfast to school children

16 Philippines Typhoon Relief: $5,000 For victims of Typhoon Haiyan

17 India Flood Relief: $2,500 For flood victims in Uttarakhand

18 Livelihoods Support: $22,601 Throughout NE Sri Lanka

19 Three-Wheeler Livelihoods Support for Paraplegics: $116,200 For benefit of paraplegics and their families throughout NE Sri Lanka

20 Children’s Education & Support: $29,559 Student hostel renovations Children’s home improvements & toilets Distribution of shoes and socks to hundreds of children Financial assistance to students in Kilinochchi Bicycles

21 Vocational Training Center: $25,388 For training of young adults in Batticaloa

22 Mental Health: $32,651 Facility renovations and improvements at National Institute of Mental Health Multi-disciplinary mental health team in Tellipalai Ongoing support for facilities and services at Kalmunai Rehab Unit Initial autism project support

23 Handicap Toilets: $10,575 Constructing specially accessible toilets for the benefit of disabled persons and their families

24 Amputee Rehab & Support: $19,380 Physiotherapy Wheelchairs and mobility devices Support for key local partners committed to serving these vulnerable persons

25 Mobile Clinics: $9,491 Ongoing support for mobile clinics in Moolai and Sandilipay

26 Hospital Development: $84,068 Batticaloa Teaching Hospital Jaffna Teaching Hospital Kalmunai Base Hospital Kurunegala Teaching Hospital

27 Batticaloa Hospital Development: $15,750 Motorcycles for community services transportation

28 Kurunegala Hospital Development: $5,000 Renovation of women’s orthopedic ward

29 Jaffna Hospital Development: $49,137 Ongoing Diabetic Center Support & Development Equipment Patient Services Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) Staff Salaries Dental Care

30 Kalmunai Hospital Development: $14,181 Mental Health Rehab Unit, staff salaries, capacity- building, etc.

31 Next Steps: We Need Your Support! 1.Continued support for paraplegics through three- wheeler livelihoods support program 2.Establish a Center for Neurological Disorders (including autism and spectrum related disorders) 3.Provide a bus to provide regular transportation for patients in/around Jaffna to cancer center in Tellipalai 4.Provide ultrasound scanners for screening/treating obstetric patients in Vanni & Jaffna 5.Continued support for livelihoods development efforts

32 “The highest prayer in this world is service, the greatest devotion is loving the people around us: and the noblest character trait is divine compassion for all living creatures.” ~Swami Chinmayananda 32

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